I want to repost something because I think it has related important issues faced by some people that post here. I'm sorry about this article not being readable by all.
Part of the discussion went like this:
People presenting as male without further explanation or evidence may very well be pregnant. Sensible policy that should be followed everywhere.
[name deleted]
bro, to avoid this ridiculous and irritating “guidance” it would have been safe to assume that a bloke that went through all the thinking, pondering, learning, hesitating, etc… of undergoing whatever medical wizardry needed to “be pregnant” would surely be aware that they shouldn’t expose the “baby” to xrays, as well as alcohol, nicotine, most medecines, etc etc.
Why always back insanity just because there’s a woke tag attached to it?
The rest of the world is laughing at us “westerners”.
Not at all safe to assume that someone born a woman who has gone through no medical wizardry but has come to think of themself as male and dresses accordingly and speaks in their lowest register and identifies themself as male might nonetheless have had a sexual encounter that has left them pregnant.
Perhaps they are in denial or maybe they just don’t think they need to discuss with someone taking an xray of a possibly broken armbone this very personal, perhaps disturbing reality with which they are dealing.
Who gives a shit whether there are people in the world who are still mired in a cruel past that denies the reality of anything other than cisgender status. The woke tag is these days more typically used as a sneering insult by those who would not grant others the right to create a life that is emotionally correct and satisfying for themselves. The only insanity is expecting others to conform to outdated norms regardless of the emotional trauma that may impose.
#cisgender #gender #transgender #discrimination #cruelty #LGBTQ+ #woke #politics