

The Cuck Obsession Has Cucked Our Brains

Whether it's jokes about Jeff Bezos and his fiancé or the endless “masculinity” memes, we've endured the cucking discourse for far too long.

For the last several years, to be a cuck has had little to do with your sexual proclivities or those of your partner. It has instead been a sort of energy: Being cucked is about being spiritually and philosophically submissive, resigning your values to some dominating ideological or cultural force, and telling yourself you like it. The threat of being cucked no longer comes down to whether your wife would cheat on you—now, the risk of anyone being cucked is near-constant. And as these recent weeks have made clear, we can’t get that idea off our minds.

Last week, the cuck conversation took two forms. The first was through a viral illustration of a line of naked men all waiting to have sex with a single woman. Among all these naked men is one man in a suit, holding a bouquet of flowers. It circulated via a masculinity and dating-centric Twitter account with over 200,000 followers called “The Man Maker,” who shared the image saying, “Ignoring her past will ruin your future.” Just two days later, the account posted it again, edited so that the line appears to extend into infinity, the woman at the end no longer even visible. “You can’t keep a woman who belongs to the streets,” the caption said. “I didn’t make these rules, nature did.” ...

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#cuck #cucking #masculinity #vice #vicenews


Meat as #manliness. We explore the origins of “soy boy” and the rise of internet sensation #LiverKing (aka Brian Johnson) who looks like a cartoon caveman on steroids and calls himself a lifestyle coach, CEO, and “primal” — all while owning a mansion, a fleet of vehicles, an array of guns and even a private jet. Behind his carefully crafted social #media shenanigans, of course, Liver King owns a dozen companies selling a vast array of supplements to his followers.
Manclan is a new #podcast series by Annie Kelly and Julian Feeld exploring the digital world of #masculinity influencers, esoteric manliness rituals, and alpha men. Covering everything from pick up artists to weightlifters, from #NewAge #health perverts to #neo-fascist|s, it’ll also be touching on the pre-internet #history of masculinity and men’s movements.

https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/qaa-presents-manclan-e1-liver-king-vs-the-soy-boys #rightwing #sexism #religion


Why do evangelicals love Herschel Walker (and Trump)?

We really shouldn’t be surprised by this anymore. Every time we see “family values conservatives” rally around a candidate who makes a mockery of family values it can feel jarring, but of course, this is nothing new. ~ Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of NYT bestseller Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation

#Evangelical #Christian #family #values #support #HerschelWalker #Trump #toxic #USA #masculinity



Are you the giant for someone to stand on? That is what a mentor does. To mentor, a teen helps that teen know what is expected from them in life. You are able to pour your values into a life. Your masculine actions are transmitted to teens wanting to know what a man is supposed to be like.

Being a mentor allows you to touch a life and when you add that teen to your band of brothers the reinforcement you give to that child will spread to others.

#tuesdaythoughts #masculinity #mentoring