

I'd say the German text is better, because it is more clear, and leaves away religious implications, but nevertheless I think this is very important! Please sign and share:

The WHO will decide for YOU, if we don’t ACT NOW! - Pandemic Treaty drawing near!

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CitizenGO started this petition toThe Esteemed President and Delegates of the 8th INB Session - 02/05/2024

CitizenGO internal sources from the UN just dropped a bombshell on us:

The globalists and radical left controlling the World Health Organization are plotting a so-called 'marathon' - a two-week stretch in Geneva come this February 19th.

What's the game plan? To ram through and secure critical sections of the Pandemic Treaty to ensure it is ratified in May 2024 before anyone finds out the truth of their power grab.

We're against the clock.

Globalists seek to become the global health authority before "the next pandemic strikes."

But we know that this isn't about health - it's about who holds the reins of power in times of crisis.

During the Covid-19, our basic freedoms were put on hold out of fear. Lockdowns, passports, and forced vaccinations were imposed, and anyone who resisted faced major rights restrictions.

The globalist elites have recognized the immense control they can gain over a terrified population, and they want to ensure that power with the Pandemic Treaty.

If ratified, this treaty isn't just a piece of paper – it's legally binding and could irreversibly change the face of global health governance.

These are, in a nutshell, some powers the World Health Organization seeks to seize, demanding billions of Euros to fund their corruption and power grabs:

  • Enhanced control over countries, doctors, hospitals, and other groups impacting their decision-making about health.
  • Authority to make global health decisions, reducing each country's sovereignty and your right to decide on health decisions (even vaccines) for yourself and your loved ones.
  • Ability to declare a pandemic, which could drastically affect our lives and economies, as globalists seize the power to control travel, communication, religious gatherings and even work.
  • Treaty measures to combat so-called misinformation that will limit our free speech and give atheist globalists the power to say what is true and what is not true.



#covid #pandemic #health #health-politics #politics #who #covid19 #covid-19 #pandemic-treaty #pandemictreaty #petition #citizengo #vaccine #humanrights #human-rights #demokracy #medicine #freedom-of-speech #freedomofspeech


🌎🌍🌏 - #Países com 115 #Mortos por #Covid19 em 08/02/24, Quinta -
🇧🇷 27 Brasil = Média de Mortes/dia na semana anterior. Em que posição estaria? -
🇩🇪 98 Alemanha ⚠️
🇺🇲 11 EUA ⚠️
🇵🇱 3 Polônia
🇮🇳 1 Índia
🇨🇿 1 Czechia
🇧🇬 1 Bulgária
RT Worldometers -


🌎🌍🌏 - #Países com 9.327 #Casos de #Covid19 em 08/02/24, Quinta -
🇧🇷 5.164 Brasil = Média de casos/dia na semana anterior. Em que posição estaria? -
🇺🇲 5.556 EUA ⚠️
🇩🇪 1.485 Alemanha ⚠️
🇦🇺 1.392 Austrália
🇵🇱 326 Polônia
🇮🇳 211 Índia
🇱🇹 127 Lituânia
🇨🇿 96 Czechia
🇧🇬 50 Bulgária
🇳🇴 35 Noruega
🇦🇫 28 Afeganistão
RT Worldometers -


Milhares de #Idosos ainda morrem de #Covid19 [nos 🇺🇲 #EUA]. Não nos importamos mais? - [em inglês] -
Thousands of seniors are still dying of Covid-19. Do we not care anymore? -
https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/08/health/aging-discrimation-kff-partner-wellness -
Via CNN -
Só na última semana de 2023 e nas primeiras duas semanas de 2024, 4.810 pessoas com 65 anos ou mais perderam a vida devido à Covid – um grupo que lotaria mais de 10 grandes aviões – de acordo com dados fornecidos pelo CDC. Mas o alarme que acompanharia os acidentes de avião está notavelmente ausente. (Durante o mesmo período, a gripe matou mais 1.201 idosos e o RSV matou 126.) -


🌎🌍🌏 - #Países com 29 #Mortos por #Covid19 em 05/02/24, Segunda -
🇧🇷 30 Brasil = Média de Mortes/dia na semana anterior. Em que posição estaria? -
🇨🇦 23 Canadá ⚠️
🇺🇲 2 EUA ⚠️
🇨🇿 2 Czechia
🇱🇹 2 Lituânia
RT Worldometers -


🌎🌍🌏 - #Países com 5.970 #Casos de #Covid19 em 05/02/24, Segunda -
🇧🇷 4.976 Brasil = Média de casos/dia na semana anterior. Em que posição estaria? -
🇺🇲 3.822 EUA ⚠️
🇦🇺 1.154 Austrália ⚠️
🇨🇦 665 Canadá
🇮🇳 122 Índia
🇧🇩 51 Bangladesh
🇲🇲 43 Mianmar
🇱🇹 36 Lituânia
🇵🇱 22 Polônia
🇧🇬 19 Bulgária
🇨🇿 17 Czechia
RT Worldometers -


❕ L'Italie introduit une interdiction sur la viande artificielle de #BillGatesCorporation

La base de la production de #viande artificielle est constituée de cellules souches provenant des mêmes #vaches ou #porcs réels. #Gates affirme que les vaches sont la principale source de CO2 et que nous devons arrêter de les élever et, bien sûr, passer à la viande-artificielle. Il a déjà mené une expérience avec des #vaccins contre le #COVID19, puis un grand nombre de personnes âgées sont mortes en #Italie (en pourcentage, le plus important au monde). Et comme on le voit, les Italiens ne l’ont pas oublié.

Pourquoi les Italiens ont-ils introduit cette interdiction ? Des études ont montré que cette viande agit comme un déclencheur de #cancer.



🌎🌍🌏 - #Países com 19 #Mortos por #Covid19 em 04/02/24, Domingo -
🇧🇷 30 Brasil = Média de Mortes/dia na semana anterior. Em que posição estaria? -
🇹🇭 8 Tailândia ⚠️
🇮🇳 3 Índia ⚠️
🇬🇹 3 Guatemala
🇺🇲 2 EUA
🇨🇿 2 Czechia
🇦🇫 1 Afeganistão
RT Worldometers -


🌎🌍🌏 - #Países com 6.871 #Casos de #Covid19 em 04/02/24, Domingo -
🇧🇷 4.976 Brasil = Média de casos/dia na semana anterior. Em que posição estaria? -
🇺🇲 4.120 EUA ⚠️
🇬🇹 1.014 Guatemala ⚠️
🇹🇭 715 Tailândia
🇦🇺 423 Austrália
🇮🇳 347 Índia
🇦🇫 80 Afeganistão
🇲🇰 43 Macedônia N
🇧🇩 39 Bangladesh
🇵🇱 26 Polônia
🇱🇹 19 Lituânia
RT Worldometers -


🌎🌍🌏 - #Países com 58 #Mortos por #Covid19 em 03/02/24, Sábado -
🇧🇷 30 Brasil = Média de Mortes/dia na semana anterior. Em que posição estaria? -
🇩🇪 38 Alemanha ⚠️
🇺🇲 18 EUA
🇵🇱 1 Polônia
🇧🇬 1 Bulgária
RT Worldometers -