


Attestupa returns once again with near two hundreds new dark and triggering #memes to fuel your despair and fill your soul with rage in case you forgot to be depressed in this mad world.

kill youself.
kill a CEO.

Notable change of this release is a brand new song made by my beloved friend known as Merle Bardenoir. Thanks to his brilliant work, the anxiety will hurt you so bad you may need to be hospitalized.

Enjoy Attestupa there.

#meme #attestupa #netart #curation #uselessweb #webart #art #music #musique

@Merle Bardenoir @Fennec des Sables


Diaspora Post Curation?

Does anyone have procedures or suggestions on doing this?

Back at Ello I created a post that I would edit to add notable posts to it as a sort of "profile index". It didn't contain everything I'd written, but did include many of the highlights. (I started another page as a "Wiki", though that's not nearly as developed.) Both pages are otherwise simply normal post pages on the site. That approach fails on Diaspora as posts cannot be re-edited. I'd thought of starting a thread and adding items onto that but ... the approach doesn't particularly appeal.

The one exception is the profile page, which can be re-edited, and over the past couple of hours I've been going through my 2021 and 2020 posts to grab highlights and add those there, hoping to dig further into my unsavory past for more with time. It looks horrible in the wide-screen view where the bio gets compressed into a skinny column, but on a desktop system if you make your browser window narrow enough, that spreads out over the top of the screen which is ... tolerable. Mobile users probably haet haet haet me (with good cause) but the tablet view is also ... bearable.

@Ferdi Zebua is the one person I know who's attempted anything remotely similar in terms of post organisation, though on Ello only so far as I'm aware.

On Mastodon, I use the pinned toots to create something of an extended bio (though I've not maintained that rigorously either).

The other (and more tractable) option is to create an archive elsewhere (still working on that). A Reddit post or Wiki page would do in a pinch, in a bit of cross-system abuse. At least the Markdown is accessible for transfer elsewhere.

For those wondering why: I reference my own writing frequently enough that having some tractable way of referencing it online is useful. For systems lacking search (as with Diaspora), that means curating links.

If there are any other Diaspora / organisational nuts who've tried something similar I'd be open to methods.

#diaspora #tips #help #curation #blog #wiki #index #PostIndex