

#CosmicTrip - La #musique Ă  la #conquĂȘte de l' #espace | #ARTE

De #SunRa Ă  #DaftPunk, en passant par #PinkFloyd et #DavidBowie, l’ #odyssĂ©e littĂ©ralement inouĂŻe des #musiciens qui ont fait dĂ©coller la #pop vers des dimensions #galactiques et #futuristes. Une tĂ©lĂ©portation joyeuse et riche en archives.

Le #cosmos, c'est le monde du silence absolu, le vide #intersidĂ©ral. Pourtant, depuis toujours ou presque, des musiciens lui ont fantasmĂ© une #bande-son. Au XXe siĂšcle, en parallĂšle de la conquĂȘte spatiale, des #artistes souvent #iconoclastes, des #inventeurs fous et des #visionnaires assoiffĂ©s d' #Ă©vasion entreprennent leurs propres #quĂȘtes #musico-stellaires : #LĂ©onTheremin, Sun Ra, Pink Floyd, David #Bowie, #Funkadelic, #KlausSchulze, Daft Punk et beaucoup d'autres. À la #recherche de nouvelles #esthĂ©tiques, comme le #psychĂ©dĂ©lisme, ils veulent s’affranchir des pesanteurs terrestres pour exorciser la rĂ©alitĂ©, programme plus #politique qu’il n’y paraĂźt. Pourquoi des #musiciens noirs des dĂ©cennies 1950 et 1960, ou #allemands des #seventies, dĂ©sirent-ils tant se projeter dans l' #espace ?

#Galaxies #soniques

EmbarquĂ© dans un #vaisseau digne de #StarTrek, le #spectateur traverse les #Ă©poques et les galaxies musicales Ă  la rencontre de #crĂ©ateurs #poĂ©tiques et de leurs #sons inouĂŻs, de #PierreSchaeffer Ă  #Kraftwerk, de Can aux #SilverApples. PonctuĂ© par les #analyses de #musicologues et d' #artistes ( Jean-Michel #Jarre, #Stereolab, #Jean-BenoĂźtDunckel, du groupe Air, #TimBlake de #Hawkwind), le #voyage rĂ©pertorie aussi les #rĂ©volutions #technologiques qui ont portĂ© la #space #music, l’ #afrofuturisme, le #krautrock, l’ #ambient... Dans ce #documentaire #ludique et (trĂšs) haut en couleur, Christophe Conte et GaĂ«tan Chataigner (ancien des Little Rabbits) retracent par le biais d'archives stupĂ©fiantes et parfois drolatiques un pan mĂ©connu de la pop #culture, qui aura irriguĂ© tous les genres, des #musiques #expĂ©rimentales au #disco en passant par le #dub, le #rap et la #techno.



#PublicImageLtd will compete to represent #Ireland at #Eurovision #2023
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They will perform previously unheard song Hawaii on The Late Late Show from 9.30pm on 3rd February 2023 It will be live streamed via RTE
Public Image Ltd. ( #PiL) are confirmed to take part in the competition to represent Ireland at the 67th annual Eurovision Song Contest with the most personal piece of songwriting and accompanying artwork that John Lydon has ever shared called Hawaii, which is now available for streaming and download here.

The song is a love letter to John’s wife of nearly 5 decades, Nora, who is living with Alzheimer’s. A pensive, personal yet universal love song that will resonate with many, the song sees John reflecting on their lifetime well spent and in particular one of their happiest moments together in Hawaii.

The powerfully emotional ballad is as close as John will ever come to bearing his soul. “It is dedicated to everyone going through tough times on the journey of life, with the person they care for the most,” John says. “It’s also a message of hope that ultimately love conquers all.”
The competition will take place from 9.30pm on 3rd February 2023 on Ireland’s The Late Late Show and can be live streamed here.
Celebrating their 40-year anniversary in 2018, Public Image Ltd. haven’t been going quite as long as John and Nora, however, the band is widely regarded as one of the most innovative and influential bands of all time.
PiL’s music and vision has earned them 5 UK Top 20 singles and 5 UK Top 20 albums. With a shifting line-up and unique sound – fusing rock, dance, folk, pop and dub – Lydon guided the band from their debut album First Issue in 1978 through to 1992’s That What Is Not, before a 17 year hiatus. Lydon reactivated PiL in 2009, touring extensively worldwide and releasing two critically acclaimed albums This is PiL in 2012 followed by their 10th studio album What The World Needs Now
 in 2015, which peaked at number 29 in the official UK album charts and picked up fantastic acclaim from both press and public. (The album also peaked at number 3 in the official UK indie charts and number 4 in the official UK vinyl charts). What The World Needs Now
 was self-funded by PiL and released on their own label ‘PiL Official’ via Cargo UK Distribution.
John Lydon, Lu Edmonds, Scott Firth and Bruce Smith continue as PiL. They are the longest stable line-up in the band’s history and continue to challenge and thrive.
Hawaii is available on all digital platforms from 9th January and will be released on limited edition 7″ vinyl later in the year.

PiL will be releasing a new album this year. Details to be announced soon


#JahWobble - #MetalBox (Rebuilt in #Dub) #FullAlbum 2021

he only wanted to be loved !