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Andrea is a great fan of Dallas Tamaira,better knownas Joe Dukie,the vocalist for the New Zealand group Fat Freddy's Drop.
So I dared to join her for the outdoor concert Fat Freddy's Drop gave in Linz yesterday, I think it was the first concert of such kind of music in more than 7 yeRs,,, only after 1.5h I had to sit down because I got dizzy. A young security guy offered me a chair but, wanted to leave after 1,5h,,, can't take the loudness no more although, compared to the Troggs or Kionks 1965 in Vienna it was "silent" music :D

#FFD #FatFreddysDrop #reggae #dub #music #Andrea #ya


Saturday June 20 was a double #wedding celebration. Katharina et moi had married in Switzerland exactly 40 years ago.
You can imagine how pleased I was when she came that day especially to give me this red #rose.
We kinda celebrate it every year although we divorced in Zurich after 10 years of marriage. And now there is a better understanding and great respect than when we were together plus, #Andrea and #Katharina grew really good friends, they do a lot together... gives me deep #joy!


hm... recently Andrea et moi visited one of the most beautiful and remote places in the Muehlviertel...
the tree without leaves is a very old cherry tree, diameter of the trunk is about 1.3m/3.9in... a huge branch has fallen off...

the farmhouse further down has no electricity and telephone cables... Markus produces electricity with a diesel engine.

#ya #andrea #austria #nature #beauty


as me's at Andrea's, who just went for an e-bike ride, grows tomatoes in 3 pots although, there is a fourth one, later given to her by a farmer's lady but, it won't bear fruit no more. there is some sheep's wool on the earth to keep it humid. we already had some really red ones, and they taste delicious!

this morning at 6am I sat there with me espresso'n fag and looked at the bigger ones and thought that they are beautiful and therefore worth taking a pic...
btw, took the pics with Andrea's Olympus mju 9010, which shoots better photos than my Nikon Coolpix S6500

#Andrea #tomatoes #plant #fruits #ya #photography


Hello and good morning y'all !
From Friday July 1 till 14 Andrea et moi will stay in the same "Knusperhäuschen" we've been the years before. Katharina and Peter from Steinmühle will join us and, we are looking forward to this extremely quiet place high above Altaussee... the view above is direction east, you see the Trisselwand.

#Altaussee #vaccation #Andrea #ya #photography


Tomorrow we celebrate the 80th birthday of Andrea's father. He turned 80 last Monday.
As I am not a friend of such celebrations, some 50 people will come together, and as I can talk with just 2 of them, I won't stay long.
But, I found a wonderful poem for him. Rainer Maria Rilke wrote it September 20,1899, in Berlin-Schmargendorf

Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen

Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen,
die sich über die Dinge ziehn.
Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen,
aber versuchen will ich ihn.

Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm,
und ich kreise jahrtausendelang;
und ich weiß noch nicht: bin ich ein Falke, ein Sturm
oder ein großer Gesang.

I live my life in growing rings

I live my life in growing rings,
that stretch over things.
I may not accomplish the last one,
but I will try.

I circle around God, around the ancient tower,
and I circle for millennia;
and I don't know yet: am I a hawk, a storm
or a great song.

#RainerMariaRilke #poem #Andrea #father #birthday