

Unpopular opinion : Dune part 3 will be nothing but misery porn and not worth bothering with. I liked the Paul-as-basically-a-hero vibe of the first book much more.

I know, I know, shoot me now.

Nevertheless, this detailed breakdown of the sandworm-riding scene is well worth watching. Turns out that Abu Dhabi had the wrong kind of dunes so they build their own.




Dune de Frank Herbert | ARTE Book Club | ARTE - YouTube

#culture #littérature #dune #franckherbert #roman #sciencefiction #documentaire

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Just saw #Dune Part Two. Good film, with the feel of grandeur to the scenes.

Spoiler though: Paul and Jessica are meant to have spent years with the Fremen and yet Jessica remains pregnant throughout the movie, right up to the events at the end of the first book.


"DUNE 2 release is less than TWO WEEKS!!! Robot Lady and Wonka fall in love. Then Elvis tries to fk it all up while his bad dad floats in a pool of pond scum. The WWE dude from Guardians gets super pissed while Midsommar hottie puts the eyes on Wonka Obi Wan just after his Mom gets caught taking LSD in a sandy bathroom. Chigurh still doesn’t like the guy from The Goonies."
- Josh Brolin


