

Added contact methods and other improvements

I added a simple and unobstructive contact form and a chat to #SSF! Wordpress to enhance the contact methods palette for visitors. Domain was renewed and an ok mobile menu was set up for the mobile visitors of the #SSF! wiki.

Tidio.com for hassle-free chat for Wordpress

After looking at bunch of chat solutions for #SSF! Tidio.com was the top in free tier adequacy (and existence of) and how highly it was rated and promoted by happy users and it was a breeze to setup. The same chat can also be accessed at Ban Covert Modeling! #BCM!, which is still a possible vector against the sound-like-anyone-machines, as there is no reason to let criminals trade in libraries of covert voice models

Now added a contact form and a chat powered by tidio

WPForms.com and hCaptcha

For the contact form I used WPForms.com which I have found to be a versatile, free of charge and reliable way of doing contact forms. For the CAPTCHA I chose to go with hCaptcha.com and followed this HOWTO by WPForms.com.

I have used Google reCAPTCHA previously to protect contact forms, but the WPForms people were giving a nudge to use services of some other company and not always just Google, Google, Google, Google…

Finally a proper mobile menu for #SSF! wiki mobile visitors

As of 2021-01 the mobile menu of the MediaWiki extension MobileFrontend requires a bit of creative hacking. The issue is known to the MediaWiki developers. Automatic inclusion of the MediaWiki:Sidebar was not deemed a wise route of action by the MediaWiki developers, due to space restrictions. With this instruction / example I was able to make the mobile visitors have a suitable navigation available for them by editing MediaWiki:Mobile.js. You can toggle between the mobile mode and desktop mode by clicking the link at the bottom of each wiki page.

The new mobile menu for mobile visitors of the <a class=#SSF! wiki">

Domain renewed till 2022

Recently a the domain name of #SSF! was renewed in good time until 2022. Could consider bumping the registration to 2028, also there the 15th is a Saturday.

#chat #contactform #extensions #hcaptcha #mediawiki #mobilefrontend #mobilemenu #tidio #webmaster #wordpress #wpforms

Originally posted at: https://stop-synthetic-filth.org/wp/2021/01/added-contact-methods-and-other-improvements/


Tabbed browsing as a band-aid over poor UI, and the Tabs Outliner Extension for Chrome*

I posted a long rant on a number of browser frustrations yesterday over at the dreddit, result of which is I may have found a solution to many frustrations (below). The rant: http://redd.it/256lxu

Among the topics explored:

  • There are emerging roles for the browser which likely should be split: a documents management and reading client, an applications platform, a commerce client, and (mostly addressed through existing tools) multimedia access. As is often the case (and has happened with browsers already), I suspect that the new paradigm may emerge not by evolution of existing tools but by the emergence of new ones.

  • Tabbed browsing is a crutch used to provide for state management which fails miserably due to the memory overhead of keeping tabs actively open in memory, as well as failing to provide sufficient context.

  • The joys of Readability (or similar site simplification tools). The very sorry state of Web styling: more often than not, site styling is a net detriment to readability and utility, not a benefit.

  • A slew of other feature requests.

From a related discussion on Hacker News I was pointed at something which, on an hours or so's use, looks like it may actually address numerous of my concerns: Chrome's Tab Outliner Extension

I'm still evaluating it, and it's not quite the solution I was looking for, but this could well be the most revolutionary change to browsing I've seen since tabs first appeared (Firefox's Vimperator being the other contestant).

#browser #extensions #productivity #dreddit #chrome #firefox #readability


Brave new #Internet :-...

#Adware vendors buy #Chrome #Extensions to send ad- and #malware-filled updates

source: http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/01/malware-vendors-buy-chrome-extensions-to-send-adware-filled-updates/

The #reality, though, is that while it's extremely easy for a novice user to install an extension, it's nearly impossible for them to diagnose and remove an extension that has turned sour, and Chrome Sync will make sure that extension hangs around on all their devices for a long time.

#fail #advertisement #economy #finance #money #web #www #ITNews #Security