

We are an ecological, living, cultural hub of “intangible heritage” supporting the interconnectivity of projects for the protection and regeneration of biodiversity, as well as the rich ancient knowledge and customs of our Ancestors. We celebrate all in whomever they choose to be in their expression of integrity and grá. We are here to remind people of their innate power within; that abundance is a natural state and not a far-off reward. The Council is also a welcoming waterhole for newcomers into the old ways of this island, both from home or from afar, facilitating access to curated resources of high quality to involve themselves in Irish culture, history, language and on-going projects. We aim at gathering the best skills and minds in the Land and facilitate spaces and resources for them to empower each other; working together with the unanimous agreement of providing only the highest standard of quality to their work as well as to their word.

#fairy council of #Ireland



Pour la récente sortie de la compilation Magick, Music and Ritual 17 organisée par The Hermetic Library, j’ai réalisé l’adaptation musicale d’un sortilège gallois du 14e siècle. Il s’agit d’une invocation en latin demandant à Gwyn ap Nudd, le roi des fées, le droit d’entrer dans son domaine. Bonne écoute !

For the recent release of the compilation Magick, Music and Ritual 17 organised by The Hermetic Library, I made a musical adaptation of a 14th century Welsh spell. It is an invocation in Latin asking Gwyn ap Nudd, the king of the fairies, for the right to enter his domain. Have a good listen!

#musolepsie #art #musique #music #folklore #fairy #witchcraft #paganism #ambient #wales


Une #fée pour un #troll

Dédié à @alaincognito@diaspora-fr.org (J'avais promis de te dédicacé mon prochain nu, souviens-toi !)
(Même si techniquement le dessin que tu m'avais emprunté était plus celui d'une sorte de #korrigan)

C'est un dessin d'imagination sans référence. D'où son aspect brouillon, inexact et inachevé.

Et va pas rameuter l'ogresse mangeuse de bonhommes, cette fois-ci !

A vos commentaires (mais attention, pas de conneries : la chasse aux trolls est ouverte !)

#fée #fairy #nu #nude #troll #trologie #trollectomie #fairy #sketch #crobar #fairysketch #fée-crobar #féérie #croquis #portrait #femme #gribouillage #dessin #art #amateur #mywork #d3 #enjomineur