Surprise! Not. And what is his 'counsel' smoking? No evidence? There is an avalanche of evidence.
#fake-president #fake-regime #LIAR
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Americans are quietly being assigned scores, similar to the way the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) runs its Social Credit System. The system is working through private businesses and banks, and rather than use a CCP standard of adherence to the ruling regime, is instead based on the social justice standards under environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Already, purchasing a gun, alcohol, or other items can affect your personal ESG score. And the scores allegedly also take into account which vendors you choose to buy products from.
#fascism #fake-regime #fake-president
Talk about the fix is in; or are there just that many stupid people there?
#fake-president #fake-votes?
Wish we had a real President that understood basic economics. Maybe he is just trying to put grocers out of business?
#fake-regime #fake-president
"Lawfare and prosecution - and character assassination."
#political-games #fake-regime #fake-president
Nothing suspicious about this, of course not! (sarcasm). Want to bet some of the evidence against Fani got wiped, oops!
#fake-regime #fake-president #crooked-politicians
Typical; they want to make it impossible for most people to afford it; and if they can afford it, the politicians get the bucks again, greedy creeps.
#fake-regime #fake-president #greedy-politicians #anti-American
It appears the globalist agenda is ready to abandon Biden.
#nojustice #fake-regime #fake-president #NWO
How does Mexico's president get to demand anything? If our worthless government would shut down the border, he would be left with all the illegals stuck in his country. This is outrageous.
"Sides with Biden against Texas."
#illegal-invasion #fake-regime #fake-president #destroying-America
What a multi-taskers our fake president and the fake regime are! With the country falling apart all around ythem, they have time for this petty slap!
#fake-regime #fake-president #clownworld