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Americans are quietly being assigned scores, similar to the way the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) runs its Social Credit System. The system is working through private businesses and banks, and rather than use a CCP standard of adherence to the ruling regime, is instead based on the social justice standards under environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Already, purchasing a gun, alcohol, or other items can affect your personal ESG score. And the scores allegedly also take into account which vendors you choose to buy products from.
#fascism #fake-regime #fake-president


So, the US gives the UN millions, then they use it to interfere in our politics? The corruption is getting complicated.
A United Nations foundation formed to support global U.N. initiatives has allegedly been funding Democrat state government offices across the United States. In some cases, the organization has been paying the full salaries of some government officials. The finding is raising concerns over the independence of officials who have received the money, and to what extent the funding has influenced their policies—especially on climate initiatives pushed by the foundation.
#corruption #fake-regime #GetTheUNOut


I saw a piece about Mike Pence back when he was Vice President, and when asked about compromising situations, he said that he never had a meeting alone with a woman that wasn't his wife. If that is true, that is smart.
#corruption-rampant #fake-regime #compromised-politicians
Blackmail is allegedly a serious problem in Washington, and elected officials are being baited into compromising situations that are then used to influence them. This is according to claims coming out of Washington. These claims also echo concerns raised over the use of honey traps by regimes like the CCP, and from others.


Why do all of these bogus lawsuits get to go on and on? Their attack on this man is such an obvious ploy to derail his candidacy that is it ludicrous. Whatever people think of him, this is a huge miscarriage of justice that should not be tolerated. It should not be allowed to happen to anyone.
#fake-regime #nojustice #kangaroocourts
Former President Donald Trump is preparing to traverse a rocky campaign trail in February and March as he juggles multiple court battles and relatively untested legal questions that could impact the 2024 race.

Although he’s already won the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary by double-digit margins, several primaries await President Trump in February and March against his only remaining competitor, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Her home state of South Carolina is holding its primary—often viewed as a bellwether—on Feb. 24 with more than 20 primaries and caucuses occurring in the following weeks. But before Ms. Haley and President Trump duke it out on Super Tuesday on March 4, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments over whether President Trump is even allowed to compete.