#Bottoms: One of the best #teen movies of recent years.
source: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/814776-bottoms
The idiot crowd on the internet would call this #movie #woke. The movie is about strong women who don't start out as high-flyers but go through a character development from the very bottom. The two friends in the movie are lesbians and think that if they start a self-defense club at their school they can finally have body contact with potential partners. As crazy as the idea is, it will still be realized. Ultimately, you can create something good even with the wrong intentions. The right mix of #humor and #action with still unknown actors is impressive.
The only #criticism I would like to make is that in the end the impression is created that problems can be solved with #violence and that everyone at the school thinks this is okay.
#Teenager #school #education #entertainment #fightclub #cinema #teeny #highschool #friendship #youth #football #cheerleader #love