

LocalSend and SnapDrop can be used for universal AirDrop instead of pushing to Apple

White screen with title 'click to send files or right-click to send a message' and three blue icons with names such as Purple Rodent and Orange Pidgeon, as options. At the bottom is a blue Wi-Fi type icon with the label, You are known as Purple Salamander.
Firstly, Airdop only works to other Apple devices, but there is a lot more to the world than just Apple devices! These open source (private and secure despite what Apple claims) apps will do universal file transfer between Apple, Linux, Windows, Android, etc devices.

They work on the same LAN so keep the traffic local. Snapdrop can even be self-hosted by you. Pairdrop (also .net address) is a fork of Snapdrop that offers a few extra bells and whistles like permanently pairing your devices (also Syncthing is better for this) as well as a temporary public room.

See https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/03/the-two-apps-i-use-when-i-need-airdrop-on-non-apple-devices/
#Blog, #alternativeto, #filetransfer, #opensource, #technology


LocalSend – Video about Open Source Cross-Platform App that Securely Transfers Files and Text on Local Network

I did a post about this app a few days ago, but decided to follow it up with this video after a few questions came in.

LocalSend can securely send files, text, media, and Android app APKs quickly over a local network between Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux devices. An individual text message will be able to be copied straight to the clipboard on the receiving device. Optionally, media such as photos or videos can also be copied straight to a mobile device’s photo gallery.

LocalSend uses a secure communication protocol that allows devices to communicate with each other using a REST API. All data is sent securely over HTTPS, and the TLS/SSL certificate is generated on the fly on each device, ensuring maximum security.

Apart from being encrypted via SSL, the traffic does not leave your local network, and no external 3rd party services such as GDrive, DropBox or PushBullet are used. There are no adverts or trackers either.

See https://youtu.be/QzoJipWkU4M
#Blog, #crossplatform, #filetransfer, #localsend, #opensource, #technology


Send Files Securely Over The Local Network With Open Source Cross-Platform LocalSend App As An Alternative to AirDrop

LocalSend is a free and open source, cross-platform alternative to AirDrop for sending files securely over the local network. The Flutter app runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android / Android TV, iOS, and Fire TV / OS.

The application doesn’t use any third-party servers and doesn’t require an Internet connection to work. For communication in the local network, it makes use of its custom LocalSend Protocol and HTTPS encryption. The data is sent securely over HTTPS, and the TLS/SSL certificate is generated on the fly on each device.

From Android, I see I can send files, media, text, and even app APKs to my Linux machine. It works pretty quickly and easily and does away with 3rd party cloud based transfers. It does not mirror screens or notifications, though.

See https://www.linuxuprising.com/2023/03/send-files-securely-over-local-network.html
#Blog, #filetransfer, #localsend, #opensource, #security, #technology


Every now and then I find myself in the position that I need to transfer some files from some servers root account to some other computer (might be mine or another server).

What is the fastest and easiest way to do this?

Assuming I connected from my account "ben" to the remote account "unprivilegeduser" did then "sudo su" or "su root" or whatever and want to transfer the remote file "/root/dump.tar" to my local user "ben" to the folder "/home/ben"?

#Linux #Rsync #ssh #filetransfer #admin