

LocalSend – Video about Open Source Cross-Platform App that Securely Transfers Files and Text on Local Network

I did a post about this app a few days ago, but decided to follow it up with this video after a few questions came in.

LocalSend can securely send files, text, media, and Android app APKs quickly over a local network between Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux devices. An individual text message will be able to be copied straight to the clipboard on the receiving device. Optionally, media such as photos or videos can also be copied straight to a mobile device’s photo gallery.

LocalSend uses a secure communication protocol that allows devices to communicate with each other using a REST API. All data is sent securely over HTTPS, and the TLS/SSL certificate is generated on the fly on each device, ensuring maximum security.

Apart from being encrypted via SSL, the traffic does not leave your local network, and no external 3rd party services such as GDrive, DropBox or PushBullet are used. There are no adverts or trackers either.

See https://youtu.be/QzoJipWkU4M
#Blog, #crossplatform, #filetransfer, #localsend, #opensource, #technology


Logseq: A Free and Open-Source App to Create Notes, Manage Tasks, Build Knowledge Graph, and More

Logseq is a versatile knowledge platform with the support for Markdown and Org-mode. You can create tasks, manage notes, and do a lot more things with them. It also has the ability to install various 3rd party plugins from its marketplace.

I like the cross-platform functionality, as well as its compatibility with using an open standard like Markdown. The knowledge graph is also quite unique amongst basic note editors. It did open and edit all my existing QOwnNotes notes, but on the whole I still prefer to use QOwnNotes because it has more menu options for text formatting and marking code snippets.

See https://itsfoss.com/logseq/

#technology #opensource #crossplatform #notes #tasks
#Blog, ##crossplatform, ##notes, ##opensource, ##tasks, ##technology


FLOSS alternatives to Visual Basic – Notable that many non-Windows specific apps run across Windows, Linux and macOS

Visual Basic is a fully proprietary software programming platform, that means, the language, the IDE, the resulting programs, and the OS where it can run, are all proprietary. This makes programs created with VB proprietary, and can only run on Windows.

This is a list of free/libre open source software (FLOSS) alternatives to Visual Basic (part of Microsoft Visual Studio) computer programming platform. If your school is still teaching VB 6, or if you now use Ubuntu for programming classroom, we strongly suggest you to switch to either one of these alternatives. With these, one can create computer programs visually by drag and drop as well as coding just like what one can do with VB.

I’m a big fan of open source software, but along with that, also cross-platform applications as they do not lock you into one OS or a single vendor. This just keeps all your options open, maximises competition (innovation), and covers the broadest possible potential user base.

See https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2022/01/alternatives-to-visual-basic.html

#technology #opensource #alternativeto #programming #crossplatform
#Blog, ##alternativeto, ##crossplatform, ##opensource, ##programming, ##technology


#Quasar #vuejs #openSource #crossPlatform #web #desktop #mobile
#Telefaza #تلفزة
هو تطبيق مفتوح المصدر و متعدد المنصات, مبني باستخدام Quasar Framework و هو من تطوير الأخ محسن ابوتاج.
يتيح لك مشاهدة اي قناة تلفاز تريدها فقط من خلال جهازك و يجمع لك اغلب القنوات التي تريدها في مكان واحد دون الحاجة للبحث عن كل واحدة بشكل منفصل
النسخة الحالية تتوفر على 8372 قناة منها قنوات عربية (متل الاولى المغربية, mbc, ناسيونال جيوغرافيك, الجزيرة ...) و أخرى عالمية, و هي مرتبة للاقسام, كما يمكنك البحث عن القناة باسمها و تحديد قائمة المفضلة...
المشروع ما زال في نسخة alpha لكنه يعمل بشكل جيد
متوفر حاليا للأندرويد و غنو/لينكس بصيغة #appimage
Demo: https://telefaza.netlify.app/
Github repo: https://github.com/mohssineAboutaj/telefaza

#gnutux #linux #لينكس #iptv


A Beginner's Guide To Free and Open Source GIMP For Windows, macOS and Linux - Watching A Few Videos Really Gets You Going More Easily

One of the most popular pieces of free and open source software is Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program). It is the free and open source alternative to things like Adobe Photoshop. It is very powerful, but many find the interface a bit confusing. Obviously, "practice makes it easier" but it is well worth watching a few videos to understand the interface and what sort of effects and techniques can be applied.

I've been using Kdenlive to do all my video editing and quick titling, but I can see I can certainly improve the titling by rather using a dedicated image editor.

Watch A Beginner's Guide To Gimp

#technology #GIMP #opensource #alternativeto #crossplatform


One of the most popular pieces of free and open source software is Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program). It is the free and open source alternative to things like Adobe Photoshop. I've used Gimp fo...



OpenRGB · Adam Honse@GitLab

Open source RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software. For Windows, Linux, MacOS.

ASUS, ASRock, Corsair, G.Skill, Gigabyte, HyperX, MSI, Razer, ThermalTake, and more supported

See the Wiki for this project for information.


#Open-source #Opensource #RGB #Windows #Linux #MacOS #ASUS #ASRock #Corsai #Gigabyte #HyperX #MSI #Razer #ThermalTake #CrossPlatform ##Cross-Platform #GitLab


Free and Open Source Video Editor Kdenlive v21.04 Released with Automatic Speech-to-Text, Typewriter Animation Effects and Other Improvements

The free and open-source non-linear video editor Kdenlive (KDE Non-Linear Video Editor) brings speech to text, Interface, and usability improvements, new effects, and more with this major release.

A new speech-to-text feature allows you to automatically transcribe any audio to text via the Vosk speech recognition toolkit. This engine supports 17 different languages and dialects today. Note though you must adjust the timeline zone, the blue line above the timelines, to indicate what portion to generate text for otherwise nothing happens (like happened to me).

The typewriter effect is introduced with three animation modes (by character, word, line). Another one I really liked but may get annoying for viewers of your video ;-)

See Kdenlive 21.04 Release - New Feature Highlights and Download Details

#technology #opensource #videoeditor #kdenlive #crossplatform


Kdenlive 21.04 release brings major updates and new features. We take a look at those and give you download details. The free and open-source non-linear video editor Kdenlive (KDE Non-Linear Video Editor) brings speech to text, Interface, and usability improvements, new effects, and more with this major release. Kdenlive is a popular and simple non-linear



Barrier is a free and open source alternative to Synergy for sharing a keyboard and mouse cross-platform

Yes I did post about this application a good two years back, but it is well worth repeating. Yes you could run VNC or similar remote manager, but that is often a lot of overhead as it's also replicating the display.

I use Barrier when I want to do something on my Macbook Air and the Macbook is connected to one of my desktop screens, and I can then use my mouse and keyboard that I'm using on my main Linux desktop machine, with the advantage of clipboard copy-and-paste between the two as well. This will work just as well with a dedicated Raspberry Pi that you just attach to one of your screens. It works across Windows, Linux (inc Pi), FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and MacOS.

Synergy went paid model only and Barrier was forked from it, so it is fully open source and free to use.

See Barrier Is the new Free and Open Source Synergy - share keyboard and mouse cross-platform - NEXTOFWINDOWS.COM

#technology #opensource #barrier #KVMswitch #crossplatform


With COVID and the new work from home norm, your home office setup is going to trumps everything else. For those of us that have multiple devices to work
