

#FLOSSWEEKLY jumped the shark by giving a platform to the pervert #BillGates who is implicated in massive scandals as though that has something to do with FOSS. This foundation actively attacks Free software all around the world, mostly with bribes that impose Microsoft on populations. https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/655


FLOSS Weekly 650

Decentralizing Social Networks


Can social media be decentralized? James Vasile of Open Tech Strategies and DSNP is working on several projects at once toward that goal. Vasile touches on these goals and much more including the fediverse, palgorithms (personal algorithms), advantages and limits of clouds and blockchains. It's a fascinating, wide-ranging discussion with Doc Searls and Jonathan Bennett of FLOSS Weekly.

#freesoftware #podcast #FLOSSWeekly #SocialNetworks