

Digitally Imported (DI.FM) - Electronic Pioneers
#Ambient #Electronica #ElectronicMusic #Pioneers #DigitallyImported #FM #MusicStreaming

Do you like bands and musicians such as Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Pete Namlook, Jean-Michel Jarre, Steve Roach, Kraftwerk, Software and many others? If so, di.fm's Electronic Pioneers channel is for you! If you listen to it with an ad blocker such as uBlock Origin installed, you'll never hear a commercial; even with a free account! However, subscribing will allow you to stream in higher quality.

I love listening to the Electronic Pioneers channel when I'm on my computer or doing other things around the house. Then, if I'm reading, I'll listen to more laid back channels such as Ambient and Space Dreams. They're less intrusive and actually help me focus when I'm reading.

I quite like most of Tangerine Dream's material. Same with Klaus Schulze and Steve Roach. Kraftwerk, though they were quite influential in their day, is hit and miss for me. I tend to like their purely instrumental tracks better. However, there are a couple of tracks with vocals that I don't mind. That channel also plays Wendy Carlos's covers of classical music. I enjoy that stuff too.

Which electronic bands/musicians are your favorite?


Melodic #Techno #live #performance, #Yamaha #rm1x, #SY35 and #Korg #Microsampler - #rm1xapm

This track is called "F and M", a kind of melodic techno 1998 style #mix. For this #track I used the #FM part of the SY 35 in my #setup to shape the #bass line (didn't use the vector stuff) and the Korg Microsampler to play the #vocal #sample. As usual it is all sequenced and performed live through the rm1x.

The harmonics of the vocals are created by layering notes using the rm1x onboard midi delay and octaver. To add some depth I ran it through a #Behringer FX unit.

#music #musique