

#Renoise #tracker on #RaspberryPI - #FloydSteinberg


In this video, I briefly walk through Renoise running on #Raspberry PI. Renoise is a tracker-style #DAW which enables you to quickly create #sample groups, #tracks, and incorporate #VST #plugins. This #video shows how to #install Renoise, #configure #Linux for #best #audio #performance, and how to create a song. Also answering some viewer questions, e.g. how to " #ReWire" Renoise into Reaper so you can use Renoise like a plugin. Table of contents:

00:00 hello
00:14 #hardware needed
00:31 #download, installation and #system #setup
02:06 UI #overview
02:44 creating a simple #drum track
04:03 adding a bass track / using VST plugins
05:07 adding more tracks, sidechain compression
06:02 more effects plugins
06:11 assigning samples to the #keyboard ( #multisamples)
06:31 arranging #sequences into a #song
06:50 "ReWire" Renoise to #REAPER
08:23 script extensions
08:57 verdict
09.31 important things to consider!
09:54 #demo track (8 tracks using multiple plugins and samples #instruments)
11:50 bye-bye

ZynAddSubFX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIcKMS_lxZ8
Renoise https://www.renoise.com/
Reaper https://www.reaper.fm/

#music #musique #synth


The #Democrats & their #UniParty "#Republican" enablers are setting a #trap for Constitutionalist #gun owners.

"Red Flag" #laws are intended to target #Constitutionalist Americans via #Internet #surveillance, sending #law enforcement to confiscate #guns from people who are passionate about their #rights & will use their guns to defend those rights from infringement.

When Constitutionalists defend their rights against #infringement of them through the use of "Red Flag" laws, Democrats will falsely claim these incidents are #proof "Red Flag" laws #work & then use them to #disarm #Americans with impunity.

#redflaglaws #redflaglaw #redflags #redflag #usa #2ndamendment #2a #righttobeararms #trap #subterfuge #con #setup #usconstitution #rinos #shallnotbeinfringed #nra


GNU Linux bash - setup and modify basics script

it is part of a scripts package straight after (Debian based) GNU Linux OS setup, usually doing those modifications: vim /scripts/install_basics.sh #!/bin/bash echo "=== install the basic tools needed to work with a system ===" echo "== disable cdrom apt repo =="[...]

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #bash #gnu-linux #setup

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/03/03/gnu-linux-bash-setup-and-modify-basics-script/


GNU Linux Debian - very fast and easy semi-automatic online install Debian 11 (non-free)

many users have/had macbooks.

what was/still is great: OSX can be reinstalled over internet! (no more searching for licence keys or setup sticks/DVDs/CDs/)

given the fact ā€“ that once installed ā€“ GNU Linux Debian can boot (almost) anywhere, the fastest and easiest way to ā€œinstallā€ it is to simply 1:1 copy it on whatever the user wants to boot from (harddisk or usb stick (some sticks can not be made bootable, try at least 3 different vendors)).

Soā€¦ this install script 1:1 copy installs Debian 11 (non-free) on any laptop/desktop/server (depending on internet speed) very fast & easy.

The process can be automated (on similar hardware or on hardware where /dev/sda is always the device the user wants to 1:1 overwrite).

This script install process is almost like OSX šŸ™‚ but ā€œsemi-automaticā€ to double ask, not to overwrite the wrong (USB attached?) disk.

  • it comes with a full MATE Desktop and everything to get working (LibreOffice and Firefox and Thunderbird)
  • it has the ā€œcosmosā€ slideshow (love it!) background enabled per default
  • the terminal comes with green on black for better readability
  • it does not have a swap partition enabled, so the user can easily with gparted 1) extend the harddisk to itā€™s full capacity 2) create a swap partition
  • English, Spanish, Chinese and German keyboard layout are active, should be possible to switch between them in the top right corner

todo: what is still missing

  • what is still missing is:
    • automatically calc (based on RAM size, would do as much swap as RAM) how much swap should be created
    • extend the /root partition to full harddisk capacity minus the swap space
    • create the swap partition and edit config files /etc/fstab and /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume for proper (as intended) functionality of the system
  • apply this
  • display a dancing penguin during first successfull boot and encourage user to do at least 5min of dancing to this funky music šŸ™‚


  • make sure to disconnect all devices (external harddisks, usb sticks, sdcards)
    • less devices = less trouble and less accidentally overwriting a external harddisk or usb stick
  • if the target device /dev/sdX contains important data, backup it up !first! (all data will be overwritten)


itā€™s based on the non-free version, because it is intended to allow new users that never tested GNU Linux Debian (with a MATE Desktop) a ā€œit just worksā€ turnkey experience.

Is the Free version better?

If the user has concerns about surveillance/spying and needs maximum privacy than it is probably better to start with the defautl GNU Linux Debian free version and usually all network-cards/NICs work out of the box (free drivers available šŸ™‚ (but maybe not the wifi cards)

new users: workaround for this pitfall:


Problems might arise with the free version and wifi: (notebooks)

because then the user will probably have to install the appropriate closed source (#evil!) drivers from the the non-free repository with all the spying backdoors that a intel wifi driver might have (after all a network card, is like a small computer, inside a computer, ideal! but then if the BIOS is not LibreBootedā€¦ the Intel ME can not be disabledā€¦ (some OS allow to permanently disable Intel ME!!!).

ā€¦ the fight for more privacy and security ā€“ seems never ending and goes on.


  • the laptop/desktop/server root harddisk/the target harddisk (/dev/sdX) should have at least 100GBytes of harddisk space
  • ideally boot from GNU Linux live usb stick with at least 3GBytes of free space
  • or alternatively: boot from read-only live DVD or image and when booted up, connect a ext4 or ext3 or fat32 or ntfs formatted USB stick or drive with at least 3GBytes of free space

    • there are many other desktop live flavours available (great! šŸ™‚ : https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current-live/amd64/iso-hybrid/
    • when booted from live, cd into the external usb stick-drive
    • create the below script (copy content into a text file, name it name-of-script.sh)
    • <span style="color: #00ffff;">chmod +x name-of-script.sh</span>; # mark it runnable - <span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root</span>; # become root
    • <span style="color: #00ffff;">/name-of-script.sh /dev/sdX</span>; # run it, passing the device Debian 11 should be installed on - will download ~2.5Gbytes image.gz to current directory (the usb-stick-drive and store it there permanently for later re-use) - curl can resume interrupted downloads


# sdX is the device the user wants to install Debian 11 on
<span style="color: #00ffff;">/scripts/install_debian_from_image.sh /dev/sdX

process complete? reboot & ā€œit just worksā€?

congratz! do 1min of wiggle dance!

[video width=ā€306ā€³ height=ā€194ā€³ mp4=ā€https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/happyness-drum-and-bass-dance-of-success.mp4ā€³\]\[/video\]

post processing:

want to use the complete harddisk not just the 100GBytes? two possibilities:

what the script will do:

  • download a pre-installed Debian 11 image.gz and itā€™s sha512check-sum
  • sha512 check the image (check the image is unaltered and intact)
  • on the fly unpack and 1:1 write the image to /dev/sdX while showing a progress bar
<span style="color: #00ffff;">vim /scripts/install_debian_from_image.sh</span>

<span style="color: #ff6600;">#!/bin/bash


# define colors
COLOR_OFF='\033[0m' # reset color to default

echo -e "${WHITE}=== download and 1:1 copy debian.img.gz to $1 ===${COLOR_OFF}\n"

if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "please pass device like this: /dev/sdx
          NOT A PARTITION! (sdb1)"

echo -e "${RED}this script is meant to be run from an live-cd or usb stick (so $1 should be an OFFLINE filesystem (not currently running)"
    echo "please read carefully, a mistake could overwrite critical data!!!"
    echo -e "physically disconnect all critical data-drives before procedure!!!${COLOR_OFF}\n"
    echo ""

    echo "========== do you want to copy the $DEBIAN_IMAGE image on device $1 ?"

    echo -e "${YELLOW}~3GBytes of disk space is needed in the current directory${COLOR_OFF}\n"
    echo "=========== harddisk overview";
    echo "==== where is what";
    smartctl -i $1;
    echo ""

echo -e "${YELLOW}"
read -p "CONTINUE? (y/n)" choice
case "$choice" in 
  y|Y ) echo "yes";;
  n|N ) echo "no";;
  * ) echo "invalid";;

    echo "installing required software for fast multi threaded decompression of image (pigz)"
    echo "and showing progress during dd (pv)"

echo -e "${COLOR_OFF}\n"

    apt update
    apt install pv pigz curl

echo -e "${YELLOW}starting download of $DOWNLOAD... please stand by${COLOR_OFF}\n"
    curl -L -O -C - $DOWNLOAD;

echo -e "${YELLOW}starting download of checksum $DOWNLOAD.sha512sum.txt ... please stand by${COLOR_OFF}\n"

    curl -L -O -C - $DOWNLOAD.sha512sum.txt;

    echo "verify sha512sum..."

cat "./$DEBIAN_IMAGE.sha512sum.txt" | sha512sum -c

if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo -e "${RED}Checksum failed. aborting script. maybe $DEBIAN_IMAGE corrupted during download. please try to re-run the script." >&2
echo -e "${COLOR_OFF}\n"
  exit 1

echo -e "${YELLOW}starting write process...${COLOR_OFF}\n"
    umount $1*;

    dd if=./$DEBIAN_IMAGE of=$1 status=progress; sync;

    pigz -dc $DEBIAN_IMAGE | pv | dd bs=1M of=$1; sync;
    ## single core
    ### gunzip -c /path/to/image.img.gz | pv | dd of=$1; # write image to usb stick

echo -e "${YELLOW}the image $DEBIAN_IMAGE was written to stick $1. process finished. try booting it now :)${COLOR_OFF}\n"


#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #gnu-linux #debian #osx #setup #installation #breeze #easy #fast #debian11 #bullseye

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/01/28/gnu-linux-debian-very-fast-and-easy-semi-automatic-online-install-debian-11-non-free/


Melodic #Techno #live #performance, #Yamaha #rm1x, #SY35 and #Korg #Microsampler - #rm1xapm

This track is called "F and M", a kind of melodic techno 1998 style #mix. For this #track I used the #FM part of the SY 35 in my #setup to shape the #bass line (didn't use the vector stuff) and the Korg Microsampler to play the #vocal #sample. As usual it is all sequenced and performed live through the rm1x.

The harmonics of the vocals are created by layering notes using the rm1x onboard midi delay and octaver. To add some depth I ran it through a #Behringer FX unit.

#music #musique