

The Best Advice I Have Ever Received

The best advice I’ve ever received was to, simply put, ‘follow your heart’.

You may have heard me, or someone else, mention that phrase here or there.

“Follow your heart”. It’s not uncommon.

The more complex version, is that you have your own unique vision and potential for your work. For your life – treasure that uniqueness.

One of the side effects of becoming very good at a talent you were born with is that you will run into individuals that try to squash what you are doing, who you are, and your dreams. I have had more than my share of them, as have some of my teachers that I learned from, and colleagues I have chatted with. You may have even found some of your own already.

No matter what, don’t listen to them or let those individuals drag you down. They have their own abilities and talents. Their own dreams. Their own vision. They don’t need to control yours. Follow what you know in your heart that you were meant to do.

So often, we don’t push ourselves. Perhaps we simply don’t feel brave enough to release our creativity. We get comfortable with only using a small portion of our abilities. It’s easier to be less daring. Yet, we can accomplish so much more if we just put our minds to it – and our hearts in it.

If you are true to yourself, you can. You will. Your future self will thank you for it, as will the world you inspire with your work.

This post originated as numerous requested letters from Rebecca Latham to a young artists, by themselves or their parents.

Wolf in progress, sepia on board, approx 12"x16"(pictured). Artwork and text ©Rebecca Latham

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