

You know how OTC medications are packaged with wads of cotton? Well, that's the purpose of putting a wad of cotton in with your pills. Try cotton-packing.

Inertial Invites - 2024-04-17 20:31:37 GMT

Ok fedi hivemind, #advice requested. I have to carry around a fairly sizeable number of pills in my pocket for extended periods, more than can be handled by a keychain pill bottle. I have been just using an old pill bottle, but these pills are tablets not capsules and the motion of them in my pocket is slowly but surely rendering them into dust. Any suggestions? Surely someone else out there who is ADHD needs to carry around a bunch of pills so they don't forget them at home. #FediHelp #HelpWanted #BoostsWelcome


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after hearing the #many #eye-witnesses saying it was a directed energy #DEW attack I find myself siding with them. "I'm not a scientist," (queue the laugh track) so I can't comment on all the scientific data, but I will say that after all the small businesses that were wiped out during covid, and the countless deaths both then and now on Maui, it appears to me that this is just them playing fast and loose and "laser-focused," and more and more I find myself siding with this sound #advice:

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kYEED6sE5SYo


...one of my favorite pieces of writing advice, from Aristotle’s Poetics: “Action is not plot,” wrote Aristotle, “but merely the result of pathos.”

"This is not just advice about writing, but about life itself, the whole megillah, the human catastrophe. If you have people, you will have pathos. We are incited by our feelings — by the love, rage, envy, sorrow, joy, longing, fear, passion — that lead us to action. Plot is really just a fancy word for whatever happens, and structure is a fancy word for how it happens."


#writing #advice #literature


What #Mastodon #server could I #choose?

It's a real #problem you don't know much about the #administration of the servers. A Mastodon server could be a "Trojan Horse" to get your data. Now that they are leaving #Twitter many new servers appear and many admins will close their server next year again because it's too expensive or too much #work.

So here are some points you can check:

  • Don't go to #fosstodon because I am there. Choose fosstodon only if most of the ther points of this list fitt your needs.
  • The donain of the server shouldn't include "Mastodon" because most of the new users search their server via #Google. If they all choose servers with "Mastodon" inside of the #domain it's against #decentralization and the servers are soon overcrowded with much work for the administration.
  • Check the server #information and #background. It's better to choose a server operated by a #community and not a single person. The server should have been only before the #hyoe because not many of the new servers will survive one year.
  • Check the domain. It should be #cool and fitting to the spirit of your posts.
  • Check the servers blocked on your server. Don't choose a server where nothing is blocked because then you know there is no #moderation on your server. If right wing servers are not blocked you are maybe choosing a server of a right echo chamber. If your server is blocked on many others there is something wrong with the administration.
  • At the end its the best to open your own server and be your own #admin. But don't forget that Mastodon isn't running properly on a raspberry pi. The server needs money and time for updates and moderation. So think of donating to your server if possible.
  • Learn about the #Fediverse. You are here on #Diaspora and now you think about going to Mastodon because Elon #Musk is killing Twitter. But why should you go to Mastodon only because the #press #filterbubble is talking about it? Maybe you can be wiser than all the lemmings out there and learn something first with a search engine of your #trust. With #Friendica you can post to the Fediverse and read it on Diaspora and Mastodon.
  • At the end it would be nice if you can follow me on Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@anonymiss - @anonymiss@fosstodon.org :)

Please let me know what you think in the comments and thank you for reading :)

#knowledge #wisdom #internet #instructions #news #software #education #help #todo #tutorial #advice #privacy #security #online #communication #trend #trending #ElonMusk #economy #corporation #freedom #donate #alternative #blog #microblogging #microblog



A proposed #standard which allows websites to define #security #policies.

Take a look: https://securitytxt.org

“When security risks in web services are discovered by independent security researchers who understand the severity of the risk, they often lack the channels to disclose them properly. As a result, security issues may be left unreported. security.txt defines a standard to help organizations define the process for security researchers to disclose security vulnerabilities securely.”

#web #www #website #vulnerability #cybercrime #privacy #advice #instructions #communication #software #bug #research


I found the mobile phone I always wanted

I hate advertisement, specially how it is used nowadays. Companies try to sell you stuff by appealing to drives and sentiments that are unrelated to the product they sell. You want to buy a bike, they appeal to how great you'll look. You want to buy a chocolate, they'll appeal to sex, etc...

So the last thing I want to do is act as an advertiser. What I want to share with you all is simply what I consider an amazing find: The Ulefone Power armor 13. This monster of a phone is as big as some small tablets! And it is advertised as a phone for handymen. It comes with a port to connect cable cameras (the ones used for endoscopy) plus all sorts of other gadgets that are useful for people working in construction.

I am lucky if I successfully manage to screw a light bulb, so I didn't buy it because of these features. What got me was the fact this absolute unit of a phone is barely indestructible. It resists falls, can go underwater and, the best part of all, has a humongous battery that lasts up to a week! I can't tell you how amazing it is to not have to worry about your phone's battery dying out. They advertise it as a phone for handymen, but I think they missed an opportunity to advertise it as a phone for dads! I just throw it in the bag next to my daughter's diapers and I know the thing won't break, won't run out of battery, etc.

Lots of people might be put of by its size, but I think it's a good thing. I can use it to watch stuff I would normally watch on my computer or tablet, and the fact it's so big makes me use it only when it's necessary, so it has reduces the habit of having the phone always with me. I know use the phone like I'd use a computer, which is healthier I think.

So if anyone out there is looking to buy a new phone, considers battery life important, and doesn't mind (or favors) big sizes, I'd strongly recommend the Power Armor 13 from Ulefone. It's also a relatively cheap phone if you compare it with what's out there in the market nowadays.

#phone #mobile #advice #story #Ulefone #PowerArmor13


I installed the latest Ubuntu on Katharina's HP laptop earlier this year. I had created a backup of all her about 700 contacts on her external HDD, and imported them into Thunderbird's address book.

For half a year it worked just fine until last week the address book completely disappeared from Thunderbird, that even a Linux specialist could no find it via remote connection. I could not help her as since Monday I am in bed with fever and feeling quite low.

On the phone I tried to help her by doing the same thing with importing the 6 address books from the external HDD but, as the there is no address book in Thunderbird nothing could show up.

Maybe someone of you knows a simple solution (re-installing is my only option) for recovering the address book.

How can it happen that a main item just disappears completely? It looks like Linux is not the ideal at all.

#Linux #Ubuntu #Thunderbird #address-book #contacts #help #advice