

this rose has botrytis. Yes yes it's a Springtime fungus. There's been a bit of rain. The pics show a fairly new flower and an older, fungoid one. i quite like both. i doubt this plant with succumb to the infestation - some do, some dont - as it's a tough little bugger. I think it may be "Brandy" or a "Just Joey" (it doesnt seem quite goldeny enough but conditions may apply)

#funghi #fungi #mold #roses #flowers #photo #happysnaps #myphoto #mywork


A powerful and underappreciated ally in the #climate #crisis? #Fungi

source: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/30/fungi-climate-crisis-ally

Fungi are largely invisible #ecosystem engineers. Most live as branching, fusing networks of tubular cells known as mycelium. Globally, the total length of fungal mycelium in the top 10cm of soil is more than 450 quadrillion km: about half the width of our galaxy. These symbiotic networks comprise an ancient life-support system that easily qualifies as one of the wonders of the living world.

#nature #environment #life #news