

Almost a Month on Diaspora now. Changing the way I use it.

It does take some time to learn how to use #Diaspora, and that's because Diaspora doesn't tell you how you're supposed to use it. You make it do what you want it to. And #tutorials are easy to find and use. That is not only very unusual for a social media platform, but it's also totally cool! Build your own, the way you like it! Building your own the way you like it takes time, though, and I think a lot of people are just in a hurry and not willing to take the time. So here are a few lessons learned in my first month on Diaspora:

  1. Social media doesn't reflect how most people actually think and feel. It's a place where the people who make the most noise get all the attention. Most people aren't even on social media, and kids my age aren't on anything like Diaspora, and not many even on #Facebook anymore. It's all 10-second videos on TikTok or Snapchat, and 99.99999 percent of it is just "look at me, ain't I cute."

  2. It's okay to use the #Ignore button, even though it seems bad to do need it. It's probably true that some people have blocked me too. I got really mad at some Diaspora people (do we call our selves "Diasporians" or something?) who said I was intolerant, bigoted, whatever because I don't accept and celebrate things that I think are bad. I blocked them, and they blocked me, probably. But that makes my experience - and theirs too I guess - better and just more enjoyable, by getting stuff that makes you angry out of your feed. Also, I got a PM from a stranger with no profile, just a picture. Not even a single post. But he/she/they says they want to do everything just in private chat. I think that's inappropriate with a kid and it's creepy. So the Ignore button is also maybe a safety thing.

  3. #Markdown language is really cool! I could never do that on Facebook, but here I can #format my posts and even comments with italics, bold, strikethrough, all kinds of cool stuff! It's just fun, and it makes my posts look nicer. I found an easy cheat sheet here that I use a lot.

  4. Do the #profile thing, please! When I get a private message or want to see what someone is about, more often than not all I see is a blank page with maybe an avatar and nothing else. It's probably a better experience for everyone if we all do our profiles so we get some idea of what people are into.

Again: It is worth taking the time to "build your own" social media experience. So if you are #newhere, just know that building your own is well worth the time, you'll meet some great people and we can all learn from each other.



#TB-303 #Patterns - #DUCKTRONIC


In this #playlist you will find #tutorials to recreate #famous #Roland TB-303 patterns. Of course, you can also use them for various TB-303 #clones, such as #Behringer #TD-3, etc. Have fun jamming!
In dieser Playlist findest Du Anleitungen um bekannte Roland TB-303 Pattern nachzubauen. Selbstverständlich kannst Du sie auch für verschiedene TB-303 Nachbauten, wie zum Beispiel Behringer TD-3 usw. verwenden. Viel Spaß beim Jammen!

#musique #music #synth #synthesizer #synthétiseur #acid #house #techno #trance #tuto


Is there a middle ground between pay and get support or open source, don’t complain?

I have a beef with open source artificial intelligence the way it currently is presented.

It starts with promises. A new model like llama, much better than the predecessor due to more parameters.

Then everyone fine tunes models and uploads them.

Whenever you run into issues compiling, using and managing expectations, nobody is there to talk to, because “open source”.

Often, provided there’s documentation, it’s written for computers, not people.

Transformers being black boxes, you always have the choice to take it or leave it. There is no debugging, really.

Most, me included, do not know how the math behind it works, so we are at the mercy of tutorials, which detail an ultra-niche case, 1% of users can apply.

Is there a middle ground between pay and get support or open source, don’t complain?

#artificial-intelligence #open-source #support #debugging #documentation #math #tutorials #complaints #middle-ground #pay