

#goodcomment, seen on this video https://www.bitchute.com/video/0fghETxKqyp6/
[edit: #thisisnotwhatantiracismlookslike #thisiswhatracismlookslike ]
about #HumzaYousaf, #Scotland's #FirstMinister
(whom, after a quick read through his history and parent's history as depicted on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humza_Yousaf , i woulda thought he'd be more aware of the ugliness of racism, and not do it).

He works for the Rothschild Khazarian mafia. Jews descended from Babylonians, Phoenicians and Khazarian people became the Ashkenazi Jews of NE Europe. This includes the Rothschilds although they claim to be Christian now. They are not Semites descended from Noah's son Shem and not the House of Israel, the 12 tribes, from Genesis 49 descended from Jacob Israel. Khazars all converted to Judaism in 8th century AD and these people have infiltrated every level of power in western countries, white Christian countries.
Where are the real House of Israel Jews and the lost tribes of Israel?
• Pastor Eli James online
• Eustace Mullins online
• Book of Noah, read his physical description at birth
• Find out about old empire of Khazaria
• Read "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler.
Real Semites are white like Shem and his father Noah as are the 10 lost tribes of Israel. The 10 lost tribes can be found today in Caucasians in mainly white Western countries. Does the mass immigration from Asia and Africa make more sense now? Find out about the Freemasonic Coudenhove-Kalergi plan. Khazars like the Rothschilds detest the white race and Christians of all colours. They want them gone from earth, depopulated by Biowarfare jabs or bred out.
The tribes of Judah and Levi went back to Judea after 70 years OT captivity in Babylon. Today their remnants are found among Palestinian people.
Does the IDF invading Gaza make more sense now? The Khazar fake Jews in Israel detest the real House of Israel in Palestine. They want them gone from earth and the sooner the better.

#fakejews #genocide #depopulation #racists #namechangers #rothschild #khazar #babylon
#notsemite #notshem #notjewish #fakejews
#theylie #theyareusingyout #scapegoats #falseflag

ps, next on playlist... https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/Max-Igan-Much-Bigger-Agenda---An-Eye-Opening-Speech:4,



1 week ago
They accomplished their mission by injecting a few billions with the poison. The slow genocide will now begin to speed up because most of you don't know what's in it. Something else in there that is going to interact with another agent they will release soon. Current vax deaths are nothing to what's coming. Bill Gates is rubbing his hands in delight.


“when the terrorist thing wears off, we’re going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms” – some middling insider shortly after 2003 sometime.
+ event201 + leaked government documents citing “covid19” at least as early as 2015 + fraudulent patents on the virus"es" + no liability (!!!) bought by regulatory capture + genocidal eugenicist megalomaniacs stating their anti-life anti-human depopulation goals outright + censorship and suppression of science and journalism replaced by political dogma = WHY ARE YOU COMPLYING WITH THIS FASCIST TOTALITARIAN TERRORIST MADNESS!??!? been watching the hypnotic subliminal messages on proprietary software too long?

#goodquote #goodcomment
(and i’m not linking where i saw it, largely because i don’t want to advertise the weird propaganda it was replying to).


Conversation between a Sheep and a woke guy -

🐑 why aren’t you a wearing a mask ?
🙂 because nobody here is ill & besides they don’t work.
🐑 you’re joking, right ?
🙂 no, hundreds of studies say they are useless, like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence. Masks also provide a better breeding ground for any bug/virus, and they reduce your fresh oxygen supply, and you’re breathing in more carbon dioxide.
🐑 you’re mad this virus is very deadly !!
🙂 not really the infection to death rate is 0.004 % if you’re under 70, 0.026% if you add the over 70s.
🐑 it killed lots of people in Wuhan
🙂 Wuhan has an elderly population full of respiratory problems & terrible air pollution. Perfect place to declare a new pandemic, plenty of scope to re-designate cases & deaths.
🐑 but what about all the people we saw dead in the street on the news ?
🙂 hmm yes how many people have you seen dead in the street here ?
🐑 ok but what about Italy ?
🙂 once again Lombardy has terrible air quality & an elderly population full of respiratory problems perfect for re-designation.
🐑but i saw videos of people really ill in hospital.
🙂the footage was proven to be fake.
🐑 but after the lockdown cases in china plummeted.
🙂 very convenient that the first lockdown happened in a communist country, where people have no rights & could then be presented to us as a success.
🐑 but the World Health Organisation declared a pandemic.
🙂 the world heath organisation has massive financial ties to Bill Gates, China and Big Pharma. Bill Gates is currently their biggest funder.
🐑 but the computer models said we were all going to die.
🙂 the models were produced by colleges funded by Bill Gates … they have got it wrong every time.
🐑 yes but that’s because the lockdowns saved us all.
🙂 no they didn’t, Japan had no lockdown, they have double the population of the UK, 122 million living in densely packed cities, they have had just over 1000 deaths.
🐑 but the nhs was almost over run. We had to build field hospitals.
🙂 no it wasn’t, not even for a minute .. the field hospitals were virtually never used & are now closed .. normal hospitals are empty.
🐑 but the virus is very contagious.
🙂 really … who do you know that’s had it ?
🐑 Boris & Prince Charles both had it.
🙂 yes two of the most protected men in the country .. what are the chances ?
🐑 but what about all the hospital covid cases back in April?
🙂 most people were diagnosed on symptoms … flu like symptoms.
🐑 yes but they test more people now.
🙂 yes with an inaccurate test that does not directly test for the virus.
People who were never even tested have received calls saying they have tested positive !!
🐑 but what about the antibody tests ?
🙂 even worse … according to the CDC it has trouble distinguishing between covid 19 & other corona virus’s including the common cold.
🐑but what about the excess deaths ?
🙂 what did you think would happen if you shut down half of the nhs & delay treatment & diagnosis to seriously ill people ?
🐑 but they say the deaths are down to covid 19 ?
🙂 many people were never tested or given a post-mortem, thousands of relatives of the deceased are complaining about falsified death certificates. The UK government have admitted they have been recording as covid deaths anyone who tested positive, but died of ANY cause, including dying in a car accident
🐑 but what about all the deaths in care homes ?
🙂 that’s what happens when they send elderly people with flu symptoms back to care homes full of vulnerable people, & pressure as many as possible to sign ‘do not resuscitate’ forms ..
all to protect the nhs of course.
🐑 but the government wouldn’t lie.
🙂 really … politicians don’t lie ?
Remind me how many weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq?
🐑 hmm ok .. but why lie about this ?
🙂 many government advisory bodies such as GAVI have huge financial links to Bill Gates & big pharma ..
🐑 yes but why would the BBC lie ?
🙂 the BBC receive millions from Bill Gates, and they are not neutral as they have us believe.
🐑 and the rest of the media ?
🙂mostly owned by the one percent who own big pharma. Plus bad news sells.
🐑 but what do the governments gain ?
🙂 massively increased state control & a chance to implement massive social changes we would never normally accept, as in operation ‘Lockstep’
🐑 what is operation lockstep ?
🙂 a scenario modelled in 2010 by the Rockerfellers, simulating how the state could gain increased powers and control following a global pandemic originating in China.
🐑 and what do pharma companies get from this ?
🙂 vast profits from largely untested vaccines … it’s the only medicine you can sell to the healthy after all.
🐑 but surely the vaccine will be safe ?
🙂 so why are all pharmaceutical companies insisting on complete indemnity from compensation claims ?
🐑 but Bill Gates wants to give us all a digital health record surely that’s a good thing ?
🙂 no it means your life style & travel will be restricted unless you have his vaccine.
🐑 but why would the government give us all this money ?
🙂 they haven’t given us anything, they have borrowed it from the banks and the taxpayer will pay back every penny with interest.
The banks owned by the one percent will clean up again .
🐑 so why aren’t doctors speaking out ?
🙂 many are but since ‘Event 201’ highlighted the need to control the media, social media, google & youTube, anything that contradicts the Gates’ owned WHO version of events, is deleted.
🐑 what was Event 201 ?
🙂 a Gates funded exercise in Oct 2019 which just happened to simulate a world wide corona virus pandemic.
🐑 but Gates is a good guy he set up a charitable foundation.
🙂 yeah he got that idea from John Rockefeller. Perfect way to repair a shit public image … like Al Capone’s soup kitchens for the poor. In fact his foundation is a way of making more money rather than giving it away.
🐑 no … he wants to help the world. He’s vaccinating the kids in Asia and Africa
🙂 yes he is, mostly innocent children that have been forced these vaccinations. Many of those children have been severely damaged and even died as a result. If he really wanted to help, why not use his money to build roads, hospitals, or provide safe drinking water facilities.
🐑 gggyji
🙂 sorry I didn’t catch that, must be your mask … why are you wearing that again ?
🐑 the government & my TV told me to, anyway I don’t want to infect you.
🙂 you won’t, you’re not ill, and I have an immune system which will protect me!
🐑 yes but I may be asymptomatic.
🙂 asymptomatic transmission is highly unlikely even according to the WHO.
🐑 well at least I’ll pay by card, cash is dangerous.
🙂 but plastic wrapped packages are fine ?
🐑 well I’d better keep socially distant.
🙂 there’s nothing social about distance.
🐑 but it’s safer to be 2 meters apart
🙂 really what scientific study was that based on ?
🐑 but we have to be careful, there has been a spike in cases.
🙂 yes but hardly anyone is actually ill… there’s just 1000 people in hospital out of 66 million.
🐑 so why the spike ?
🙂 because they are testing more and more people with inaccurate tests to boost the numbers any way they can. Double-counted cases have been admitted by the U.K. Government
🐑 why would they want to do that ?
🙂 to keep people afraid until the winter when the flu kicks in after everyone takes the flu jab, therefore giving more scope to re-designate deaths.
🐑 but why do they want us afraid ?
🙂 so you will have the vaccine and won’t ask questions. It’s easier to control people when they’re afraid.
🐑 well at least if we have the vaccine it will be over ?
🙂 no it won’t … they will tell you it has mutated so you keep needing vaccine after vaccine. And would you trust a vaccine that has been rushed out in a few months, considering it normally takes at least 5-8 years?
🐑 I have to go now, Love Island is on TV…

#goodquote #goodconversation #goodcomment #goodstuff #why #loveisland #backtobed #triedtowarn #triedtowake #dissonanceiscomfort #ignoranceisbliss #ignoranceistrength #soma #tv #bravenewworld #newnormal #no #wearenotdoingthatanymore

as seen in the comments on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEXK2VhK_xA
