Is that so?
The Rothschilds manage Ukraine's debt
The Rothschilds took part in negotiations on Ukrainian debt in Paris in July
#Reuters: The #Rothschild clan helped reach an agreement with #Ukraine's private #creditors.
Ukraine is a small, concrete example of how certain financial hordes are monopolising countries that have now been privatised like commodities and dragged into #conflicts, then into #debt #slavery for the benefit of non-political clans eager to move on to the creation of a world state and the total enslavement of man, and even better of course of trans-man, to vulgar financial science, which is already well advanced.If politics were eventually to re-establish itself in the world (the return of the human being and the end of the planet of the apes) to the detriment of finance, which is merely a tool, it goes without saying that all the investments made in Ukraine would at least in part revert to the Russian Federation, which is not going to stop its offensive against the Ukropithecans in Ukraine any time soon, i.e. the people of Ukraine who have been effectively trained as #Nazis by the West to #kill Russians, which is what they really are most of the time, even in their local dialect.
Does ‘the people in Ukraine who were actually trained by the West to be #Nazis to kill #Russians’ mean that they are basically trying to kill their own people?
Playing: https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/Mel-Gibson---'Prince-William-Is-the-Antichrist':a
#kingcharles #asteakinthecountry #dracula #riseup
#uk #thisistheyear #wearenotdoingthatanymore #alwaysabetterway
#wef #monarchy #freedom #nostradamus
Playing: https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/Mel-Gibson---Global-Elites-Will-Keep-Dying-to-Make-Way-For-the-Antichrist:4
"the devil is not even bothering to hide any more"
#occult #rothschild #illuminati #pike #balfour #clearingtheway #darker
"according to pike: the 3rd world world war must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agentur of the illuminati, between the political zionists and the leaders of the islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that islam and political zionism mutually destroy each other."
Benjamin Fulford. He claims that Polish intelligence has informed that Prince William is actually the son of Jacob Rothschild. Holy Moly.
We could be watching the fall of British Royalty. It means that William is not eligible to become king.
Two Black Horses were spotted with a ‘captured’ White Horse and Black Flag outside Buckingham Palace.
“The custom of royal riders is to never bring a white horse without the presence of the king and queen.
The presence of a white horse means the presence of the king. When #King Charles is not present in this Cavalry, it means that he is dead,” an MI6 source says.
Since this happened when the death of Jacob Rothschild was announced, it implies he was the
real king of England.
We have also been informed by Polish intelligence that Prince William is really the son of Jacob #Rothschild.
Look at the photos below and decide for yourself.
The #Rothschild’s have funded both sides of every #war in #history
Comment est-il possible que l'argent de la #PAC (Politique agricole commune) aille à la Fondation pour la mémoire de la shoah ou à un domaine viticole luxueux Domaine #Rothschild Lafite ?!!!!! Allo
#TELEPAC #AgriculteursEnColere
In Simon Sebag Montefiores Buch kehrt die Universalgeschichte wieder. Sein roter Faden überzeugt dabei ebenso wenig wie seine Detailschärfe bei Grausamkeiten. Eine Rezension
Auf über 1500 Seiten erzählt dieses Buch die Geschichte der Menschheit – entlang eines roten Fadens, der nicht überzeugt. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Die Welt von Simon Sebag Montefiore)#Geschichte #Universalgeschichte #Familie #Pharao #Kaiser #Cäsar #Habsburg #Dynastie #Königshaus #Weltreich #Empire #Indien #Hohenzollern #Kolonialismus #Kolonie #Sklaverei #Sklavenhandel #Sklavenbefreiung #Mesopotamien #Orient #NaherOsten #Ägypten #China #Niederlande #Portugal #Windsor #Kennedy #Rockefeller #Getty #Rothschild #Medici #Kultur
»Die Welt«: Eine Universalgeschichte voller Sex und Gewalt
A #Satanic #heresy called #Zionism: #Kabbalah #Freemasonry #Babylon #Doomsday #OrdoAbChao #DavidLivingstone
David #Livingstone #Origins of the Satanic Heresy called Zionism - #Gaza Kabbalah Freemasonry Babylon & Doomsday, Order From Chaos The #Great #Plan of #Secret #Societies
- Zionism Star of David https://ordoabchao.ca/volume-three/zionism
The main accomplishment of World War I was to free the land of Palestine from Ottoman control, contributing towards the establishment of the State of Israel, a long-standing objective of the Zionists. World War I was precipitated when the Austro-Hungarian heir Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The three chief assassins were Gavrilo Princip and two of his friends, who were all members of a nationalist group called the Order of the Black Hand, a secret society that had been founded in 1911 as the Union of Death to fight for Serbian liberation. The seal of the order was a clenched fist holding a skull and crossbones beside a knife, a bomb and a poison bottle.[1] The involvement of the Russians was purportedly exposed when it was discovered that a secret payment of eight thousand rubles had been given to the Black Hand leader by the Russian military attaché in Belgrade. The order had apparently been accompanied by a promise from Tsar Nicholas II, knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, that he would support Serbia in the event of war breaking out between Russian and the Austro-Hungarian empire. It was also rumored that representatives of the Black Hand had met with several members of the French Grand Orient at the Hotel St. Jerome in Toulouse in January of that year. One of the topics allegedly discussed was the murder of the emperor Franz Joseph and the archduke Ferdinand.
The Zionist movement was founded by Theodor Herzl—a former member of the German nationalist Burschenschaft (fraternity) Albia—who Anti-Zionist rabbis and other Jewish opponents often compared Herzl disparagingly with Shabbetai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. The Sabbatean influences on the Zionist movement are demonstrated by its rejection of Jewish law, while also adhering to the expectations of the Messiah, whose arrival is expected to initiate the return of all Jews dispersed in the Diaspora to the Promised Land. In “Herzl’s Image and the Messianic Idea,” Arthur Kamczycki explained that, “From the very beginning Zionism opposed the conservative rabbinate and the religious Jewry in general.”[4] According to orthodox interpretation, the restoration of Zion by the Messiah could not be brought about through a human whose actions would be subject to God’s will.[5] Additionally, attempts at estimating the time of the Messiah’s arrival were seen as blasphemy. Herzl, who was aware of this discrepancy, stated that “the orthodoxy should understand that there is no contradiction between God’s will and the Zionist attempt of grabbing the destiny with one’s own hands.”
After World War I, the #British #Government would cede the territory of #Palestine to Zionist colonization, as outlined in the Balfour Declaration, written by Lord Balfour (1848 – 1930) with the assistance of Weizmann to Walter #Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (1868 – 1937), who had inherited the title of baron from his father, Nathan “Natty” Rothschild (1840 – 1915), head of the English branch of the family founded by his father, Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Before placing their hopes in Britain, the German Zionists had first turned to #Germany, hoping their German imperialism would provide a protectorate in Palestine for Jewish settlement. Herzl first attempted to recruit Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany (1859 – 1941), to influence Abdul Hamid II (1842 – 1918), a fellow knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, to seriously consider the proposals of the Zionists.
Herzl attempted to meet the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1842 – 1918), a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, in order to present his proposition of a Jewish State to him directly. He failed to obtain an audience but did succeed in visiting a number of highly placed individuals, including the Grand Vizier.
Having failed to gain the support of either the Kaiser or the Sultan, Herzl turned to Great Britain in 1900, joining the pro-British Zionist faction that was soon to be led by Chaim Weizmann (1874 – 1952), President of the World Zionist Organization (WZO), who helped draft the Balfour Declaration, and later first President of Israel. Weizmann was a great admirer of Nietzsche, and sent Nietzsche’s books to his wife, adding in a letter that “This was the best and finest thing I can send to you.”[8] At the time, World War I was referred to as “Nietzsche in Action,”
FULL SHOW Victor #Rothschild Atheist #Creator of #Israel in 1948; #Christchurch #Mosque #Massacre #Inquest
#goodcomment, seen on this video https://www.bitchute.com/video/0fghETxKqyp6/
[edit: #thisisnotwhatantiracismlookslike #thisiswhatracismlookslike ]
about #HumzaYousaf, #Scotland's #FirstMinister
(whom, after a quick read through his history and parent's history as depicted on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humza_Yousaf , i woulda thought he'd be more aware of the ugliness of racism, and not do it).
He works for the Rothschild Khazarian mafia. Jews descended from Babylonians, Phoenicians and Khazarian people became the Ashkenazi Jews of NE Europe. This includes the Rothschilds although they claim to be Christian now. They are not Semites descended from Noah's son Shem and not the House of Israel, the 12 tribes, from Genesis 49 descended from Jacob Israel. Khazars all converted to Judaism in 8th century AD and these people have infiltrated every level of power in western countries, white Christian countries.
Where are the real House of Israel Jews and the lost tribes of Israel?
• www.anglo-saxonisrael.com
• Pastor Eli James online
• Eustace Mullins online
• Book of Noah, read his physical description at birth
• Find out about old empire of Khazaria
• Read "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler.
Real Semites are white like Shem and his father Noah as are the 10 lost tribes of Israel. The 10 lost tribes can be found today in Caucasians in mainly white Western countries. Does the mass immigration from Asia and Africa make more sense now? Find out about the Freemasonic Coudenhove-Kalergi plan. Khazars like the Rothschilds detest the white race and Christians of all colours. They want them gone from earth, depopulated by Biowarfare jabs or bred out.
The tribes of Judah and Levi went back to Judea after 70 years OT captivity in Babylon. Today their remnants are found among Palestinian people.
Does the IDF invading Gaza make more sense now? The Khazar fake Jews in Israel detest the real House of Israel in Palestine. They want them gone from earth and the sooner the better.
#fakejews #genocide #depopulation #racists #namechangers #rothschild #khazar #babylon
#notsemite #notshem #notjewish #fakejews
#theylie #theyareusingyout #scapegoats #falseflag
ps, next on playlist... https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/Max-Igan-Much-Bigger-Agenda---An-Eye-Opening-Speech:4,
"empire is one hell of a drug"
austrian theodor herzl, 1896. british lloyd george, to return jesus. british balfour, to rid jews from europe. balfour declaration 1917 "dear lord rothschild". league of nations "tutelege of advanced nations". peele commission drawing lines on the map, forced relocations without consultation.
#empire #history #un #zionism #theodorherzl #rothschild #balfour #lloydgeorge #toffs #britishrule #theyareusingyou #notconsulted #gothere #notyou #justyou #linesonthemap #forcedrelocation #massacres #deathmarch #imposition #thisisnotwhatthemoralhighgroundlookslike
#palestine #sharing
Si nous étions une vraie démocratie soutenant la souveraineté des peuples ! Si la #France n'était pas soumise à la #mafia Rothschild à qui l'Angleterre a promis la Palestine dans la Déclaration Balfour de 1917 :
La Déclaration #Balfour de #1917 est une lettre ouverte datée du 2 novembre 1917 et signée par Arthur Balfour, le secrétaire d'État britannique aux Affaires étrangères (the Foreign Secretary). Elle est adressée à Lord Lionel Walter #Rothschild (1868-1937), personnalité éminente de la communauté juive britannique et financier du mouvement sioniste, aux fins de retransmission.
Par cette lettre, le #Royaume-Uni se déclare en faveur de l'établissement en #Palestine d'un projet national (présenté comme « un foyer national pour le peuple juif », traduction de « a national home to the Jewish people »). Cette déclaration est considérée comme une des premières étapes dans la création de l'État d' #Israël.
#Histoire #sionisme
#Palestine #Israel #apartheid #Israël
#rothschild #germany #jewish
Germany ~ Prussia
The Rothschild Name and Arms
The Rothschild family take their name from the house they occupied in the Judengasse in Frankfurt -'zum Roten Schild' (house of the Red Shield). The coat of arms contains a clenched fist with five arrows symbolising the five dynasties established by the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, in a reference to Psalm 127: "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth."
A wonderful film.
The House of Rothschild 1934 ~ Boris Karloff
Le MONDE, #Macron agent double
En 2010, pour sauver leur journal en quasi-faillite, les journalistes du Monde se font conseiller par un jeune banquier d'affaire en poste chez #Rothschild. Emmanuel Macron prétend offrir ses services "gratuitement" au motif que la cause de l'indépendance des médias l'intéresse. Mais bientôt le doute s'installe... Pourquoi un jeune loup travaillerait-il bénévolement ?
Le plus parlant ? être #menteur professionnel.... Faire croire aux 2 parties, qu'on est leur allié...
Autre lien :
Ep. 08 | Patrimoine de Macron, où sont passés les millions ?
July 3, #1933. Over 100,000 #Jews gather at Soldier Field in #Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history and nationhood by worshipping a fire-breathing statue of #Moloch and feeding it children which we can only hope were not real. The event was called “The Romance of a People.” It was organized by the Zionist Organization of America, sponsored by the #Jewish Agency for #Palestine, and produced by Meyer Weisgal, with help from Rabbi Solomon Goldman as well as Maurice Samuel, the author of “You Gentiles.” One of the big speakers at the event was none other than Chaim #Weismann, first president of Israel and the guy who alongside Lionel Walter #Rothschild authored the #Balfour Declaration, which was the agreement that dragged the US into WW1 in exchange for the British stealing Palestine from Ottoman Turkey and allowing Jews to settle there.
With videos
#USA #history