

Werft Modelle / Shipyard Models

in der ehemaligen Städtischen Badeanstalt Ruhrort, dem heutigen Binnenschiffahrtsmuseum (Duisburg), August 2009

Museum der Deutschen Binnenschifffahrt
Werft Modelle
Ruhrorter Werft

Werft Modelle
Ruhrorter Werft

Werft Modelle
Ruhrorter Hafen

Werft Modelle
Ruhrorter Hafen

Werft Modelle

#Ausstellung #Ausstellungen #Schiffe #Hafen #MuseumDerDeutschenBinnenschifffahrt #Ruhrgebiet #Ruhrort #Duisburg #foto #photo #fotografie #photography #ships #habour #exhibitions


In August I need to travel to #RioGrande, a small #habour city in northern #Brazil, it is in #RioGrandeDoSul close to Uruguay.

I wonder about 2 things.

  1. What is the best way to travel there? I assume some star alliance flight from central Europe to Portugal and then to Brazil. But then which airport in Rio Grande Do Sul?
  2. How do I get from the airport to Rio Grande? My options are taxi/chauffeur or rental car, I assume prebooked taxi is the safer option, but is it safe to drive myself by car? (Not meaning the traffic itself.)

I drove in many countries and am very well aware of chaotic traffic around the world. My driving skills were formed in China, Europe, Africa and lately in Thailand, so I guess Brazil will be no problem traffic wise.

Any inside on this area of Brazil is welcome too!