

WTF is Social Media?

Attempting to come up with a uniform, or at least sensible, way to describe and classify online, user-generated, and/or social media content has been an embarrassingly frustrating task.

A stab by me at G+, "Defining Platform Capabilities". Thinking of this in terms of protocols, or rules for interoperating among elements.

Julian Bond, also at G+, "Some thoughts on ways of categorising Social Networks along different dimensions". Surprisingly similar to my views.

@Christian Buggedei took a stab at Platform Types.

This mess ("suggested fields") at #PlexodusWiki.

I can't even. "User generated and social media types and characteristics".

Warning: Here be dragons: "Signal Theory".

#wtf #socialMedia #ontologies #taxonomies #ontonomies #taxologies #taxonts #ontaxes #helpImTrappedInAHashtag #plexodus