

Theologe wünscht sich mehr Angebote für vernünftigen Islam

Islam in Deutschland - Theologe Khorchide: Es fehlen Angebote für einen vernünftigen Zugang zum Islam

Viele der jungen Menschen, die in Hamburg mit radikalen Islamisten demonstriert haben, seien auf der Suche nach einem Wir-Gefühl, sagt Islamtheologe Khorchide.#Islam #Radikalisierung #MouhanadKhorchide #Extremismus #SocialMedia
Theologe wünscht sich mehr Angebote für vernünftigen Islam


"The Storyteller"

Bisan Owda is 25 years old with raven barrel curls that dance wildly around her face when she walks along the beach. Those same big beautiful curls were once the cause of relentless teasing. But Bisan is a force of nature that doesn't back down and also loves deeply.

She wasn't fluent in English and didn't learn how to speak it until three months ago out of sheer determination to tell the story of her people. Because of this she says "yani" a lot while trying to think of the right English word. It translates to "I mean."

When you go to her social media pages you'll see wizard behind her name, it's because she loves Harry Potter and her favorite character is Hermoine, obviously. She's a women's rights activist, Bisan, not Hermoine but Emma Watson is so it still tracks.

At just 25, she has traveled to multiple countries like France, Lebanon and Belgium with the UN Women's Youth Gender Innovation Agora and as an EU Goodwill Ambassador.

She loves her little brothers and friends and misses playing basketball. She's played in several championships. You'll rarely see Bisan in a dress or skirt even before everything happened. When she's not working she's usually sporting hoodies, baggy t-shirts, jeans or leggings/joggers and some sneakers.

She graduated college in 2021 and has her own show called “Hakawatya,” where she explores historical sights in her city and tells the story of how the ancient people lived who once walked the same floors she stands on.

Before Bisan became known worldwide for her catchphrase, "It's Bisan and I'm still alive," she was known as a storyteller.

A filmmaker.

A sister.

A journalist.

A friend.

An advocate.

An activist.

An outspoken, questions authority, takes no crap bright light destined to change the world.

She has a life as a full well-rounded human being with hopes, dreams, desires and a story to tell. So when you think of Bisan, think of her as a whole person, not just a number.

Bisan has recently been nominated for a Peabody Award with AJ+.

#Bisan Owda is 25, she's a storyteller and she deserves a future that includes continued safety and full freedom.

#Gaza #Media #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #SocialMedia #CeasefireNow #StopTheWar #SaveGaza


"Airchat is a new social media app that encourages users to 'just talk.'" "Visually, Airchat should feel pretty familiar and intuitive, with the ability to follow other users, scroll through a feed of posts, then reply to, like, and share those posts. The difference is that the posts and replies are audio recordings, which the app then transcribes."

What do y'all think? You want an audio social networking app?

Naval Ravikant’s Airchat is a social app built around talk, not text

#solidstatelife #socialmedia


Die deutschen Parteien entdecken Tiktok, Instagram & Co.

Social Media - Die deutschen Parteien entdecken Tiktok & Co.

Die Parteien in Deutschland setzen gerade stärker auf Social Media. Zu spät? Denn die AfD ist bereits seit Längerem damit sehr erfolgreich.#PARTEIEN #DEUTSCHLAND #SOCIALMEDIA #TIKTOK #Instagram #WhatsApp #AFD
Die deutschen Parteien entdecken Tiktok, Instagram & Co.


Im 170. WildMics-Special wollten wir der Frage nachgehen, warum Rechte in sozialen Netzwerken so erfolgreich sind. Welche Algorithmen und Mechanismen dieser Netzwerke tragen zum Erfolg bei? Und welche psychologischen Aspekte spielen dabei eine Rolle? Als hochkompetentes Gesprächsduo hatten wir Nora Hespers und Gavin Karlmeier zu Gast. 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Rechte #socialmedia #sozialeNetzwerke #sozialeMedien #Kultur
HOAXILLA: Der Erfolg der Rechten in Social Media


Pluralistic: Someday, we’ll all take comfort in the internet’s “dark corners” (23 Mar 2024)

ghost city facebook


"Enshittification is the inevitable result of high switching costs. Tech bosses are keenly attuned to opportunities to lock in their customers and users, because the harder is to leave a platform, the worse the platform can treat you – the more value it can rob you of – without risking your departure."

#Doctorow #Platforms #SocialMedia


Interesting read:

"But platform users are a heterogeneous, lumpy mass. Different groups of users have different switching costs. An adult Facebook user of long tenure has more reasons to stay than a younger user: they have more complex social lives, with nonoverlapping social circles from high school, college, various jobs, affinity groups, and family. They are more likely to have a chronic illness, or to be caring for someone with chronic illness, and to be a member of a social media support group they value highly. They are more likely to be connected to practical communities, like little league carpool rotas.

That's the terrible irony of platform decay: the more value you get from a platform, the more cost that platform can extract, a cost denominated in your wellbeing, enjoyment and dignity."

Kurt Lupin - 2024-03-25 13:19:44 GMT

Pluralistic: Someday, we'll all take comfort in the internet's "dark corners" (23 Mar 2024)

ghost city facebook


#Doctorow #Platforms #SocialMedia