

"Harrowing Anger and Chaos descending," 2023 / @Roldán
#art #his
Charcoal on paper and photo texture, digital collage (paired with video "below")


El Corazon / @Roldán

The heart comes across hell and says:

So this is love?

And it throws itself into the eternal fire, because it knows very well that that is its beautiful fate.

#words #art #his


Apples for supper, because our hunger is for the pleasures of paradise.

It's 6:56am and it's raining outside. I am at work. I made this with charcoal, under a minute or two. Time is a beautiful thing. A flower that grows in our skin.”

~ Gracias, @Roldán
#charcoal #art #his


“fig. A: unfinished (4:17am)

The fog bows with love to the light as the soul bows to music and the eyes surrender to their dreams

thank you”

No, thank YOU, @Roldán

#his #art , #his #words


Salvage Continues:
“In these cities of imperfect glass that I find scattered and half-buried like seashells of light in dark sand, there is a house with a thousand windows…” / @Roldán
#illustration #his