

Short poem by the victim of abuse. This particular victim tried many times to ask for help. In each time those pleas for help were ignored and the abuse continued.

Where Were You

by anon

Where were you?
Where were you when I was alone and defenceless?
Where were you when I was being abused?
Where were you when I called and asked you to help me when I was being abused?
Where were you?

Why didn't you answer?
Why didn't you help?
Why did you see me as valueless when you let me be hurt by my abuser?
Why didn't you help me?

Why when I asked for help did you throw me into the fire?
Why when I asked for help did you put me in the firing line of the one who was causing me pain?
Why when I asked for help did you consider me worthless and moved on?

I thought you were my friend.
I thought you would help me.
I thought I could trust you.
I thought, at last, I was valued.
I found out, in reality, I was worthless.

What's wrong with me...
What did I do wrong...

#abuse #abused #poem #victim #worthless #value #ignored #defenceless