

Tool Generates Interactive PCB Diagrams from KiCAD


Nearly everyone likes nice pinout diagrams, but the more pins and functions are involved, the more cluttered and less useful the diagram becomes. To address this, [Jan Mrázek] created Pinion , a tool to help generate interactive diagrams from KiCad design files.

The result is an interactive diagram that can be viewed in any web browser. Hovering over a pin or pad highlights those signals with a callout for the name, and clicking makes it stay highlighted for easier reference. Further information can be as detailed or as brief as needed.

Interestingly, Pinion isn 't a web service that relies on any kind of backend. The diagrams are static HTML and JavaScript only, easily included in web pages or embedded in GitHub documentation.

If you think Pinion looks a bit familiar, you're probably remembering that we covered [Jan]'s much earlier PcbDraw tool, which turned KiCad board files into SVG renderings but had no ability to add labels or interactivity. Pinion is an evolution of that earlier idea, and its diagrams are able to act as both documentation and interactive reference, with no reliance on any kind of external service.

Interested? Pinion has a full tutorial and demo and a growing library of parts, so check it out.

#parts #softwarehacks #documentation #html #interactive #javascript #kicad #pinion


As some people might know - since I often ask about these things - I am kind of obsessed a little when it comes to #ToDoLists, #Organizers, #Calendar Apps and the likes. On my quest to be the most organized individual around I now have so many apps and calendars and reminders that my phone, PC and iPad keep constantly ringing and reminding me of things. This is cool, because this way I don't forget anything but its also way too much.

I am now looking for the best way to stay organized but I'd like to reduce the amount of apps and programs to one that fits all my needs at once. I'm using so many todo list apps, note, diary and calendar apps at once I don't forget things but can't keep track on where a specific reminder is coming from anymore and I'd really like to use just one to keep my dates, my reminders, to do lists and notes and, if possible, even my contacts.

I would love for it to be #dynamic and #interactive (like the meeting function in sunrise calendar where you can send time proposals for a meeting to a client and they just check off one and it's set in both your calendars) and even though with docs, tables and now shareable notes and favourites and all Google is coming on pretty great organisationwize, I would really prefer if it wasn't Google or Apple because I still care about the privacy of my data and I'm hesitating to connect my phone to anything that isn't necessary. And it would be great if it was something I could synchronize on PC, Android Phone and iPad without it sending every thing I do, eat, think and dream about at night to Google and Apple.

Does anyone have a great suggestion on apps that can do that? What do you use to keep everything important in one place? I'd love to read your suggestions.