

Windows11 einrichten ist die Hölle 😩👎

Für einen Testkunden musste ich ein Notebook einrichten und da kam ich zum 1. Mal mit #Windows11 in Berührung. Ätzend ist die Zwangsregistrierung bei #Microsoft. Danach muss man Gefühlt eine halbe Stunde den ganzen unnötigen Mist den Microsoft einem als Geschenk reinwürgen will wegklicken. Besonders dreist ist, dass sie einem das #Tracking mit "zielgerichteten Verbesserungsvorschlägen zur Produktivitätssteigerung" schmackhaft machen wollen.

#software #wtf #aua #os #problem #frechheit #spionage #überwachung #Freiheit #wirtschaft #Privatsphäre


Only recently I realised that even within my win11 I can create an image (or even clone it) of my MXLinux drive using my Macrium Reflect... I do dual booting just for fun...

The job just finished, and it took only 2:25min to compress the 22.6 GB to 7.8 GB... thankful for that.
Now, if there's a problem with MX I can restore the whole drive within a few minutes. YAY!

The relating article on Macrium's homepage is at https://u.to/dhgKHQ

#MXLinux #Linux #windows11 #image #backup #clone #MacriumReflect #software


Ongoing WIndows 11 22H2 Installs

following up from my previous post - https://diasp.org/posts/21829172

I was able to upgrade the old desktop finally... I ended up using the Rufus created USB install and it worked fine.
I also rolled back another of my laptops that was having the problem where the Windows Update app was trying to update Windows to the same version I had just installed and retrying retrying retrying and failing every time.

I reinstalled the new update with the Rufus USB and it seems to be fine now...time will tell...

I'll keep an eye on the old desktop and the laptop I reinstalled and see what happens... If no issues then I'll try the install on a copule more machines.

I must say I've very impressed with the way Rufus allows you to create these install USB/Disks .... you can choose the version/build of the software and even disable/skip the hardware check/requirements as well as bypass the Now Required required Windows Login and use a local login.

It was a bit confusing at first about downloading the ISO and then where it was gong to be installed but all makes sense now.

#Windows11 #22H2