

#ireland #scotland #milesians #history #mywork
The Milesians

Hand in hand, we stand high atop the Cliffs of Moher
and the Cliffs of Inis Mor.
We listen to the waves of the Atlantic Ocean roar.
Milesians are we.
Our ancient ancestors, were wrapped in royalty,
magic, music and melancholy.

They set sail to find the Isle of Destiny.
From these mystic poet warriors we spring.
To the world, words, laughter, songs and our
ruling ways we bring.

A mighty ancestor, Gaodhal Glas,
was bitten by a snake and healed by Moses.
A glas ~ green scar marked the place
A further blessing Goadhal Glas received.
No venomous beast can be where inhabit his posterity.
Because in our God, and His servant he believed.


#ireland #music #literature #poets

The Milesians
Isle Of Destiny
By Thomas Moore

Innisfail is one of the ancient names for Ireland.
Thomas Moore (28 May 1779 – 25 February 1852) was an Irish writer, poet, and lyricist celebrated for his Irish Melodies.

They came from beyond the sea,
And now, o'er the Western main
Set sail, in their good ships, gallantly,
From the sunny land of Spain.
“Oh, where's the isle we've seen in dreams.
Our destined home or grave?
Thus sung they, as by the morning's beams,
They swept the Atlantic wave.

“And, lo, where afar o'er ocean shines
A sparkle of radiant green,
As though in that deep lay emerald mines,
Whose light through the wave was seen.
“Tis Innisfail-'tis Innisfail”
Rings o'er the echoing sea;
While, bending to heaven, the warriors hail
That home of the brave and free.

“Then turn'd thy unto the Eastern Wave,
Where now their Day-God's eye
A look of such sunny omen gave
As lighted up sea and sky.
Nor frown was seen through sky or sea,
Nor tear o'ver leaf or sod,
When first on their Isle of Destiny
Our great forefathers trod.”


The vaccine, an untested concoction of ingredients that was never tested on animals but yet the public gladly let themselves be injected with it. The question is... Would you allow a junkie to sell you a product (pill or powder) on the street and you gladly take it? That's basically what billions of people done. They became a junkie because their politicians told them to become a junkie. Then blamed the unvaxxed for their injuries, deaths from full blown AIDS. Covid was an intelligence test and 99% failed it across the world.See less

#People On #Streets Of #Ireland Are Asked Whether They Took Vaccines Or Not (30th Jul)


By the time Sinéad O’Connor sang this (1992) some 70,000 children had been sexually abused by Catholic priests & brothers in Ireland. The state, media, bishops, cardinals & pope had covered it up. She was scorned.

The world was not kind to her for telling the truth.

Shame on them.

#SinéadOConnor #CatholicChurch #Pedophiles #NeverForget #Ireland #Media #ThePope #SexualAbuse #RIPSinéadOConnor #Music #Activism #Bravery



By the time Sinéad O’Connor sang this (1992) some 70,000 children had been sexually abused by Catholic priests & brothers in Ireland. The state, media, bishops, cardinals & pope had covered it up. She was scorned.

The world was not kind to her for telling the truth.

Shame on them.

#SinéadOConnor #CatholicChurch #Pedophiles #NeverForget #Ireland #Media #ThePope #SexualAbuse #RIPSinéadOConnor #Music #Activism #Bravery



Sinéad O’Connor, acclaimed Dublin singer, dies aged 56 – The Irish Times

I’ve decided to follow my son. There is no point living without him. Everything I touch, I ruin. I only stayed for him. And now he’s gone,” she wrote on an unverified Twitter account linked to her official account.


Tags: #dandelíon #culture #music #Ireland #feminism

via dandelion* client (Source)


#ireland #photography
Irish Woman

Photographers Madeleine Mignon and Marguerite Mespoulet. Ireland.1913. Autochrome Colour photograph.
- The autochrome process, also known as the Autochrome Lumière, was invented in France by brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière.
The Lumière brothers presented their research into colour photography to the Académie des Sciences in 1904. The commercial manufacture of autochrome plates began in 1907, and the first public demonstration of the autochrome process took place on 10 June 1907, at the offices of the French newspaper L‘Illustration.