


199 views 5 Oct #2023
As part of #Red #Squirrel #Awareness Week, watch this urgent and engaging webinar, "SOS: Save Our Squirrels!" as we rally together to protect one of the UK's most charismatic wildlife species—the red squirrel. This online webinar is for anyone and everyone who is interested in learning more about red squirrels, from passionate advocates and experts, to citizen scientists and even those who simply find our iconic native species cute!

During this webinar, we discuss the historical prevalence of red #squirrels, the importance of conserving them, and the work that's being done to protect them with our panelists Nicole Still and Dani Connor.

#NicoleStill is the Programme Manager at Scottish Wildlife Trusts' Saving Scotland's Red Squirrel project, and Dani Connor is a professional wildlife photographer and filmmaker.

Zoologist and wildlife presenter, Billy Heaney, joins us as chair for this webinar.

This event took place on the 3rd of October 2023 at 12:00 GMT via Zoom.
#SOS: #SaveOurSquirrels! - Mammal Society Red Squirrel Awareness Week Webinar


South Africa’s Gauteng e-Panic button app tested — with impressive results

Brick wall background with a hand holding a smartphone. On the screen is a Crime Prevention badge with a big blue button in the centre marked Emergency Assist.
MyBroadband tested the Gauteng provincial government’s e-Panic button and was impressed with its user experience and overall performance.

Upon its launch alongside a physical panic button fob in May 2024, the province described it as an innovative technological solution designed to enhance the safety of Gauteng residents.

“It allows users to instantly alert emergency services and law enforcement at the touch of a button, ensuring rapid response in times of distress,” it explained.

While it plans to distribute 100,000 physical buttons to the public in the coming months, most of the province’s 16 million+ population can immediately access the panic button through a smartphone.

The Gauteng e-Panic button app is available for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

The Android version was downloaded over 50,000 times and scored an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 from 117 reviews by the time of publication.

See mybroadband.co.za/news/securit…
#Blog, #SOS, #southafrica, #technology


Starlink by SpaceX to offer free emergency SOS on ALL phones worldwide

A post on X by Elon Musk stating: After thinking it through, SpaceX Starlink will provide emergency services access for mobile phones for people in distress for free. This applies worldwide, subject to approval by country governments. Can’t have a situation where someone dies because they forgot or were unable to pay for it.
While Emergency SOS via satellite is literally life-saving, the implementation by smartphone companies is not going to be free, at least not for long. This defeats the purpose of the feature and could even be seen as a way to capitalize on someone’s desperation. Its efficacy also depends on satellite availability and coverage. SpaceX’s Starlink is about to solve all of these problems, as per a new claim by Musk on X.

Starlink is a subsidiary of SpaceX that offers global broadband connectivity via satellites, enabling users in even the most remote areas to have access to high-speed internet. As of today, it has more than 6,000 satellites in orbit — much higher than its rivals. Earlier this year, Starlink by SpaceX launched Direct to Cell service with T-Mobile, enabling texting, calling, and data across the globe on existing smartphones.

But there is one major snag (especially, for example, in South Africa): To offer global emergency services access via satellites, Starlink will need approvals from every country individually.

With such a potentially vital and life-saving service, it’s also going to be interesting to see if non-participating governments are going to be held civilly liable for any deaths of their citizens where such a call could have saved lives.

See androidpolice.com/spacex-starl…
#Blog, #SOS, #starlink, #technology


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Sharron Davies MBE

This is a biological male fighting a female & absolutely everyone can see it, they have also failed gender screening, twice & have XY chromosomes. There is no ambiguity that the #IOC do not care if a #female gets #seriously #hurt. Or #worse. I’m astonished at the weakness of the #media

#sick of #satan #sos as the evil ones are all places running all the shows

what result of all this evil , who knows


plus d’un million de personnes, vit dehors et n’a accès à rien. Ils manquent d’eau et d’accès aux soins, plus aucun soin de santé primaire n’est disponible.

Pour le personnel de santé, il s’agit aussi de choisir entre abandonner leurs patients à une mort quasi certaine, ou rester au péril de leur propre vie. Certains ont décidé de rester et continuent à travailler malgré les risques.

Aujourd’hui, ils subissent le même sort que le reste de la population : ### ils sont sous les bombes depuis onze jours, d’ailleurs, nous avons été informés par nos collègues que de nombreux médecins et soignants sont morts depuis le début de l’offensive israélienne sur Gaza.

Alors que Gaza est dans le noir, L’hôpital Al-Shifa est un des seuls endroits qui dispose encore d’électricité, mais encore pour 24 heures maximum, car les stocks de carburant s’épuisent. Concrètement, quand il n’y aura plus d’électricité du tout, de nombreux patients vont mourir, notamment ceux qui sont dans les services de réanimation, de néonatalogie et sous assistance respiratoire. Et une pénurie générale de nombreux médicaments condamne les patients atteints de maladies chroniques, le diabète, le cancer, mais aussi les femmes enceintes.

Dans les jours qui viennent, en plus des blessés de guerre, on risque de voir une vague de malades, des personnes qui vont développer des maladies liées à ces conditions de vie : diarrhée, infections respiratoires et cutanées, déshydratation peuvent se développer rapidement et gravement mettre en danger les plus vulnérables, parmi lesquels les femmes et les enfants. Il faut avoir en tête que la moitié de la population de Gaza a moins de 18 ans. Or, il n’existe plus aucun système de santé pour les prendre en charge.

17 oct 2023 https://www.msf.fr/actualites/gaza-tous-les-blesses-sont-en-danger-de-mort-dans-les-heures-a-venir
communauté internationale, bon à rien.
#guerre #Palestine #crime-de-guerre #ignominie #detresse #sos #reconnaissance-du-peuple-Palestinien #CPI #hopitaux #msf #empathie


The Motorola Defy satellite dongle tested: Essential plan starts from $5 per month

A hand holding a flat oval shaped grey plastic dongle, a bright orange button on the right side, with the label SOS next to it.
“I think [satellite connectivity] is going to start coming in as a feature in the high end and then become just a default feature for flagship phones,” he said. “It’s relatively easy to take our chip [the MT6825 found inside the Motorola Defy] and add it to any 4G or 5G phone. It will be integrated into 5G modems going forward, kind of a default feature.”

It’s an exciting picture of a future where you aren’t entirely reliant on connectivity provided by your carrier or Wi-Fi network, and it could end up saving lives in emergency situations. While direct integration of satellite communication is still in its infancy, the service is available to anyone right now through the Motorola Defy and the Bullitt Messenger Service. The Motorola Defy is a palm-sized rugged dongle with MediaTek’s MT6825NTN chip inside. It connects to your phone using Bluetooth, talks to the satellite network, and is ready to send messages through Bullitt’s app when you don’t have any service.

The linked article goes into some detail about the hands-on testing with this device. It will work with any smartphone, and just requires the Bullitt Messenger app to use the Defy dongle (and your recipients need to have the app installed to receive messages for free [yes payment too if they want to reply]). The downside is you do need to carry this dongle with you. That said, it is a once-off purchase that includes the one year of the Essential plan (Up to 30 satellite messages per month with emergency SOS included) which is $5 pm after that and is actually quite reasonable. Receiving messages via the satellite service though is free of charge.

Being a separate dongle device, I’d imagine you can also share the use of it with a spouse or friend. The only bad news really is the satellite coverage for now is still only the USA and Europe. But it looks like from Q4 2023 that South America, Africa and also the Oceania region (and Japan) will get coverage.

For the next year or two at least, it will only be some of the flagship phones that get satellite comms built in, so a device like this may be perfect for the millions of mid-range smartphone users. Hopefully too, an increasing volume in usage, will make pricing even better over time.

See https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/i-tried-a-life-saving-gadget-motorola-defy-smartphone-satellite-connectivity/
#Blog, #satellitecomms, #SOS, #technology


Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cjKemKunRF8

Hello, I am Dr Grégory Pamart,

33 years old, married and a father.

For 1 year, 4 months and 13 days, I no longer have the right to practice my profession as a general practitioner in my country, France 🇫🇷.

500 days ago, I was forced to abandon my patients.

To leave them alone and unresolved.

500 days ago, the government threw out doctors, nurses, caregivers, firefighters, health personnel, who refused the anti-covid injection.

We have lost the job we love.

The government has invented a new status: we are the "suspended" without wages, without compensation, without any help.

For 500 days, we have given up our security, our comfort, some are begging, families are abandoning their homes, people are leaving their country.

Our only crime is to have been careful. To have refused a new treatment.

We refused that anyone, even our government, could dispose of our body.

We have refused that medicine, tomorrow, can commit the crime of forcing people.

For months, hundreds of thousands of protesters have stood up... ignored, mocked by the media, discredited in public opinion.

This summer, France 🇫🇷 in the midst of a fire called for help from firefighters from all over Europe… But 5,000 suspended firefighters remained at home… Without being able to help.

Many patients no longer have a doctor. They give up seeking treatment or go to the emergency room. But the doctors still cannot cure.

Emergency services are closing one after another. Wait times are so long that patients are dying on stretchers before being seen.

But the unvaccinated still cannot return to their posts. That is the reality in France 🇫🇷. In this country which boasted of having "the best health system in the world".

Today, the whole world admits that vaccination does not prevent the transmission of the virus, the scientific argument no longer holds.

All countries have removed the requirement. But no... Not all of them! France is the last country to retain the vaccination obligation for health professions.

This "French exception", we owe it to President Macron who announced: "I really want to annoy the non-vaccinated. And so, we will continue to do so, until the end. That's the strategy.

He makes it personal, serves the pharmaceutical industry, against his own people! The government turns a blind eye to the situation.

Worse, recently he has been filibustering to prevent parliament from repealing this unjust law. 500 days already, 500 days…

Will I be able to practice as a doctor again in my country? I don't know. In fact, I am afraid of what medicine is becoming.

I'm afraid of what my country is becoming. "Suspended status" allows the state to socially obliterate anyone for their ideas. Caregivers today, tomorrow? Recalcitrant teachers? The police men ? The judges ?

It is for this reason that I am addressing you. The government is locking down our ability to act. If we want the cause to be heard, we must go beyond the borders of our country.

Inform and massively arouse international public opinion. The world must say to Macron and his government: "You cannot trample your democracy.

Those who give their lives to care for others deserve better than that. The health and freedom of the French deserve better than that. France 🇫🇷 cannot become a totalitarian state.

The country of human rights deserves better than that. This is a call for help. We need international public opinion to understand and know what is happening in France 🇫🇷. The state of our health. The state of our policy.
This is an #SOS
Spread this call throughout the world. In your language. Relay to your friends, your family, your acquaintances. Relay in social networks. Relay to your media. We need public opinion to stand with us. France claims to have guided the world.

Today, to the #world to #support #France.



Stranded motorist effects own rescue by attaching his phone to a drone and sending it up to higher altitude

A drone in flight with a phone hanging below it
Rather than wandering off on foot in search of help, he stayed with his vehicle, which provided shelter from the elements. Conveniently, he also happened to have a drone along with him, which provided him with an opportunity to get some help. After typing a detailed text message to a friend describing his situation and exact location, he attached the phone to his drone and sent it straight up a couple of hundred feet — enough to get a line-of-sight connection to a cell tower.

When he brought the drone back down a few minutes later, he found that the queued text had been sent, and the cavalry was on the way. The Search and Rescue unit was able to locate him, and as a bonus, also found someone else nearby who had been stranded for days.

See https://hackaday.com/2023/03/08/stranded-motorist-effects-own-rescue-using-a-drone-and-a-cell-phone/
#Blog, #drone, #SOS, #technology


#Immigration, le dessous des cartes - #UnionPopulaireRépublicaine

Dans cette #vidéo, #FrançoisAsselineau démonte tous les #narratifs sur l’immigration imposés par les #gouvernements, les #ONG et les #médias de l' #oligarchie.
Ceux qui nous présentent l’ #ImmigrationClandestine comme un #drame inéluctable et subi mentent car ils savent qu'elle est #organisée et même #financée par des #structures qui ont pignon sur rue en #France.

#SOS #Méditerranée à l' #origine de l' #opération #OceanViking, qui reçoit des #financements des #pouvoirs #publics #français - mais pas que -, en est un exemple flagrant.
L’immigration #clandestine est certes lourde de #drames #humains car elle cause de nombreuses #victimes, prive les #pays du #Sud d’une partie de leur #jeunesse et attise un #ressentiment #anti-immigrés dans les pays du #Nord.

Mais à qui la faute ?

La faute en revient d'abord à ceux qui se sont fait une #spécialité de ce #nouveau #trafic d' #êtres #humains entre l' #Afrique et l' #Europe.

Elle en revient aussi aux #contraintes #bruxelloises qui imposent à la France de #payer des #sommes #exorbitantes à #Bruxelles et aux pays de l' #Est, sans bénéfice pour nous et dont une petite partie seulement suffirait à développer une nouvelle #relation avec les pays #africains, permettant de #stabiliser leur #population chez eux.

Entre la " #Construction #européenne" et une nouvelle relation avec les pays africains, #équilibrée et fondée sur la #coopération, la France doit choisir.

Les différents chapitres de cette vidéo sont :
0:00 - Introduction
01:34 - Les #mensonges sur les flux non maîtrisés de #migrants #clandestins
06:00 - Les #transports de migrants vers l’ #Europe s’opposent aux #Droits de l’ #Homme
08:16 - #SOS #Méditerranée, financée par des #fonds #publics, bafoue la #loi.
13:00 - La France se retrouve sans #défense face à l’immigration clandestine
13:55 - L’ #hypocrisie de l’ #OQTF
17:17 - #Espace #Schengen : un État sans #frontières peut-il contrôler ses flux #migratoires ?
19:28 - L’impéritie des #gouvernements français successifs et de leurs oppositions face à l’ #avenir du #monde
22:46 - La #situation #explosive à #Mayotte
24:15 - Il faut aider les pays d’Afrique pour #endiguer les vagues d’immigration #malheureuse
28:06 - Il faut rétablir des relations d’État à État avec les pays d'Afrique, mutuellement respectueuses et équilibrées
29:12 - Il faut réorienter vers l’Afrique des milliards d’ #euros que la France verse à l’ #UE et à l’ #Ukraine en pure perte
33:46 - L’ #Émir du #Qatar financerait l’immigration clandestine à Mayotte
35:54 - Qui sont ceux qui déstabilisent les pays #occidentaux en finançant l’immigration clandestine ?
36:25 - Conclusion, ce qu’il faut faire avant qu’il ne soit trop tard

#politique #économie


How to set up Emergency SOS on your smartwatch – Makes me realise I should have maybe bought a SIM enabled watch option now

While smartwatches have always been able to relay notifications, the ability to make emergency calls was a big step forward in making them standalone devices.

Generally, Emergency SOS features have two functions. The first is to call local emergency responders if you find yourself in a bind. For instance, if you take a nasty spill and can’t make it to the phone, your watch can call 911. The second is to relay your location to a select group of trusted contacts. For folks who want to leave their phone at home, these features can ensure that your loved ones will be able to find you if you’re injured or need help.

You don’t necessarily need a cellular watch to make use of Emergency SOS. However, a cellular watch is the best option if you want Emergency SOS to be available at all times. Otherwise, you’ll need to have your phone nearby or your watch will need some sort of internet connectivity via Wi-Fi.

Most cellular services worldwide do have free emergency numbers, which can be used even your account is depleted, or without even having a valid SIM card. Looking at the details for South Africa, for example, an Apple Watch can call emergency services without the phone IF it was set up once to work with a cellular service. A watch is by far the most convenient way to very quickly trigger an emergency call, but I’m just not sure what works with a non-cellular watch in WiFi range of the phone, to actual emergency services. Mine does at least appear to trigger normal phone calls through the phone, so I’d expect it should still work.

The big takeaway, though, is you do need to configure and set up your watch (and you should do the same for your phone) for SOS calls, as many watches and phones will triggers alerts for falls, vehicle accidents, etc on your behalf.

See https://www.theverge.com/23123590/smartwatch-emergency-sos-how-to-apple-samsung-google-garmin

#technology #SOS #emergency #smartwatch
#Blog, ##emergency, ##smartwatch, ##sos, ##technology