

Hey podmins!

Please note that diaspora* is currently not compatible with Ubuntu 22.04, aka Jammy. Canonical decided to ship OpenSSL version 3 to everyone, and unfortunately, Ruby 2.7 is incompatible with OpenSSL 3. While there are some potential workarounds for that, we're currently unable to offer any help or support. So for now, please set up new pods using Ubuntu 20.04, and please do not upgrade your existing pods.

The next major release of diaspora* will support Ruby 3, and as soon as that is released (please do not ask for a timeline - we don't have one :)), you can upgrade your pods.

If you're already running a production pod on 22.04, and you somehow managed to get it running... please tell us how. We'd really like to know in case we get more support requests!

Thanks y'all.

#diaspora #podmin #podmins #ubuntu #jammy