

I've been learning modern #android development for the last month. Last time i did android development was about 10 years ago, and a lot has changed since then:
* #Kotlin is now used as the programming language instead of Java
* Co-routines (a way in Kotlin to run work in threads) are used for performing GUI updates
* Jetpack #Compose is used instead of XML for creating the layouts
* Compose uses state variables to update the GUI in a declarative way
* Room has been added as a way to access SQLite databases


I'm working on some #kotlin code for the first time in awhile and I have to say that it seems IntelliSense in IntelliJ for Multiplatform seems far less intelligent now. Had decided to tweak before using this as a porting to Dart #dartlang test case but think will jump on porting.


Although I'm pretty much a convert to #flutter for UI development I'm excited to see Compose Multiplatform hit 1.0. That means one can use #kotlin w/one stack for mobile, desktop, and web (just like w/Flutter) and avoid the JavaFX Rube Goldberg problem. blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2021/12…



#Kotlin #delegation #designpatterns #delegate