

got a reply to my latest query to police scotland [via https://www.scotland.police.uk/secureforms/contact/ which I encourage use of].

Subject: cancard protects our human rights from you?
Do we need a cancard to be safe from you yet?
Are we even safe from you if we have a cancard?

Thank you for your email. Cancards are not legally recognised in Scotland however each situation would be assessed on its individual merit.

the last phrase of which, inspires a little hope.

"each situation would be assessed on its individual merit"

maybe I should pop into the local station, with this reply, holding a seed over a pot of soil, along with a list of my many ailments for which cannabis helps, asking them, "does my individual situation have sufficient merit to keep me safe from you if i were to drop this seed?",
with or without including https://www.seedourfuture.co.uk/no-evidence-no-crime/ 's https://www.seedourfuture.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2020/10/Cannabis-and-the-Law-No-Evidence-No-Crime-MASTER-v1.3.pdf which does well to highlight their higher deeper lawful duty.

#cancard #notsafe #hope #legalisecannabisscotland2021 #legalisecannabisuk2021 #cannabis #police #contact #individualmerit #discresion #notlegalbut #legalbutnot #askthepolice #prohibition #dieprohibitiondie #timeflieswhenyouarenotinpainorprison #cannabissavesmylife #thugs

(ps, i'm probably too chicken (>9000) and feeble to do this. but, feel free to take the idea and run with it. and film it and upload the footage. and encourage a thousand others to do the same.)