

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra7lFFRi7b4 #science #goodrant #darkhorse

as i chirped about it #meanwhileinirc, transcribing parts, as i watched:
[2023-04- 4 15:11:42] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra7lFFRi7b4 "been going on a long time" yes. and even if you get the abstract, rather than just the title, if the paper's method etc is hidden, GAH, science faked and broken, corrupted. even with all the parts in place, available, there are many things to corrupt it, that are not easy to find. but to deny us even this... seemingly reasonably, paywalled, accademic-walled, etc... invites the hucksters
and racketeers and scientismists and groupthink obedients and intentional disinformationists and beliefist ideologists and and and.
[2023-04- 4 15:12:24] "is accessible, if they would share more information the likes of what you're supposed to do in science"
[2023-04- 4 15:14:16] yup. credentialism & silos. good little rant about the problem after that^
[2023-04- 4 15:19:00] "throughout this, we've been told: dont ask questions, dont do your own research, dont assess for yourself, simply trust the authorities who've shown up with credentials that you may or may not be able to assess, with backgrounds, and with skills that you may or may not be able to assess, and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, pay no attention to the fact that the entire system has been so so corrupted by the role of money
and federal granting agencies that the vast majority of people who are now doing science in the west at least in the US are doing little tiny reductionist pieces of science and will actually say if you ask them question outside of their little domain, 'well that's not my concern'. so why would we trust, 'y'know, WORLD HEALTH, to people who will say, 'naw, i just do this thing, i just do this little thing'"
[2023-04- 4 15:21:10] mmm. and good point about the trivialisation of science as if optional, like an affectation.
[2023-04- 4 15:22:20] albeit slightly over binary, rather than a gradient that aspirations for better science can be continually met.
[2023-04- 4 15:26:14] "paying attention to the science" is one thing, and a misplaced notion with the word "the" in that, is also itself myopic, even without the "the", lest including the softer sciences, like sociological studies, political studies, etc.



a simple protective mask.

too simple, i fear.

i recall reading the instructions on the masks’ packaging, including the warning insisting it does not provide protection.

so… canny how you present that. wouldn’t want to lure people into false sense of security. dont need a bunch of typhoid marys magnanimously swanning around thinking they’re doing a good thing, wafting out spray from both sides of their incubation layer, rather than a single directable cone, not back across their flesh and into their hair and mucous membranes, as well as whoever’s either side of them and behind them, as well as whatever then rains down from being redirected like a plume upwards. … seems wise reason they have warnings on the instructions on the packaging, to say they do not provide protection… but… i imagine in the churn to produce so many, there was less and less regulation and such instructional advisory packaging going around. not a lot of seweing machine made masks coming with that established best medical/legal practice warnings about them not offering protection. nor about how isolating yourself weakens the immune system… like we’ve forgotten the lessons from history about that. live in a sterile bubble, lose your immune system. similarly, live with constant stress and fear, harm your biome and lose your immune balance that way too. so… to get people to do both… very lucrative, for the oxymoronic “for profit healthcare”. whole lot of repeat custom, atop their now captive market. dont have to wait for people to get sick. perfect to keep this business with its insane mark-up alive. and with “no liability” bought a while ago, they can do no wrong. stocks going up. but, of course these ruthless greedy eugenicist megalomaniacal mysanthropic ecocidal monopolists and oligarchs have our best interest at heart, they really care, so, we should just obey, and participate in the victim-co-perpetration corporate-state terrorism to help build totalitarianism, because, they really care. they’re not doing this for the massive gains in wealth, power, or for furthering their stated plans of depopulation, even though it does, no, it’s because they care. obey.

#DigitsRants #Triggered #Mislabelling #MissingInstructions #YOUAREDOINGITWRONG #OBEY #masks #immunesystem #PsyOpComplicity #InASeaOfMisinformationEverybodysAShill #consider #anotherperspective #forprofithealthcare #oxymoronic #falsesenseofsecurity #villainswhoclothethemselvesingooddeeds #flowdynamics #economics #sociology #immunology #anthropology #psychology #care #obey #doyourownthinking #questionmore #whenthewholeworldgoesmad #catharticrant #goodrant #sarcasm #satire