

I've just written to the #police again, regarding #cannabis.

I've not seen a reply from my prior query, presumably because it highlighted your criminal complicity, so, I shall attempt to avoid pointing that out this time, and ask again, importantly, as highlighted by the expression "Time flies when you're not in pain or prison",

Are we safe from you yet?

Am I safe (as I put it to Rt Hon Dorothy Bain KC) to put seed to soil, safe in reassurance that no gang of thugs will break into my home, tie me up, ransack the place, steal my medicine and threaten to make me your prisoner for over a decade of being raped, or any other unjust abuse, just for trying to spare myself immense suffering and save my life with a benign flower?

We need not have any restrictions on putting seed to soil. We need not have this persisting terror of this threat from you, the police.

Please, offer this ressurance, we're safe from you, the police. Please reasure us you are public servants, not a terrorist menace.

Are we safe from the police gangs yet?

Will you keep the peace if I place a cannabis seed in soil to germinate?



got a reply to my latest query to police scotland [via https://www.scotland.police.uk/secureforms/contact/ which I encourage use of].

Subject: cancard protects our human rights from you?
Do we need a cancard to be safe from you yet?
Are we even safe from you if we have a cancard?

Thank you for your email. Cancards are not legally recognised in Scotland however each situation would be assessed on its individual merit.

the last phrase of which, inspires a little hope.

"each situation would be assessed on its individual merit"

maybe I should pop into the local station, with this reply, holding a seed over a pot of soil, along with a list of my many ailments for which cannabis helps, asking them, "does my individual situation have sufficient merit to keep me safe from you if i were to drop this seed?",
with or without including https://www.seedourfuture.co.uk/no-evidence-no-crime/ 's https://www.seedourfuture.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2020/10/Cannabis-and-the-Law-No-Evidence-No-Crime-MASTER-v1.3.pdf which does well to highlight their higher deeper lawful duty.

#cancard #notsafe #hope #legalisecannabisscotland2021 #legalisecannabisuk2021 #cannabis #police #contact #individualmerit #discresion #notlegalbut #legalbutnot #askthepolice #prohibition #dieprohibitiondie #timeflieswhenyouarenotinpainorprison #cannabissavesmylife #thugs

(ps, i'm probably too chicken (>9000) and feeble to do this. but, feel free to take the idea and run with it. and film it and upload the footage. and encourage a thousand others to do the same.)