Compare this title from #linuxtoday to the original (in the article cited). The original was correct, this one is not. Find is not a "Linux command". Linux is a #kernel
Compare this title from #linuxtoday to the original (in the article cited). The original was correct, this one is not. Find is not a "Linux command". Linux is a #kernel
Before Brian Profitt joined #redhat (now #ibm ... a long way from IBM-sponsored #linuxtoday ... by ads -- Profitt was editor there) the #linuxfoundation hired him to create a sort of Mozilla MDN but for Linux. Of course Zemlin and his NSA/monopoly bois abolished all that. Same in LF Board. #microsoft added... they're OK, community bad!
Oh shit. #linuxtoday linking to a copycat site of #itsfoss (the .net is not the real one)