

Haven't done a "desktop of the month" screenshot in a while, so why not. Still: #mxlinux , current version, running mostly-default #xfce desktop. Only deviation again is #qogir theme (because I simply like it). Seen: Terminal, file manager, #midori browser with (phew...) pinafora.social connected to #loma.ml and displaying the @inoffiziell|Esa profile. Just for the sake of it.


@Matthias/E Did "anything happen" on #loma.ml last night? Looking at my mailbox this morning, I noticed that, for one, all of a sudden I received, like, several hundreds of messages of posts I made here months ago, and, more interesting, apparently my attempt to import my #mastodon contact list now all of a sudden finally worked out, leaving me with a whole bunch of contacts and sending out quite a load of follow requests. I'm a bit surprised as I didn't do anything about this yesterday? Did you...? 😀


Asking for my non-federated (Facebook) bubble: Which #friendica instance to recommend to people looking for a sustainable, somewhat guaranteed-to-be-available, reasonably fast and well-maintained service mostly for longer posts / communications that at best "federate" with Twitter and the rest of the #fediverse too? I'm so far using #loma.ml but I'm unsure whether this instance is suited for and supposed to be a long-term public service for arbitrary users. Paid service would be an option too if there is any.


German below ->
I try to unite my #Diaspora and #Mastodon accounts and maybe discover some of the fancy friendica features. Hope it will be sucessfull and stay as my fediverse solution.

This #friendica account is my new testobject and I would welcome if you share with me (again) 😀 maybe it is possible to permanent move to this account.

Me on D* @Krutor
Me on Mastodon: @krutor

Dies ist der Versuch mein Diaspora und mein Mastodon-Konto zusammen zu bringen und evtl. all die guten Funktionen von Friendica zu entdecken. Ein wenig ein Experiment, von dem ich jedoch hoffe, dass es sich verstätigt.

Das hier ist mein Friendica account. Wäre klasse wenn ihr mit mir teilt, vielleicht kann ich dann auch dauerhaft hier bleiben 😀

#loma.ml #Fediverse