

It took me too much time to get the fucking keys for #pacman on #manjaro straightened out.

Here is what one can run in such a case "key not found" or so.

sudo pacman-key --init && sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro && sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys

EndeavourOS and Manjaro: An in-depth Comparison Between Two of the Best Arch Linux Based Distros

If you have ever tried using Arch Linux, you know it is almost impossible to install it without proper documentation and Linux knowledge. That’s the charm of Arch Linux, actually.

But since Arch Linux lies on the expert end of the Linux distros spectrum, there exists several Arch-based distributions that try to make things easier for the common folks. Manjaro and EndeavourOS are two of the most popular choices when it comes to an ‘Arch-based Arch alternative’.

Like most Linux distros, both will do everything, it is more about how they are presented with their default options.

See https://itsfoss.com/endeavouros-vs-manjaro/

#technology #linux #manjaro #endeavouros #opensource
#Blog, ##endeavouros, ##linux, ##manjaro, ##opensource, ##technology


Salut les #mastonautes, je fais un appel à la solidarité. Je suis en #formation #technicien systèmes et réseaux et je suis à la recherche d'un #stage sur #lille et les alentours. Je suis passionné par #linux (#archlinux #manjaro #debian ) et les valeurs du libre. Je reste aussi ouvert au non libre 😉
Si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui prend des stagiaires, ça serait super gentil 👍
Si vous partagez ce pouet pour m'aider à le diffuser c'est aussi super gentil 👍