

Oppenheimer | Οπενχάιμερ

Foto van poster voor film Oppenheimer aan lantaarnpaal.

Athene (Griekenland) 2023

Ook in Griekenland draaide de film Oppenheimer (Οπενχάιμερ in het Grieks) over Robert Oppenheimer en de andere makers van de atoombom.

De dreiging van een nucleaire oorlog is groter dan de meeste mensen denken, zeker nu Rusland oorlog voert tegen Europa. De gevolgen van zo’n oorlog zouden desastreus zijn.

#athene #athens #bioscoop #cinema #film #foto #fotografie #greece #griekenland #movie #photo #photography

Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2024/02/14/oppenheimer-%ce%bf%cf%80%ce%b5%ce%bd%cf%87%ce%ac%ce%b9%ce%bc%ce%b5%cf%81/


Kinshasa's Urban Artists

🇨🇩 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PtrzUDSnSk

𒆜 Benis Baras - Sculptor
𒆜 Freddy Tsimba - Sculptor
𒆜 Julie Djikey - Photographer / Performer
𒆜 Kato Street Collective - Sound Researchers
𒆜 Kongo Astronaut - Performer

-> Renaud Barret's first tests (2013) for the film 'Système K' (2019).

Entrer une description pour l'image ici

The Warchild by Benis Baras.

#urban #art #sculpture #photo #performance #SoundResearch #congo #kinshasa
#BenisBaras #FreddyTsimba #JulieDjikey #KatoStreetCollective #KongoAstronaut #SystèmeK
#SystemeK #SystemK #street #poetic #scene #BelleKinoiseProd #RenaudBarret #movie #film #documentary


Openluchtbioscoop Thision | Θησειον

Foto van ingang bioscoop

Athene (Griekenland) 2023

Deze openluchtbioscoop, Thision, was gesloten, toen ik er langs kwam. Op hun site vond ik een foto van het interieur (hieronder). Verder ontdekte ik dat Athene vele openluchtbioscopen telt.

Foto van stoelen en scherm van openluchtbioscoop Thision met uitzicht op het Parthenon

Athene (Griekenland)

#athene #athens #bioscoop #cinema #film #foto #fotografie #greece #griekenland #movie #photo #photography

Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2024/02/13/openluchtbioscoop-thision-%ce%b8%ce%b7%cf%83%ce%b5%ce%b9%ce%bf%ce%bd/


#history #movie

Hollywood was at the heart of the entertainment industry, with iconic films from the 1980s such as "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial," "Top Gun," and "Back to the Future."


« La Zone d’intérêt » : « Je ne veux pas d’un gouvernement comme celui de 1933 », confie Sandra Hüller

La comédienne allemande est l’actrice de l’année. Nommée aux Oscars, aux Césars et aux Bafta pour sa performance dans Anatomie d’une chute, elle incarne, dans la Zone d’intérêt, Hedwig Höss, l’épouse du commandant d’Auschwitz. Pour interpréter ce personnage, elle s’est fait violence.

#cinema #movie #SandraHuller


#krimi #movie #mystery #serie
kennt ihr noch den Clip von wegen „Tatort in 3 Minuten“ ? ... ich halt den Kram nicht mehr aus... sowieso TV #ÖR Boykotteur seit Jahren
aber wow !

gefunden per #perlentaucher

jetzt kriegen die mal was Gutes hin - aber für Untertitel in Englisch reicht es auch nicht...



#Starman is a #1984 American #science-fiction romance drama #film directed by #JohnCarpenter that tells the #story of a non-corporeal alien who has come to #Earth and cloned a #human body (portrayed by #Jeff-Bridges) in response to the invitation found on the gold phonograph record installed on the Voyager 2 space probe.
The original screenplay was written by Bruce A. Evans and Raynold Gideon, with Dean Riesner making uncredited re-writes.

The film received positive reviews but faltered in its initial box office debut.[2] Bridges was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role. It inspired the short-lived Starman television series in 1986.

For more info, click on the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starman_(film)


#Alice’s #Adventures in #Wonderland ( #1972) - Adventure, Family, Fantasy
enter image description here
#Alice (Fiona Fullerton) falls down a rabbit hole and into a magical dream world populated by surreal characters and bewildering adventures. It's a journey of self-discovery for Alice as she searches for a way out of Wonderland and encounters many bizarre creatures such as the White Rabbit (Michael Crawford), the March Hare (Peter Sellers), the Queen of Hearts (Dame Flora Robson), and the Dormouse (Dudley Moore). Musical highlights include the inspiring song "The Me I Never Knew".
Staring - Fiona Fullerton, Michael Jayston, Hywel Bennett