

Hallo zusammen, ich bin tatsächlich #NeuHier. Ich interessiere mich für #art, #music-jazz, #music-production, #politics, #progressive, #sci-fi, #science, #science-and-technology und #science-fiction.
Und noch vieles mehr #film #movies wären noch zu nennen, hier speziell künstlerische Animationsfilme.
Hello everyone, I'm actually #NewHere. I am interested in #art, #music-jazz, #music-production, #politics, #progressive, #sci-fi, #science, #science-and-technology and #science-fiction.
And many more #film #movies could be mentioned, here especially artistic animation films.


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #boating, #music-, #music-classical, #music-jazz, #music-violin, #politics, and #sailing.

Yeah, I'm not new, I just needed to pick a new pod since the old one (pod.jns.im) just disappeared along with all my contacts, history, etc. Dang.

Any help with that?

If we were connected before please send me a conversation. I can't possibly come up with that long list of folks off the top of my head.