

2 people in the UK visited a pub in the nude, and they as well as the staff were severely attacked over that. Despite the fact that plain, simple nudity is legal in the UK.


“Danielle and I find it deeply saddening that in 2023 an individual has attacked a small business that is trying to demonstrate acceptance and tolerance.”

enter image description here

#naturism #acceptance


My alter ego published a new Emma Nelson mystery yesterday.

"Hidden Things". It's book 3 in the series

Read all about it at:

Note: #NaturistFiction deals with nudity and #naturism so the link might be #nsfw, even though the cover is #sfw (unless your work doesn't allow you to see the image of a swimming pool).

This is all the #contentwarning I shall add to this post.

Toot morning, everyone.



I made it happen. A new book.

Nude in Space 2

In this sequel to “Nude In Space”, a group of ‘nudies’ want to escape a dying Earth in search of CS 298.

Will they succeed? And what if they do? Will there be that planet which was once visited and that no one ever returned to?

Follow Bradley, Trish, Joan, Jack and many others on their quest, in search of a new world.



Animals don’t care about ‘nudity’

Yes, I added quotes around ‘nudity’ up there because they belong there.

Nudity is a human concept. Animals have no concept that relates to it.

When it’s warm or hot, I tend to be clothes-free. My cats don’t give a damn. They probably don’t even consider that I’m not in my “furs” or whatever they might think of clothes.

Come to think of it, they probably don’t even have a concept of clothes. Simply because they don’t have them. It’s nothing that exists in their frame of thinking, in their world. The fact that we, people, sometimes ‘change colour’ is something they just accept as a fact, as long as they get their food and attention…

See the rest at zjuzdme.org.

#nsfw #naturism