

Host Your Site Under Your Domain on IPFS

Host Your Site Under Your Domain on IPFS
This is a step-by-step tutorial for hosting your website under your domain on IPFS, from zero, on a DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.04.3 x64 Droplet


#website #host #embed #daemon #certbot #user #start #ipfs #sign #install #gist #domain #nginx #aptget


After a long time with old owncloud on lighttpd, i wanted to use the opportunity of a new server to upgrade to nextcloud on nginx. Sounds easy? A whole fu*king day wasted diging through outdated copy-paste tutorials and messing around in dozens of incoherent config-files, with the exact same result: nginx just won't parse php.

I gave up on 'modern' webserver, copy paste those few lines:
and everything works like charm. -_-

#php #nextcloud #debian #lighttpd #nginx


Today I Learned.. How to configure TLS (https) server for an A+ rating on sslLabs.

It all started with a simple desire to have #https on my hobby server. Then you launch #letsencrypt, get to know it, and quickly it's done. You have those keys generated on your server and trusted by everyone. And you have it configured on nginx.

For some time you're satisfied, but then you wonder whether it really has any impact, whether it's all secure on practice.

And so (or at least as it was for me), you start with your "B" rating, google/searx for answers the internet, get to understand the basics of modern web security. It's very fun, you get to know a lot of stuff. Some practices work, some are not very pleasant to work with. Some are too paranoid, some are not paranoid enough. A couple of hours one day, a couple of hours another, and you have it done.

I don't know whether it was a fun read and whether it fits in "what interesting have I done today" scenario, but here it is. Thanks to #ssllabs for their fine tool. Thanks #letsencrypt for their free and convenient tool and ideology. And thank god I use #linux and #nginx to get things done.:)