


Externe HDD NTFS formatiert am Raspberry4 und NAS hat beschi... bescheidene Übertragungsrate. EXT4 hingegen holt das Maximum aus der Platte und dem Ethernet. Eben ausprobiert. Wollte erst faul sein, hat sich aber nicht gelohnt. Stattdessen umformatiert und... Winner.
#raspi #nas #ext4 #ntfs


Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should: Install Linux on NTFS – on the same partition as Windows... Never mind the practicality, feel the grief

As alert folks of a cross-platform inclination will have noticed, Paragon's NTFS driver was accepted into the Linux kernel, and was released as part of 5.15. This has had a consequence they probably didn't consider, though: you can now boot Linux from an NTFS partition.

But wait, there's more. Since a Linux installation doesn't use any of the same file or folder names in the root directory, you can even install them into the same partition.

Yes, you probably really don't want to do this. I keep my OS's on separate drives altogether, and rather share common data partitions where needed.

See Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should: Install Linux on NTFS – on the same partition as Windows

#technology #opensource #Linux #NTFS


Never mind the practicality, feel the grief



Linux Kernel 5.15 Released with New NTFS File System, In-Kernel SMB Server, and its a Long-Term Support kernel

After seven Release Candidates and two months of hard work, Linux kernel 5.15 is here and it’s ready for mass adoption as the latest LTS (Long-Term Support) kernel for GNU/Linux distributions. You can download it right now from the kernel.org website or from here (direct download link since kernel.org isn’t updated yet).

Highlights of Linux 5.15 include a brand new NTFS file system implementation from Parangon Software that’s fully functional and supports all NTFS versions up to 3.1, realtime preemption locking, an in-kernel SMB3 server called ksmbd, Btrfs now supports fs-verity file integrity assurance and ID-mapped mounts, as well as DAMON (Data Access MONitor) for monitoring the memory access pattern of user-space processes.

So this compatibility should also help where you have a Windows game in Steam Games on Linux sharing a NTFS partition with a dual-booted Windows boot up.

See Linux Kernel 5.15 Released with New NTFS File System, In-Kernel SMB Server, and More - 9to5Linux

#technology #Linux #kernel #NTFS


Linux kernel 5.15 is now available for download as the next LTS (Long-Term Support) series with many new features and improvements.



Llega por fin a #Linux el soporte completo para sistemas de ficheros #NTFS: así ha sido la historia de su integración en el kernel

enter image description here

Hace años que NTFS sustituyó al FAT32 como sistema de archivos propio de los sistemas Windows; y eso obligó a que los sistemas Linux tuvieran que intentar convivir con NTFS aunque sólo fuera para intentar acceder a otras particiones en equipos con arranque dual.

Sin embargo, dicha misión siempre había sido una piedra en el zapato linuxero, funcionando con toda clase de limitaciones pese a los numerosos esfuerzos… al menos hasta ahora.

Pese a que Microsoft liberó sus patentes sobre sistemas exFAT cuando cambió su retórica con respecto al open source, se guardó para sí la información sobre cómo operaba el NTFS.

No es que eso haya frenado a la comunidad open source antes: recurrir a la ingeniería inversa ha permitido grandes avances en los últimos años para lograr compatibilidad con protocolos como SMB, o para sacar adelante proyectos como Wine, el emulador de Windows.

#gnu #linux #gnulinux


Paragon's NTFS Driver For The Linux Kernel Spun Up A 27th Time And Could Make It Into 5.15 Kernel

Those having to deal with data stored on NTFS partitions from Linux have been eagerly awaiting the "NTFS3" kernel driver that Paragon Software has been working now for a year to upstream into the Linux kernel. No pull request has been sent in yet but the twenty-seventh spin of this driver was published today.

This NTFS3 driver is better than the existing in-tree kernel driver with more reliable read-write support and other features not found there and also being in better shape than the FUSE-based NTFS driver. With the better feature-set and performance, this new driver is of interest to those having to interact with this Microsoft file-system.

See Paragon's NTFS Driver For The Linux Kernel Spun Up A 27th Time

#technology #linux #opensource #NTFS


Phoronix is the leading technology website for Linux hardware reviews, open-source news, Linux benchmarks, open-source benchmarks, and computer hardware tests.



paragon-ufsd: Paragon UFSD driver for Linux modified to work with latest Kernel version


Paragon UFSD driver for Linux modified to work with latest Kernel version. No binaries included.

You will need a LibUFSD binary blob for your architecture to build this driver. These may be obtained from the Paragon NTFS/HFS+ for Linux Express package.


#Paragon #UFSD #NTFS #HFS #exFAT #Kernel #Liunx #DKMS #GitHub