

How to turn an old PC into a NAS

Tower PC open on one side exposing its insides
A dedicated NAS may be highly functional but they are often pretty pricey… You often also don’t get a decent resale value on your recently replaced, but perfectly functional, PC.

There are a few reasons that you may want to use an older PC, but the biggest is simply just the act of recycling. If you have a perfectly good PC lying around not doing anything, why would you go out and buy a NAS instead of just putting your old computer to work? Especially because older computers like those are probably going to be more powerful than most NAS devices that you would pick up, it’s really just a no-brainer.

There is also some quite nice 3rd party NAS software to choose from, that also helps make the device quite flexible in terms of functionality.

See https://www.xda-developers.com/how-turn-old-pc-into-nas/
#Blog, #backups, #NAS, #technology


Storage question.

The 4TB disks in my ancient Synology NAS are getting old and close to the moment where I am considering replacing them. As I said: ancient Synology. It's well over 10 years old.

Would it an option to replace this NAS with a Nextbox? (https://shop.nitrokey.com/shop/product/nextbox-116)
I'm looking at a 4GB Ram/5TB HDD version. The only drawback I see is there are no mirrored disks, as the Synology has.

#Nextcloud #Synology #NAS #Storage

enter image description here


You can build your own NAS home server and save $100s

Small mini-PC computer resting on top of a NAS drive enclosure box, with four vertical slots on the front side.
Self-hosting your data and services with Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a great way to free yourself from the spiralling costs and tangled web of subscription fees. Whether you’re simply looking to back up your photos or stream 4K movies on your travels, there’s a wide range of products to pick from, but not quite so many to suit all budgets.

If you’ve been tempted by one of the best NAS systems but are put off by the expense or lack of gradual upgrade paths, building a cheap DIY NAS could be a better alternative for you.

I have a mini-PC running OpenMediaVault at home, with two external notebook drives (they power off USB power). OpenMediaVault runs a daily backup which copies data from the primary drive over to the second drive. It’s not fancy, but it offers a couple of home-hosted services that I run inside the house, as well as a Nginx Proxy Manager service that securely manages any external connections from the Internet.

The only downside is that the combination of LAN network, mini-PC power, and externally connected drives via USB, means that it has been too sluggish for me to do proper desktop backups over the LAN to it. Maybe I must try tuning it again, but this is a potential bottleneck if you wanted to back up hundreds of gigabytes of data. Still, it is highly functional, and I find it very worthwhile running. All my self-hosted services are running in Docker containers under OpenMediaVault.

So, as the article says about some options, you can go extremely budget, or if you pay a bit more, you get more functionality and speed. Off-the-shelf NAS hardware is a great way to get started, especially if you’re limited on time. But hopefully, this guide will convince you that a self-built PC or Mini-PC/DAS setup is a great way to take control of the setup yourself. Plus, it’ll cost you significantly less and net you a lot more hardware than a Synology or QNAP.

See https://www.androidauthority.com/cheap-diy-nas-server-3348392/
#Blog, #NAS, #selfhosted, #technology


Best SSDs for Network Attached Storage (NAS) in 2023: Prices are Down and Capacities are Up

A solid state hard drive with a red label and words WD Red SA500
Hard drives have typically been the go-to storage medium for loading up a NAS with data, but flash storage in the form of SSDs have grown in popularity as NAS owners look for quieter and faster drives (and lower power consumption). The best SSDs for NAS have dropped in price in recent years, allowing for a substantially better price-per-GB.

I last bought 2.5″ notebook hard drives for my NAS mainly because they could be powered directly off their USB Cables (compared to the previous larger hard drives I had which required separate power), but I can see next time around I’m pretty sure I’ll be going with SSD drives.

See https://www.androidpolice.com/best-ssds-for-nas/
#Blog, #NAS, #SSD, #technology


#Protégez et #stockez vos #fichiers avec #Leviia - #Backup en #Object #Storage & #Drive #Cloud #personnel - #Korben


Bonjour à tous,

Dans cette vidéo, je vais vous présenter les #services de Leviia et on verra ensemble comment #sauvegarder votre #NAS (Network Attached Storage) sur #ObjectStorage. Nous couvrirons les principes fondamentaux, les avantages et la manière dont cette #technologie peut améliorer la #sécurité de vos #données.
Je vous montre également le Drive/Cloud personnel de Leviia, qui vous donnera la possibilité de stocker tous vos fichiers et #documents #importants dans un emplacement sécurisé, accessible de partout.
Leviia est un #fournisseur de #cloud #souverain 100% #français. Plus qu'une simple #alternative aux #GAFAMs, Leviia garantit un respect total de la #confidentialité de vos données.
Accessible et abordable, Leviia offre un service facile à utiliser qui rend vos fichiers accessibles n'importe quand, n'importe où, et sur tous vos appareils. Leur plateforme facilite le partage de fichiers et comprend une suite collaborative intégrée. En plus d'offrir des solutions de stockage novatrices, Leviia est engagé dans une démarche durable, avec des serveurs alimentés en grande partie par des énergies renouvelables et une politique d'économie d'énergie grâce à la mutualisation.
En ce qui concerne la sécurité, Leviia s'engage à respecter les standards les plus stricts, avec un chiffrement multicouche, un cloisonnement des données, et une protection robuste contre les attaques malveillantes. Choisissez Leviia, pour un stockage de données simple, sûr et durable.


#internet #gafam


#Happy #Navratri Day 9
enter image description here
#Maa #Siddhidatri Puja
Ram Navami
March 2023


Navratri 9: #Peacock #green
Day 9 is the last day of the Navratri festival. The day is called Navami. #Goddess Siddhidatri is worshipped on this day. Peacock green is the colour of this day. It is believed that one side of Lord Shiva's body is that of Goddess Siddhidatri. Therefore, he is known by the name of #Ardhanarishwar. As per the scriptures, Lord #Shiva attained all the siddhis by worshipping this Goddess.

Siddhidatri Mata is worshipped on the ninth day of Navratri. Her names means: Siddhi - spiritual power & ‘Datri’ - the giver. The goddess is known for removing ignorance and giving knowledge to realize the eternal power, which is running the entire cosmos.

About Siddhidatri
Maa Siddhidatri is seated on the lotus and rides a lion. She has four arms, where one right arm holds the Gada (mace), other one holds the Chakra (discus weapon), one left arm holds lotus, and the other one holds Shankh (conch). She is the Goddess who holds all the Siddhis.

Lord Shiva worshipped Goddess Siddhidatri to attain all the Siddhis. She made him perfect by giving all what she had and became one with him. Lord Shiva’s half body turned into Goddess Siddhidatri. Since then, he got the name Ardhnarishwara.

Astrological Aspect
Planet Ketu is ruled by the Siddhidatri Maa. Hence, all the ill effects of Ketu can be pacified by worshipping her.

ॐ देवी सिद्धिदात्र्यै नमः॥

Prarthana Mantra:
सिद्ध गन्धर्व यक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि।
सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी॥

या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ सिद्धिदात्री रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

Dhyana Mantra:
वन्दे वाञ्छित मनोरथार्थ चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखराम्।
कमलस्थिताम् चतुर्भुजा सिद्धीदात्री यशस्विनीम्॥
स्वर्णवर्णा निर्वाणचक्र स्थिताम् नवम् दुर्गा त्रिनेत्राम्।
शङ्ख, चक्र, गदा, पद्मधरां सिद्धीदात्री भजेम्॥
पटाम्बर परिधानां मृदुहास्या नानालङ्कार भूषिताम्।
मञ्जीर, हार, केयूर, किङ्किणि रत्नकुण्डल मण्डिताम्॥
प्रफुल्ल वन्दना पल्लवाधरां कान्त कपोला पीन पयोधराम्।
कमनीयां लावण्यां श्रीणकटिं निम्ननाभि नितम्बनीम्॥

कञ्चनाभा शङ्खचक्रगदापद्मधरा मुकुटोज्वलो।
स्मेरमुखी शिवपत्नी सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
पटाम्बर परिधानां नानालङ्कार भूषिताम्।
नलिस्थिताम् नलनार्क्षी सिद्धीदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
परमानन्दमयी देवी परब्रह्म परमात्मा।
परमशक्ति, परमभक्ति, सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
विश्वकर्ती, विश्वभर्ती, विश्वहर्ती, विश्वप्रीता।
विश्व वार्चिता, विश्वातीता सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
भुक्तिमुक्तिकारिणी भक्तकष्टनिवारिणी।
भवसागर तारिणी सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
धर्मार्थकाम प्रदायिनी महामोह विनाशिनीं।
मोक्षदायिनी सिद्धीदायिनी सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥

Kavacha Mantra:
ॐकारः पातु शीर्षो माँ, ऐं बीजम् माँ हृदयो।
हीं बीजम् सदापातु नभो गृहो च पादयो॥
ललाट कर्णो श्रीं बीजम् पातु क्लीं बीजम् माँ नेत्रम्‌ घ्राणो।
कपोल चिबुको हसौ पातु जगत्प्रसूत्यै माँ सर्ववदनो॥

Make the best of Navratri’s ninth day and get blessed by Siddhidatri Durga.

Happy Navratri!

dedicated to Ma as SiddhiDhatri – often rendered in translation as the ‘Bestower of Boons’, or words to that effect. And yet, while this is indeed a reasonable direct translation of SiddhiDhatri (‘Siddhi’ having amongst its meanings a ‘Boon’, often in the sense of a Gods-bestowed supernatural power; while “Dhatri” shares a root with English terms like “Dative” and “Donation” – the ambit of which should be immediately apparent), it loses so much as to be arguably significantly distortionary to the actual role, portfolio and characterization of the Goddess in this Aspect as to make leaving the theonym untranslated almost more preferable.

But where would be the ‘challenge’ in that.

Confused? Allow me to explain. There is a prevailing theme in really bad mythtaken theological wishful thinking of construing the Gods (or, indeed, the singular God of the Abrahamic approach) as, to quote a certain tv show, something akin to a fast-food drive-thru menu: that is to say, you place your order, and the asked-for bounty is thus presented to you. This, as many a pious-in-the-face-of-adversity-or-ineffability Devotee will tell you, is not how religion actually works.

Indeed, while there is a justifiable strand of something which might vaguely look like such a thing to be found in both the ancient Vedas, and other comparable Indo-European traditions – in the form of Bhaga, or the ‘Treasure-Friend’ (again, to use a figurative translation rendering, in this case from Germanic languages), or I suppose the concept of ‘patronage’ more generally (which in its older sense where political corruption or whatnot is not implied, requires a Patron, dispensing influence and material support to his people, as part of a reciprocal arrangement of loyalty on upwards and heading back ‘down’ again) … these are not to be compared to some kind of materialistic (even as it functions on a metaphysical nominal basis) “exchange” of putting in the coinage of declared acts of notional piety and expecting the Vending Machine of the Gods to ‘pony up’ with the return ‘favour’.

That is, at its worst, a cynical and manipulative attempt at a consumerist – worse, a capitalist – “interaction”. Value (in the true sense) and passion-free.

Whereas these other examples I have enumerated, are contingent upon something else. An actual bond, a tie of loyalty, of faithfulness, of piety, and often – not at all insignificantly – of parentage. The comparison of these latter forms to the abhorrent one earlier enumerated, as if to make out that they are the same thing, can only be made by those who have not managed to appreciate the fundamental differences of kind rather than mere degree which exist between them. But, then, in an age wherein one’s nine-to-five-in-the-morning middle-management ’employer’ presumably likes to conduct themselves in what they think is a manner befitting a feudal lord (but in actuality is much more closely aligned to the concept of an ancient slave-driver sans the mandatory breaks) … it should be entirely unsurprising then, that we so frequently confuse this with the actual conduct of a liege – a chieftain, a warrior-king, a Lord, with all the noblesse oblige … and/or (depending upon particular cultural inflexion and one’s role in the resultant society) the more equitable distribution of the proceeds of a raid and the mutual sharing of the shouldering of responsibility and active contribution that goes with.

So why am I mentioning all of this in the context of an article on Ma as SiddhiDhatri, and more especially having just connoted the difficulties in translation conveying the meaning of Her theonym when it is far too simplistically rendered ‘Bestower of Boons’?

Probably only partially for the reason you are no doubt thinking.

For yes, it is true that the role and presentation of Ma as SiddhiDhatri is very much more closely aligned with this far more archaic approach to the concept of both a Boon and its Bestowment. And I am obliquely concerned that the simple ‘direct’ approach of translation utterly loses this sense of nuance – these shades of meaning – for the fact that it is being presented to a fundamentally ‘Modern’ audience … with all the unique cadaverization of context and consciousness still less conscience which that entails.

But we’ve got to go DEEPER!

Deepa, too, but that is something we’ll no doubt get to on Diwali 😀

As we shall soon see, it is not at all coincidental that Ma as SiddhiDhatri stands at the end of the NavaDurga processional throughout the course of the Nine Nights. Indeed, stands as one of the array of NavaDurgas Whom we might feasibly say is emblematic of Adi Shakti Herself. But before we get to that … let us indulge in a little definitional presentation!

As remarked capaciously upon above, both Siddhi and Dhatri have a quite a number of meanings – especially once the shifting shades of intonation inherent in Sanskrit ‘puns’ and intentionally connoted double-meanings are taken into account!

Siddhi can indeed very much mean a ‘supernatural power’, but that is not all. It can also mean a completed work of art or artifice (intriguingly – including ‘cooking’, which rather aptly gets across the idea in the sense that ‘a work of art’ (not so much Aarti) perhaps does not with such immediacy), a quality of excellence or efficiency/efficacy, the ‘resolution to a quandary, that emphasis upon ‘completion’, and ‘perfection’ or ‘perfectability’, as well as the idea of ‘liberation’ – especially in its final sense, so to speak. An ‘undertaking’, a ‘fulfilment’, an ‘enlightenment’ – and yes, also, a ‘payment’, a ‘bestowal’, a “boon”. Getting the ‘picture’ yet?

Dhatri, meanwhile, has three (or, three and a half, depending upon how one chooses to count them) stems of meaning. The first and most direct,दातृ , is the one we have already encountered – that of a giver, a gifter, a bestower, a donor (this is a cognate term), and interestingly, in particular, one who ‘gives away’ a female relative for marriage.

The second,धातृ , which is technically speaking something of a homophone due to a slight change of pronunciation on the first syllable, stands for a ‘creator’ – and as one might presume, acquires some relevancy especially with regard to the ‘cosmokrator’ position within the Pantheon. While some might seek to therefore affix it to Brahma, I would once again reiterate what was said about the mid-point in the NavaRatri cycle pertaining to MA as the Hiranyagarbha. How this, too, fits into both the “SiddhiDhatri” rubric I am sketching out, as well as the overarching NavaDurga Mythic Cycle, we shall return to in a moment.
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The third, meanwhile, is धात्री, which is once again a slightly differently pronounced homophone – and which has, most interestingly, a meaning-field which includes the notion of both a Mother and the Earth (most appropriate, given Ma as ‘Earth Mother’ in a number of guises – including, as our previous works have discussed, Parvati most directly, and obviously also Prithvi Ma, and a number of others besides!) ; however, the term also encompasses in its ambit of meaning, somewhat ‘surrogate’ Mother figures – ‘Foster-‘ or ‘Adoptive-‘ Mothers, wet-nurses, and even midwives fall under this ambit. Although that last one (indeed, the last two) in particular is of a subtly different shade of meaning which shall be discussed additionally.

Now, those among ye with a certain ‘appreciation’ for the ability to think ‘sideways’ – in the ‘adjacent’, so to speak, when it comes to language and theological conceptry, will already have grasped the general implication of what I am getting at here. Yet we must make it explicit! Somewhat, at least, insofar as such a thing is possible.

ALL of the above and aforementioned meanings for these two particles – both the direct ones which are to be found without further seeking within the terms themselves, as well as the different-yet-clearly-and-evidently-related meanings of the subtly different pronunciations of Dhatri, etc. – all of these are very much deliberately meant within the name SiddhiDhatri.


And you thought that the rather ‘broad’ seeming meaning-field of “Kali” was potentially ‘complex’ 😛

The reader can, of course, amuse and/or enlighten themselves by putting back together various English translations from the elements contained within the above paragraph. I shall not enlengthen this piece tooooooooo much by doing so in any great detail myself.

But it is very important to consider a few of the basic ‘mythemes’ going on here, nevertheless.

For “SiddhiDhatri” is clearly not ‘just’ the Bestower of Boons. But also the bestower of Perfection – the bequeather of Liberation, in the sense that such is available to the ‘perfected soul’ … and if you cast your mind back to that analogy of cooking I proffered earlier … it may seem a strange thing to constitute the process of Sanskara, of reincarnation and progressive building upon previous lives lead, as something perhaps akin to “cooking the soul”; and yet, “stick him back in – he ain’t done yet!” does have a certain ‘flavour’ that is rather useful in getting across the idea here.

The Soul as (potentially speaking, at least – and guess what the fulfillment of that potential would be rendered as in Sanskrit 😛 ) a Work of Art … “Self-Cultivation” as the Divinely Supported – indeed: mandated, ordinated, ordained – Project for the Ages, is quite something to think about!

Not least because, when you look back over the course of the NavRatri Processional of the NavaDurgas in Their Mythic Cycle, we see that this is exactly what has been taking place over the span of same. From Ma as Shailaputri (or even preceding this as Sati, come to think of it) – through to Ma as SiddhiDhatri [that is to say, the nascent and neophyte, somewhat, Daughter of the Mountain, through to the Mother of the Earth – a ‘beginning’ to a ‘fulfilment’, a ‘seeker’, to the ‘Truth’, and a ‘rebirthed ember-emanation’ [in multiple senses of the evocative nature of this term – consider just what it was that lead to Lady Sati dying-then-reincarnating … as Princess Parvati as Lady ShailaPutri] right back through Transcending Inferno (recall my commentaries on .. a number of Devi Forms in the course of these Nine Nights, come to think of it) eventually ultimately up to Adi ParaShakti Indeed!

Gaining powers, experience, enlightenment, and the ‘pressurization’ which forms those self-same (so to speak) ‘ashes’ , the ‘carbon’ from which all life [and much in the way of ‘structures’ and ‘civilization’ – and, for that matter, many wildernesses and forest terrain in particular!] we ken is ultimately made , as well as the impressions of so much art and illustration and literature upon the ‘page’ or the ‘cave wall’ or the ‘forehead [in the case of Vibhuti markings] … via which this ‘carbon’ bourne of ashes … is ultimately rendered – ‘transfigured’ [and here I am perhaps emulating a Christian theological term] – indeed into the Diamond .. the ‘perfect form’, the ultimate hardness, the ultimate cutting, the ultimate self-refracting and self-reflecting lattice-work that is therefore ‘complete in and of itself’ … and, not at all coincidentally, one of the mighty translations of “Vajra” – hence and whence the “Vajra” of “Vajrayana” and such in Buddhist post-Vedic developments upon the Term; and why it is an ultimate weapon, and invincibile, indestructible armour [c.f one of the meanings behind the Theonym of Bajrang Bali – Lord Hanuman .. not simply ‘wielder of the Thunder Club’, but The Invincible!] – the ‘flawless soul’, the ‘flawless being’, against whom None in existence can ultimately stand!

All of this is – ultimately, in both senses – the Perfection of the Being, the Essence, the Elements & Energies (indeed, the Universe), the Soul.
enter image description here

Whether you choose to take the ‘growing bonsai mountains’ (a Terry Pratchett reference there, to the rather excellent ‘Thief of Time’) view, of the soul, and one’s life (lived throughout, perhaps paradoxically, many lifetimes), as being ‘self-cultivation’ in the manner that one might attempt to grow and shape a garden (or that aforementioned bonsai mountain) over the span of many years into the shape one finds most pleasing …. or whether you take a rather more ‘removed’ view, which instead chooses to see the ‘self-cultivation’ being an exercise carried out not so much (or at least, not only) by the “self” in question – and instead, an act of Divine Artifice [I recall both something said of/to me by somebody presenting themselves as an oracle, a seer, in that Shaivite instance – that I was ‘carved’ by Mahadev ; or the related maxim “I am a living weapon – crafted by the Hands of a God” ; and, for that matter, the Nordic perception upon some of the various Actions of Lord Odin in a bid to craft better and better warriors for the War At The End Of The World].

Or, perhaps, as a ‘both’ position, something akin to the way in which a child’s growing up entails the active agency of both Mother and Child in the course of guiding and shaping that individual into the person they shall later become. This last, probably, is something closest to the ‘truth’ of it – after all, it’s ultimately ‘our choice’ whether we listen to our parents .. just it is (within the bounds of ..er .. ‘material constraints’, ironically in this case) their choice to a reasonable extent as to what they teach us, what schools or other contexts they place us in … at least in the early (and often most crucial) years.

Yet I have perhaps digressed.

My point is that Ma as SiddhiDhatri can bestow Enlightenment and the guidance that will eventually lead us, too, to Perfection. Liberation, or Moksha (and the two do not always mean the same thing – but that is a metaphysical/theological discursion for another Night!). But also, ‘Empowerment’.

For you see, in the Hindu understanding of such things, that is what many of these ‘Siddhis’ actually are. Outer [or, rather, inner-to-outer] manifestations of a more potent inner radiance. In just the same manner that a furnace, when stoked, shall produce ever more heat, light, smoke, steam, and motion if it happens to be affixed to a turbine.

The soul, the being, the person, the purpose, is the furnace [I may be implicitly referencing the Upanishadic ‘Five Fires’ doctrine here, also]; the ‘Bestowment’ is the process of increasing its inherent ‘energy’ and the self-mastery to safely project these out, through the tools, the outlets which She can give us (like that aforementioned turbine, perhaps – at the dangers of slipping into a sort of teleological “techno-theology”); the “Siddhis” are the actual manifestation and enactment of this increase, this growth and somewhat change in inner ‘essence’.

Taking what was there beforehand [and, to be sure, in a not dissimilar manner to how Ma as Kushmanda provides the Spark to the Sun – so, too, does She provide the initial fire, the initial radiance, to the Purusha .. whether God or Mortal or indeed Material Universe alike], and causing it to grow into what it can, it should, it must be.

And, in the process, unlocking the “ecstasy” – in the Greek-Heideggerian sense, of “ex-stasis” [‘outside of time’ – permanency, but also the complete absorption in Doing What One Was Created To Do … the pleasure of ‘self-realization’ where we seem outside the flow of ordinary events precisely because these are, to us, no longer “ordinary events” in which we are engaged in – they are our Destiny, our Fate, our Calling .. we are Being All That We Can Be – quite literally, at the upper end of the path of which I am speaking]; which surely must correlate with SiddhiDhatri’s ‘Bestower of Bliss’ [Ananda in various, indeed, all senses and levels; for such it is to approach the World-Axis … although this can also entail hanging in torment, perhaps for another period of Nine Nights, in pursuit of such a Siddhi as the Power of a Language-form – Vak, or Runes …. ]

Siddhis – that is to say, the supernatural powers which She is regarded as possessing absolute mastery over – are not only something developed within and bequeathed to humans, however.

They frequently turn up in scriptural and other sources as potencies which other Deities are capable of both developing and manifesting in the course of Their mythic arcs, often in direct proportion to Their Own Pathways ‘back’ upwards toward Their full and fully self-understood (that is to say, enlightened) Divine Natures.

The best example of which, perhaps, is Lord Hanuman – Who is rendered amnesiac about His True Divine nature, and along with it loses His knowledge of the Siddhis which are otherwise intrinsic to His Divinity and ‘Personhood’ – fated only to start ‘remembering’ them, these powers, as He learns to engage in the selfless/serious-minded service of others, and more properly carry out His appointed role within the Cosmos. [Bajrang Bali as mentioned above; also illustrates the core element of Hindu approaches to this phenomenon – the Diamond, as ‘perfected’ and shining forth in radiant splendour, with the potency of the Divine Thunderbolt and similar indestructibility as a result of its correctly arranged internal structure; but also, as applies that Being especially, something my Didi once said about being a divine spark having a human experience – encountering Piety, at least in part, as the effort to remember , be reminded who and what you are]

Curiously enough, another shining illustration for the concept – which also focuses more upon devotional energy, striving and effort [‘Tapas’ – linguistically connected to words for ‘Heat’, ‘Light’, and ‘Flame’, and coming to mean “penance”, “austerity”] in order to attain the Siddhi, the Boon in question, from the Beyond – comes to us from Hanuman’s Father: Shiva-Who-Is-Odin.

This has been spoken about in a little more depth in my previous “To Speak Is To Uphold The Weight Of The Universe” article comparing several Indo-European perspectives upon language; but suffice to say, it is my belief that the attainment by Odin of the Runes – also the culmination of Nine Nights of Tapas-ic conduct, carried out in particular connexion to the Axis Mundi, the World Tree [which, as considered in quite an array of my previous work, is strongly correlated with Devi – theologically, linguistically, and in other manners besides] – represents just such an Attainment of a Siddhi, as we would expect to observe elsewhere in Hindu myth.

I shall quote myself from the relevant previous article –

“Now, before going further with this explanation, it is necessary to but briefly parse the concepts of ‘Purusha’ and ‘Prakriti’ as they occur particularly in a specific Shaivite-Shakta context. A more indepth and, er, ‘accurate’ accounting for these words would take up an article many times the size of this one; for our purposes, we’ll simply run them as ‘Body’ and ‘Spirit’ respectively. [I stress that they can also mean .. other things, especially in relation to each other, including, somewhat peculiarly, almost the other way around] (Male) ‘Purusha’ in a cosmological context referring to the ‘universe’, the ‘world’ itself [and, indeed, there have been some academic comparisons made between the course of the Purusha Sukta and the Slaying of Ymir, in each case for a sort of cosmogonical effect], and Prakriti, here conceived of as the feminine particle, being an investiture of something supernal, a thought-form, an ‘essence’, from beyond/outside it.

So how does this relate to the Runes? Well, we’ll sketch out our thinking in more depth in a later article, but suffice to say that as the Runes are fundamental to reality, indeed precede it in an external sense, as part of Orlog [‘Orlog’ – Over-Law, Supernal, Outside/Above/Beyond-Universe Law – i.e. Rta], Their projection into our reality, to the Male in question [when He had briefly gone beyond, above, via self-sacrifice, tied about the Female World-Tree Axis Mundi] seems very like the above-aforementioned concept of Vak as Prakriti investing into the Universe, Purusha. And would also, as it happens, in a certain sense perhaps typologically mirror the way in which Freyja/Frigg teaches Odin magical secrets; or the famed Devi Sukta of the 10th Mandala of the RigVeda talks about the Divine Queen empowering the Man That SHE Loves & Chooses.”

As you can see, when we consider this in our #NAS framework of belief, the unifying thread of the two Nordic elements drawn from here – the Attainment of the Runes By Odin, and the Teaching of magical potency to Him – is that both are instances of Devi bestowing, donating empowerments to Her Husband.

That particular form of relationship also coming to the fore in another of my favourite Hymns of the 10th Mandala of the RigVeda – the ‘Jnanam’/’Vak’ sukta, detailing the development of language and the granting of its intricate understandings and competencies to the Seers (Rsis): “But to another hath she shown her beauty as a fond well-dressed woman to her husband” [RV. X. 71.4].

This, as I have noted above, goes with an array of the core theme-expressions of the DeviSuktam [RV. X. 125] – which, in amidst an array of other statements about how it is that Devi [as Vak, in some accountings, but I would more properly suggest as (Adi)(Para)Shakti, and thence through Vak, amidst further Devi engagement(s)] supports and empowers the various Gods, those undertaking proper and appropriate pious action, indeed the Universe and the Heavens and the lines of heredity and descent themselves … is this line: “I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him a sage, a Ṛṣi, and a Brahman.” (variant translation: “whomsoever I choose, I render him an exalted one, make him a ṛṣi, make him Brahman or make him highly intelligent.”) [RV. X. 125.5].

So right there, we have exactly the role and some of the saliency of Devi as SiddhiDhatri – supporting Gods and certain mighty mortals, to carry out their proper and apportioned roles, through the bestowing of their (and Their) relevant Powers [Siddhis]; also encouraging, facilitating, educating even, beings to become more enlightened, more powerful (Power-ful, indeed – in touch with Shakti and thusly imbued … as is the Universe Itself at Its Highest Arc, and thence back all the way down); and rewarding the pious and devoted conduct of those who are making their own eventual journey up the Mountain of existence, of life, the universe, and everything.


But to return to one of the metaphors deployed in the course of them hymnals, and our own #NAS theological explication, we see something that is once again core and immanent to prominent Hindu perspectives around the mightiest of the Gods – the Trimurti – and Their Wives; Who, per this interpretation, are granted to Them by Shakti, as … I hesitate to state “augments”, or “completers of Them”, because that reduces the female ‘component’ to just that – a “component” added to something which already exists, rather than the “other part” which makes something into what it truly is. And if there is anything we should not be doing in a Shakta theological commentary, it is implicitly ‘diminishing’ Woman to a mere adjunct.

The better perspective perhaps, is that elucidated via the quotation around Purusha & Prakriti from my article, as reproduced above. Wherein the ‘encounter’ between Goddess and God is an investiture of essence which makes somethings [plural] that have a prior and somewhat independent existence, into something greater than either is on their own.

In the case of Shiva and Parvati, this is #Ardhanarishvara.

enter image description here

Ardhanarishvara as Ishvara – The Over-God Who Is Both Parts As Over-God, to translate a little figuratively.

Or, phrased another way, and as detailed in some of the earlier articles of this series, the reunification of Parvati with Shiva is the ‘reconstruction’, the ‘reintegration’ via which They resume Their position at the apex of the world. Two halves which make the Axis Mundi whole and turn again. This is also what is entailed in the discussion between Brahmacharini [Who, it should be remembered, is undergoing Tapas – as, after a manner, Shiva has been via His austere forms of living; although He perhaps did not know that He was also, through such, working His way back towards the Goddess … Who was also winding Her way back towards Him] and Lord Shiva wherein Shiva finally realizes/remembers/is convinced that the young aspirant standing before him is infact His Devi, His Wife, His Other Half – for it is a theological debate upon the notions and natures of Prakriti & Purusha … which, in a certain way, helps Shiva to ‘understand Himself’ [‘recollect Himself’] once more [c.f also RigVeda X. 125.6 , coming directly after the line around making the man She loves “mighty”, “a Sage”, “a Rsi”, “a Brahman” – “I bend the bow for Rudra that His arrow may strike and slay the hater of devotion.” Part of what makes Rudra … well … Rudra, is that He is an Archer; a Destroyer – hence, here, the Archery, the Destruction can only really take place via Devi’s investiture and active engagement with and through Him! The Trishula, too, as correlate in symbolism to the Bow, is closely and directly relevant here – as noted in previous commentaries, as the Mountains, the Mountain-Spear, the Axis Mundi within His Mighty Hands, HERSELF!]

The famed sage Adi Shankara phrased it thus in the opening couplets of his Saundarya Lahari [‘The Waves of Beauty’] –

“sivah saktya yukto yadi bhavati saktah prabhavitum
na cedevam devo na khalu kusalah spanditumapi —

“Only if conjunct with ‘Sakti’would ‘Siva’earn the privilege to
become overlord; otherwise the God is not able even to stir.”
[variant translation:
“Lord Shiva, only becomes able.
To do creation in this world along with Shakthi
Without her, Even an inch he cannot move,
And so how can, one who does not do good deeds,”]

The next lines are also highly relevant to consider – as they state that only one who performs noble, meritorious, good deeds, who is pious, is able to engage with Devi.

Which, if you should recall from some paragraphs prior in this piece, is precisely what is entailed via the ongoing life path of Hanuman, as an example; and the general principle which it enjoins of positive deeds and pious expression – the cultivation of both inner light and outer radiancy of its expression, as “Krinvanto Vishvam Aryam” and Sanskara of the Soul to correspond therewith. “Inner Development” and “Self-Cultivation”, therefore, even leaving aside the ‘making whole and illumination of the world around and outside us’ aspect – is a (re-)connection with the Divine inside us, the lighting of something akin to a Diya lamp [the Agni within – the Conduit to the Upplands and Beyond], that almost bypasses the world between us and the Highest (Uber/Over) Heaven. Except, of course, insofar as it radiates back out again; and the ‘golden threads’ between us and It, forming chords [in multiple senses of the term – sonic theology is also veer-y much in affect!] through and to the supernal realm.

So therefore, we have two somewhat related approaches under discussion here. The establishment of a relationship with Devi by … marrying a Goddess; and/or via proper and meritorious, pious conduct, ultimately directed thereup and thereto.

One of these is, for obvious reasons, rather more easily attained than the other. For even the man who otherwise has nothing, can still have Faith. Indeed, it has often been observed that some who are amidst the most brimful in abundance in that regard, are so precisely because or otherwise alongside the fact they have so little else (by accident or by design). This does not mean that poverty and sitting naked on a mountain-top is the only, or perhaps even necessarily the*best* way towards such a state – indeed, I would contend that [and oddly enough, this is somewhat borne out in my reading of the Reunification Myth of Shiva & Parvati], doing so as a “renunciation” of the world is actually almost the wrong way to go, for many – as it abdicates much of the possibility of actually doing the “good deeds” side of things, in favour of a more exclusive focus upon, if not “the self”, then at least, an individual. [In terms of my aforementioned reading of the relevant Shaivite-Shakta myth – Shiva’s retreat to the Mountains in solitude, while necessary for Him in that circumstance, is nevertheless something that has to come to an end, for the good of the universe itself overall]

But in either case, and most especially in the convection-zone that is both [a convection zone, after all, entailing a rise and a cycle of such same, as a direct result of heat, Tep-, Tapas, remember?], one should strive to be worthy; and whether this entails that one actually somehow winds up attracting the attention of a Goddess for a direct interaction or prolongued engagement, perhaps being Chosen by Lady Vak as aforementioned – or whether this simply results in the indirect strengthening of soul to the point that this or that Siddhi, or other manifestation of the superior soul is manifested … well, it shall surely be the result of making one’s self worthy of Divine notice. She, after all, is “the gatherer-up of treasures”; Who also “load[s] with wealth [‘donations’] the zealous sacrificer” [RV. X. 125. 2 and 3, respectively].

And, indeed, one does not necessarily have to be ‘perfect’ to be ‘moving in the right [rite] direction’. A woman will often see the potential and the promise in a man, even if it is not directly realized at that particular point in time – will therefore act, as we have said, to make him better over the course of their engagement. This, too, we can see in those relevant RigVedic hymnals – with especial reference to the notion that it is Devi, in whichever Form, making the male in question mighty and knowledgeable and wise and powerful. Of course, this should not necessarily be taken as a radical statement of egalitarianism – in these cases, it is nevertheless a small and select few who are Chosen in any such manner; building upon pre-existing elemental, essence-ial competencies and characteristics, and fundamental foundations of being in the first place, we can likely surmise. For it is not to be held to be the case that Devi makes an ordinary man Rudra – even though, in an important and significant sense, it is Devi Who makes Rudra Rudra. Rather, it is Rudra Who is made the greater, Shiva Who is made ArdhanarIshvara.

And it is the great man, greater still, who recognizes that his role in life is to live in the best possible imitation of these mythic over-truths – picking up and resounding out their resonances … without seeking to confuse, to delude himself that he is their ultimate source.

The Lesson of SiddhiDhatri for the Devotee, then, is quite simple.

Find Devi.

And go both within and beyond your self, to do so. For there may be a ‘universe’ within you – but more aptly, there is a universe around you, and you are connected within it to the universe above you and even further (t)hence beyond.

Allow Her to help, become Guided; and note that the marble .. chisel .. can hurt a bit in its striking, its sanskara – sculpting.

Become Worthy of Her interest, Her assistance, Her beneficence, Her Support. Her Empowerment [and it is not at all coincidental how we would often translate Shakti into English – nor how the path of Shakti up the spine to the Crown is customarily en-traced out, leading ultimately to the Radiance of the Sahasrara Chakra, the Resoundingness of the MahaNada Sound pealing out across the Cosmos from the First through to the Fabric through to the Last – just as ChandraGhanta represents a crown of both holy light and the pious emanation of the striking of a Temple Bell … so, too, does this concept speak to becoming in-touch with, and a radiator out of what is drawn down from this connexion, this conduit, with the Supreme].

So therefore, who is Devi as Siddhidhatri, and Where can we find Her? Well, some obvious answers have already presented themselves:

In addition to the both obvious and subtle instances of the direct appearance of the Goddess [whether er .. directly, or through what is meant by Vak – ‘divinely resonant’ vocal/linguistic expression; or for that matter, that Mata, through other forms of Darshana] – wives, mothers, Mandirs & Goddess(es), other teachers, refiners of our beings and imparters of wisdom, devotional practices, meritorious deeds, pious action, spontaneous flashes of Divinely Revelated insight [provided that that is actually what it is, in any given case … delusion, too, can look like radiancy to those who dearly, desperately, are Trying To Believe [as, perhaps, contrasted with Fox Mulder’s “Want To Believe” – which implies an active openness, if not necessarily a yearning credulency that would be entailed in “Trying”]].

In all of these, are to be found various and varying directnesses of pathways [back] to Devi.

And this should not at all surprise us. For what is the Role of Devi as SiddhiDhatri?

It is to ‘inspire’ us, to ‘guide’ us, to ‘nurture’ us – particularly if we’re up to listening and taking direction, acknowledging our Ma is, in fact, right … and Has the Right.
But also, to “bring out in us” [hence ,धात्री as ‘midwife’] and ‘put into us’ [hence, धात्री as ‘wet-nurse’, hence दातृ as in ‘donor’] That Which Needs Be There! The INSPIRER OF GREATNESS; the Foundation [दातृ – ‘founder’; धात्री – ‘earth’] and Inceptor of the inexorable rise of the Chosen to the status and faculty of a Great Man, a Sant, a Jivanmukta [which, per this enhanced perspective, is not truly one who is “self-liberated”, any more than there can ever be such a thing as a truly ‘self-made man’. But rather, one who has been blessed and empowered from Above and Beyond by HER to reach his otherwise unparalleled and often semi-near inexplicable state and status of development. It does, of course, retain the other sense of “self-liberated” – as such we should expect entailed in the axiomatic moving “beyond” of the limited nature of an earlier human self].

SiddhiDhatri, is therefore the Perfect Mother .. both insofar as She is the Mother (of All) Who Is Perfection, and also as She is the Mother (Foster Mother, somewhat, also, to the Devotee -for We also have our birth-mothers to acknowledge and regard! As the greatest act of piety, indeed!) Who Is Perfect For and To Us, Her Devotes, Her दत्रिम सुत, Adopted Children. SHE is HiranyaGarbha – the Perfect (Golden) Creator. And even afore SHE as (Maha)Kali brings about the end of it all, SHE also oversees and guides our pathway (our PathiWays) upwards towards, as does any nurturing mother, ‘maturity’ – the superior state, the more full ‘realization’ which is who and how we are supposed to be.

In terms of the Siddhis Themselves, it is as the continuance of what was said in last night’s Ma as MahaGauri piece – that just as ‘white light’ contains within it all other colours, and just as MahaGauri shows that She has the self-knowledge and self-mastery to ‘bring out’ the relevant ‘facing’ as and where and when necessary with reference to HerSelf … so therefore is Ma as SiddhiDhatri the ‘furtherance’ of this. The ‘perfection’ of it, you might even say.

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For here, not only are all the Siddhis to be found, but They are so completely mastered (including also as embodiments/qualities/emanations/projections/investments of HER), as to be impartable out to others, at will. Indeed, as Will [this, too, is a somewhat figurative rendering for Prakriti].

SHE Has Power over the Siddhis of Understanding, Piety, Enlightenment, and Knowledge – for She IS Understanding, Enlightenment, Piety, and Knowledge [Especially ‘Self-Knowledge’, ‘Self-Realization’ – for She is your Master and ultimate architect, author, artist, of our being and becoming]. Indeed, building from both of the RigVedic hymnals cited above, She is both the means of communication and examination/realization, and the means via which the results of all of the above are actually incorporated into our selves, our being(s), our perception(s) of the world – and therefore, our worlds, which are thusly also reshaped via what we put back out into them again, in turn. The “convection zone”, as previously noted, is also a “cycle”.

SHE Has Power over the Siddhis of the Material, those of growing, changing, shrinking, shrouding [‘seeing’ in addition to ‘perceiving’], increasing or eschewing entirely the density of, altering the position within space or even time of, one’s being … for SHE IS the Tapestry and Fabric of the Universe [and so much more, beyond, all-permeating, as well], Maha-Maya, and therefore in ultimate command and control of All That Might Transpire Within Her Domain.

Indeed, SHE Has Power over the Siddhis of Command, Control, and Conquest – for SHE IS Command, Control, and Conquest, Itself [c.f RigVeda X. 125.6 , amidst many many other sources].

It is often said, for some reason, that “those who can, do – those who can’t, teach”. This is a ridiculous axiom, as while it does encode the possibility for one who is no longer in a position to “do”, to nevertheless still be in a position to guide, to pass on, to impart important wisdom and learned experience as to how to “do” to those who are about to (i.e. to “teach”) … it completely discounts, especially as it is often or ordinarily employed, the rather high likelihood that those who are teaching, either have been capable of “doing”, and have “done” in the past – or, for that matter, are very much still doing, even now, whether inside or outside of the classroom [and, for a certain sort of teacher, the whole world is a class. Both in the sense of constantly, continually teaching .. and also in the sense of learning, themselves, from all over the place, almost assuredly at the same time].

The Myths of Devi more than demonstrate exactly this principle in action. For while She is unquestionably the greatest possible Teacher – She is also, and not coincidentally, the greatest possible Doer. Both through setting All in motion, and through direct interventions within the Universe thus ‘in motion’.

And woe betide the unutterably unctuous specimine who would forget that.

For they are liable to find themselves … not through a process of self-realization … but rather, on the wrong end of the Trishula.

For such it is, both symbolically as well as literally, to seek to oppose the veer-y Force of Creation, the Universe, Destruction, Herself.

Iconographically, Ma as Siddhidhatri is relatively simply depicted; tending towards having four arms, wielding a Gada [mace – lordship, martial power, justice], Conch-shell [a war-horn, and also a ritual implement utilized to call people for the actions of piety; in either case, a resounding and rallying sound], Lotus [symbolizing purity, endurance, immortality, and rejuvenation], and Sudarshana Chakra [representing Vision, the Wheel of Time, the Circle/Cycle of the Universe, and the Rolling Wheel of Dharma – also therefore Supreme Lordship, Chakravartin]. She is seated upon a Lotus, or more rarely, Dawon, Crowned, Radiant, and often being worshipped directly by various mighty Gods arrayed about Her.
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The meanings of the above, ought be abundantly clear, based upon the preceding nearly seven thousand words worth of commentary. They denote the Supernal, the Supremacy, the Eternity, the Powerful, the Pious; the Immanence, the Transcendence, the Active-Exercise of all of the above; Her most august position at the heart of it All.

There are far more complex and ornate depictions of this or that particular form of Devi out there, so it may be asked why – as She is Queen of All – She is not more usually represented in much more ‘expansive’ fashion; say, the eighteen plus arms of some Murtis, bedecked with every implement found in the Armoury of Durga of legendary scripture, and then some.

And the simple answer to this is – how do you really represent She Who Is Everything?

Again, quite simply – She is everything. And so, this symbol is but a smaller placeholder. Beautiful to look at, elegant in its succinctness, but ultimately, with all – and well beyond all behind this iconographic depiction for us to also gaze out at, and up at, in ever-expanding Wonder.

Jai Mata Di ❤

Hail to All And Everything

Jai Jagadamba

Who Is The Mother Of All

Jai AdiParaShakti

Who Is.

जय माता दी ॥


Moin moin,

hat hier schon mal jemensch Erfahrungen mit einem #QNAP TS-412 #NAS und 16TB-Platten gemacht? Vertragen die sich, oder eher nicht so? Auf Kompatibilitätslisten gebe ich nicht so viel. Wenn's danach geht, dürfte mein 3600er DDR4 auch nicht funktionieren, deshalb hoffe ich auf Erfahrungswerte ^^



Frauda internațională a curții din Rimini și carabinieri - Italia

Procese ilegale ale tribunalului de la Rimini și încălcări ale carabinierilor - Republica Italiană a Uniunii Europene


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Actele ilegale au loc după târgul justiției desfășurat în august 2008, unde Ministerul Grației și Justiției este reprezentat de ministrul Angelino Alfano.
Interviurile în urma evenimentului desfășurat cu ministrul de televiziunile naționale nu pot fi găsite, deși pluralismul informațional a fost totul aliniat.
Documentele au doar scopul de a garanta solicitările făcute în timp, povestea nu se schimbă în textul scris, apare imediat verbal clar de la început unde sun la numărul de urgență 112 prin telefon, vreo duzină de telecomunicații efectuate pe 8 decembrie, 2009, sărbătoarea religioasă a Neprihănirii.


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Fotografia este în municipiul Rimini, Bellariva, Marebello, Rivazzurra și Miramare (RN ITALIA)
punctele roșii: sunt punctele de control - linia galbenă: traseul camionului de remorcare și adăpost - punctele albastre la stația de carabinieri și depozit judiciar - unde au venit să mă captureze. -
Aceasta este toata zona de nereguli semnalate, am doar aceste informatii si nu exclud alte puncte in care s-a desfasurat aceeasi procedura ilegala, cred ca traseul pana la depozitul judiciar nu se schimba prea mult, drumul evidențiat în galben este SS3 Flaminia care este și SS16 Adriatica care se bifurcă în localitatea Bellariva, este drumul de stat cu cele mai multe videoclipuri înregistrate din Emilia Romagna deoarece există Aeroportul Militar Internațional Baza Aeronautică NATO plus filiala pentru Republica San Marino.
Bine ați venit: nu este ușor să rezumați și să explic ce ar fi trebuit să-mi spună statul italian. Stat care ascunde încă dovezi incontestabile în încălcarea drepturilor omului.
NB: procedura mea nu este explicată, dar viciu ilegal repetat al acestora este postat.
Eșecul Legiunii a 5-a carabinieri din Futa Emilia Romagna prin comandamentul provincial al carabinierilor din NORM din Rimini începe din toamna anului 2008 până în 8.12.2009 (unde sunt apoi târât la Tribunal), faptele au continuat timp de 14 ani. luni la rând. încă astăzi în anul 2022 ascund dovezi ale #sateliți #militar, #telecomunicaţiedin #de #urgență112 și #Supraveghere video #antiterorismdin #publica #Siguranță #Politie #drum, a acestei călătorii în linkul de mai jos ⬇️ https://www.google.it/maps/dir/44.0216133,12.6227958/44.0438147,12.5604973/@44.0411974,12.5571318,12 .

Cei 6 carabinieri (in timpul activitatilor de control) impreuna cu proprietarul asistentei rutiere au luat masinile de la oameni care cereau insistent cheile, fara a elibera acte, fara remorca, folosind camionul ca si cum ar fi fost un taxi in scop personal. , încercând să inducă a doua zi o plată pentru un transport cu remorcare pentru a prelua autovehiculul înapoi, în caz contrar s-ar acoperi prin formularea infracțiunii de refuz la testele lor psihofizice art.186 din codul rutier alin.2-7 care prevede urmărirea penală. , deschizându-se apoi proceduri judiciare în instanța din Rimini, instanță conformă care a beneficiat de creșterea riturilor judiciare, indemnizații de parcare, licitații judiciare, instanțe cu mai mulți avocați și multe alte proceduri privind permisul de conducere european, povestea are loc după târgul de justiție desfășurat la Rimini în august 2008. Cu puțin timp înainte, Europa cere modificarea alinierii legislației comunitare la codul rutier - DECRET - LEGISLATIV 4 august 2008, nr. 144 - Implementarea Directivei 2006/22/CE, privind standardele minime de aplicare a reglementarilor nr. 3820/85 / CEE și nr. 3821/85/CEE privind dispozițiile sociale în sectorul transportului rutier și de abrogare a Directivei 88/599/CEE.


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apoi șoferii s-au urcat în mașina numită gazela de urgență, gata pentru noua călătorie toată noaptea, apoi au furnizat facturi ACI către Tribunal (FALSE). Zona este la GROS di Rimini în via - Macanno nr.121, dar cred că la acea vreme era via Casalecchio.
Cred că au implicat aproximativ 800 de persoane în 14 luni de asociere criminală, cu 500 de persoane târâte în judecată cu forța și pe nedrept condamnându-le prin înscrierea în cazierul judiciar, celelalte 300 de persoane (care cred că sunt adevărații infractori) au reluat cele furate. mărfurile a doua zi plătind fără factură și fără a face tam-tam o recuperare fictivă a asistenței rutiere, trecută drept un serviciu -#ACI.

Poziția satelitului - < https://goo.gl/maps/iyS5YjBR5cra5FF77 partea de sud, sud-vest


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Aici, la intersecția dintre via Giovanni Palmiri și via Macanno, cei 3 carabinieri din Rimini (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) de îndată ce au ajuns la serviciu pe la ora 23.00 au început să facă punctul de control cu ​​stația mobilă, mașinile furate de la cetățeni au fost conduse și depuse în depozitul judiciar fără a folosi remorcherul, depozit care se află la 50 de metri distanță (specificație poziție satelit - < https://goo.gl/maps/iHX7JYfz34Aks2Nn9> - partea de est), trebuie avut în vedere că în această zonă sunt transsexuali, iar cei care au fost opriți se temeau și le era frică să nu declare homosexualitate sau bisexualitate (teama de a-și pierde iubita sau chiar soția), au fost staționați pentru nu mai mult de 1 oră de ce a trebuit să funcționeze transex. Sunt carabinieri deștepți să se ascundă în spatele transexe-urilor?#wearecarabinieri #Noi te putem ajuta #carabinieri.

Poziția satelitului - < https://goo.gl/maps/c7i375xvEkKjaF798 > -
Intersecția Via Giovanni Palmiri Via Macanno (pe vremea când Macanno era Casalecchio) -


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Iata Viale Principe di Piemonte in zona Fogliano Marina intre Riccione si Miramare, cei 3 carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) au sosit in jurul orei 01:00 si iata ca mai bine de 2 ore au pescuit pe cei din sud care au mers să se distreze în Riviera Romagna, chiar și de aici mașinile furate au fost luate fără a folosi remorcherul, au comunicat mașinii de patrulare și serviciu de urgență să meargă să ia proprietarul asistenței rutiere și de asemenea paznicul de cazarma din via Oliveti: carabinierul Gabriele Valentini, care era gata necredincios să părăsească postul de pază, a urcat cu ceilalți trei și s-a dus la locul furtului, apoi a condus vehiculele chiar și câte două la depozitul judiciar,conducerea autoturismelor fără respectarea legii codului de procedură și încălcarea unui spațiu de protecție și garanție judiciară.

Poziția satelitului
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0261934,12.6282649,3a,75y,359.53h,90.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snzld2it5hmuBeBRG83_QVA!2680447i!2638 !
Principe di Piemonte - zona civica nr. 67 / nr. 71 latura de nord
Zona suferă o schimbare în primăvara lunii iulie 2019 (va fi fost bine recuperată cu cisterne subterane? S-au găzduit?).


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Iata Viale dei Principi in zona Miramare, cei 3 carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) au sosit in jurul orei 03:00 aici au stat mai bine de 2 ore la pescuit pentru cei intors din nord de la distractie in Romagna. Riviera, tot de aici au fost luate mașinile furate fără ajutorul remorcării, au comunicat mașinii serviciului de urgență (cu doi carabinieri până în prezent fără nume oficiale din statul italian) să meargă să-l aducă pe proprietarul asistenței rutiere. si de asemenea volanul cazarmei adiacente din via Oliveti (Gabriele Valentini).

Poziția satelitului
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0285748,12.625221,3a,75y,168.65h,92.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0Cb9QRrTMcGvMW2Jd0uI88!9126e03 !

Viale dei Principi - zona de odihnă partea de sud

Zona suferă mai multe modificări în perioada iulie 2019 – decembrie 2020
(nu am dreptul să văd imaginile zilnice din satelit ale ambilor distribuitori). (#serpico #noiconvoi)


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Aici se află via Ezio Bevilacqua din Miramare, cei 3 carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) au parcat stația mobilă în interiorul drumului pentru a finaliza serviciul de ture de siguranță rutieră, chiar și de aici mașinile furate au fost luate fără ajutorul remorcher, au comunicat gazelei de urgență să meargă să-l aducă pe proprietarul asistenței rutiere și, de asemenea, stația cazărmii din via Oliveți (Gabriele Valentini).

Poziția satelitului
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0314912,12.6215523,3a,75y,204.03h,72.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJwItgg720h7fL-icjZNEmg!781i08 ! -

Viale dei Principi - Via Bevilacqua, partea de sud - sud, vest -


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Aceasta este firma de cazarmă a carabinieri situată în via Oliveti din Miramare di Rimini, aici carabinierul Gabriele Valentini care se ocupa de serviciul de însoțitor a părăsit postul de pază pentru a se urca la bord împreună cu alți doi carabinieri și cu remorcherul din mașina de urgență. și conduce vehiculele furate de colegi la punctele de control indicate în celelalte postări. Toți carabinierii echipați cu telefoane mobile private și de serviciu, la bordul unui vehicul dotat cu sistem de satelit și cameră cu infraroșu a Ministerului Apărării Statului.
NB Curtea nu mi-a pus la dispoziție informații de bază pentru a asocia numele cu chipul carabinierilor și acest lucru ar putea altera cât mai puțin atribuirea (personal o exclud, dar vreau să o reclam de dragul dezinformarii), păstrați în minte ca nici astazi nu am oferit detaliile celorlalti trei 3 indivizi, poti fi sigur ca atunci cand turele nu se potriveau mai erau si alti carabinieri in gasca pregatiti sa actioneze ca naveta#Taxi.
Cred că subofițerul mareșal-maior Ariemma de la Comandamentul Normei organiza schimburile, poate că știe!

telefon n. + #tel00390541372777

pozitia satelitului

< https://www.google.com/maps/place/44°01'46.4″N+12°37'02.9″E/@44.029557,12.6169308,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0 : 0x0! 7e2! 8m2! 3d44.029557! 4d12.617478? Hl = it-IT > -

Recenzia mea despre cazarma carabinierilor Miramare https://goo.gl/maps/tvAf23nYzEgHLWt39


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Aceasta este una dintre cele trei plângeri depuse (cu o plângere suplimentară) la Guardia di Finanza la 26.08.2013, cu cea de-a patra fotografie a scrisorii recomandate de Poșta Italiană trimisă la 28.07.2012. Mai mulți bani, timp și pericole pentru a raporta ceea ce nu ar fi trebuit să se întâmple, iar dacă nu, a fost și este sarcina sau datoria celorlalte agenții de aplicare a legii să contracareze.

IATA BARACA LA CARE SE DEPUN PLUNTERILE ITALIANE LA 29.08.2012 - 2 LA 26.08.2013 - SI 10.10.2016.


totuși este suficient să definesc traseul satelit al vehiculului gazelă de intervenție de urgență a ministerului carabinieri al apărării, un vehicul definit de mine ca un taxi navetă pentru a merge să ridice subiecții care au condus vehiculele fără remorcare, este vehicul utilizat pentru intervenții de urgență și patrulare de securitate, este dotat cu satelitul omologat al Ministerului Apărării de unde se obțin toate datele în legătură cu aceste posturi pe care le declar, inclusiv traseul sau locația domiciliului operatorului de recuperare ale cărui date am nu stiu,




https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0261934,12.6282649,3a,75y,359.53h,90.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snzld2it5hmuBeBRG83_47i183 !

https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0285748,12.625221,3a,75y,168.65h,92.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0Cb9QRrTMcGvMW173 !i82000I!

https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0314912,12.6215523,3a,75y,204.03h,72.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJwItgg720h7fL-icj8290 !





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Aceasta este cererea mea adresată foarte ilustrului judecător de investigații preliminare doctor Lucio Ardigò, unde am cerut probele de judecată a apelurilor telefonice de urgență și înregistrarea video a siguranței rutiere publice, dând deja versiunea integrală a infracțiunii lor, efectuată și trimisă pe 29. / 11/2010 la Tribunalul din Rimini.

Am făcut o recenzie aici - < https://goo.gl/maps/B8ae58ef4hVhmNBC9 > -


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Aceasta este telegrama trimisă prin Poste Italiane la 11.01.2011, adresată întotdeauna foarte ilustrului medic Judecător Investigații preliminare Lucio Ardigò de la Tribunalul din
Rimini, există o mică eroare finală la sfatul operatorului care a afirmat incorectitudinea imparțialitate pe termen sfătuindu-mă și imparțialitate tastând făcându-mă să fiu mai ignorant decât sunt, cerând plata a 10 euro și 30 de cenți, chiar și astăzi acest gest mă deranjează chiar dacă este o greșeală minoră.


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Acest document a fost întocmit în data de 13.06.2012 și transmis Ministerului Grației și Justiției ministrului Paola Severino la nr. de + = 00 #fax00390668897951, #telefax00390668897951
Relevant din punct de vedere juridic este seriozitatea faptului cine este implicat ca rolul in conflict de interese atat de la inceput cat si ulterior pana azi RUSINE !!!

Recenzia mea către minister - < https://goo.gl/maps/XGS5iqLg9bW93jebA > -

Am făcut o recenzie aici Ministerul - < https://goo.gl/maps/uRcQW4CpDDpkcWjU9 > -


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Acest document a fost întocmit în data de 13.06.2012 și este transmis prim-procurorului Paolo Giovagnoli la nr. de + = 00 #fax00390541763484, #telefax00390541763484, aici este o eroare cu formularea cu stilou cu scris (stiu ca la momentul faptelor nu era in sarcina) in schimb era el, mi se spusese
carabinieri (INSCRIS TELEFON) ca procurorul era un anume Sansosti, de asemenea daca aceasta eroare se schimba putin sau nu.
Relevant din punct de vedere juridic este seriozitatea faptului cine este implicat ca rolul in conflict de interese atat de la inceput cat si ulterior pana azi RUSINE !!!

Recenzia mea Curtea din Rimini - < https://goo.gl/maps/B8ae58ef4hVhmNBC9 >

și aici împuternicire - < https://goo.gl/maps/TZBSkw6ct7GUxq73A > -


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Aceasta este a 5-a versiune a mea cu privire la persoana mea integrală (de asemenea fiind invalidă din cauza unui accident de muncă și nedespăgubită deși legea prevede acest lucru, plângând o corelare între evenimente) efectuată pentru
Curtea Drepturilor Omului a Uniunii Europene de la Strasbourg #CEDO- #CEDU #ECHR CONTESTAȚII 1 DEL 29/03/2014 REF. N.29868 / 14 - 2° DIN 04/05/2015 REF. N.23057 / 15 - 3° DIN 01/03/2016 REF. N.13607 / 16 - 4° DIN 20/02/2017 REF. N.16097 / 17 - PLUS UNUL RESPINS PENTRU SCHIMBAREA FORMEI DIN 02/04/2015 REF. N.17446/15, denunțând încălcarea dreptului internațional care subminează fundamentele civilizației noastre juridice.

Am recenzat aici - < https://goo.gl/maps/L9qWhjeU3Pto4PMQ9 > -


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Corespondență Europa

Aceasta este una dintre cele două plângeri depuse la Comisia Europeană care nu a dat admisibilitate cererii mele, deși în acele perioade anterioare comiterii infracțiunilor Europa solicită modificarea alinierii legislației UE la codul rutier DECRETUL LEGISLATIV 4 august 2008, n. . 144 Punerea în aplicare a Directivei 2006/22/CE, privind standardele minime de aplicare a reglementărilor nr. 3820/85 / CEE și nr. 3821/85/CEE referitoare la dispozițiile în materie socială în sectorul transportului rutier și care abrogă Directiva 88/599/CEE.favorizează omisiunea sub ghișeu.
Linkurile de mai jos nu conduc la petițiile depuse la Parlamentul European după inadmisibilitatea petiției nr. 0014/2020 pe care niciun cetățean nu l-a putut vedea și susține, comportament anti-transparență, la fel de tulbure precum noile link-uri de mai jos care nu duc la informarea colectivă la parlamentul european, locul democrației comunitare.
Este inutil să dai click pe linkul de mai jos, nu te aduce la subiectul denunțat, așa că nu poți să-mi oferi sprijinul tău și să rămâi inconștient de problemă.

Petiția nr. 0014/2020 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/content/15429 -

Petiție asociată cu n. ca mai sus -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/content/16226 -

Nou - petiții -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/18883 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/18937 -
https: //www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/19062 -


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Comunicarea plângerii către Uniunea Europeană în 2015


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Mărturie digitală web internet zona GROS din Rimini Emilia Romagna Italia
Corespondență cu Curtea Penală Internațională AIA ICC privind încălcările carabinierilor și procesele falsificate ale instanței Rimini Statul Republicii Italiene UE


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ultimele cereri prin fax la Ministerul Justiției Roma via Arenulla
https://www.facebook.com/ministerodellagiustizia #telefax00390668897528 #fax00390668897528


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DOCUMENT DE FAX CĂTRE COMISARUL URBINO #fax00390722351829 #exercisempre


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ACCES AUTORIZAT DE JUDECĂTOR PENTRU A EVITĂ RUDAREA UȘII ÎN 8.10.2021, filmând și scena cu telefoane dotate cu camere video, încă azi nu mi-au furnizat documentație cu motivațiile fictive ale magistraturii tribunalului din Urbino. , având în vedere prezența personal cred că o altă punere în scenă stupidă și ilegală a ambulanței Crucii Roșii Italiene să aibă o reacție și să poată interna pe reclamant, constat că până și poliția s-a înrăutățit foarte mult în timp din păcate, acest lucru se întâmplă din cauza suprimarea Organizației Militare Penitenciare care era însărcinată cu controlul pe amândouă, în prezent în mâinile poliției financiare care, mai degrabă decât să controleze, complotează împreună.


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tract scris în document pentru traducere web

Judecătoarea Curții din Urbino
Francesca D'orazio și alții...

Intervin în memoria și apărarea mea deja lipsită de drept

Vă rog să verificați și să actualizați în mod corect dobânda necuvenită pentru Euribor trucată în anii 2007 2008 2009 la datoria bancară a proprietății, nu îmi permit să plătesc necuvenitul.

Cat priveste inceperea presupusei infractiuni din 8.12.2009 la care nu sunt oprit la volan, fara proces verbal, fara chitanta Aci, scaderea cheilor cu insistente repetate si nejustificate, ceea ce da nastere RGNR 10606/09 RGGIP 6332 / 09 s-a plâns imediat implicarea instanței de la Rimini, personal cred că o instanță care a jucat dublu încrucișare timp de 14 luni, deci o instanță în conflict de interese și atribuții, instanță care în cercetările de deschidere o menționează pe Daniela ca apărător Grossi, apoi Sosește Pretelli Annibale, mi se deschide și o procedură de insultă calificată, infracțiune pe care aș fi comis-o în data de 04.02.2010, ajunge la oficiul poștal din Urbino pe 03.07.2011, exact 13 luni mai târziu, deși medicul arată că ea îmi prelucrează datele din 13.12.2010,deschiderea unei proceduri RGNR 5981/10 RGGIP 6974/10 pentru a se opune unui înscris al apărătorului meu de zece luni și zece zile mai devreme, care a ajuns în mâinile mele cu acte în aprilie 2011, instanța din Rimini are parțial cunoștință de versiunea și inchizitoria mea arzătoare. către administrarea lor prin scrisoare recomandată către GIP Lucio Ardigò din 29/11/2010 și o telegramă ulterioară.
Judecator cred ca 13 luni de salariu sunt putin exagerati pentru a-mi livra infractiunea de vatamare grava, considera ca in acel an avocatul mi-a adus fapta de Paste, apoi sa iau in calcul si sosirea in mai putin de 60 de zile. din' ședința din 12.5.2011 unde am trimis mai întâi scrisoarea recomandată și telegrama către GIP prin care s-au declarat 7 persoane și am găsit doar 4 inculpați cu numele, procurorul Irene Lilliu nu participă în sala de judecată, are loc ședința prealabilă. dimineata unde judecatorul Sonia Pasini declara ca prima procedura fusese deja inchisa, intreband avocatul. Dacă Pretelli ar fi sosit, avocatul. a confirmat nu, la a doua procedură există o delegitimizare de către avocatul omologului care vorbind cu judecătorul îmi spune Gabriele Fedriducci,

Stimate domnule judecator, cu actele pe care vi le trimit, arat ca am cerut intotdeauna dovada prin scrisoare recomandata si telegrama, apoi in reclamatia la gdf sunt gata si astazi sa confirm ce s-a declarat la urgenta 112 in cca. o duzină de telefoane deja elucidate către un copil, mereu omise.
Consider că cu astfel de proceduri ilegale și compromise, oricine devine învins și trebuie să suporte cheltuielile de judecată neloiale, ascunzând posibilitatea constatării faptelor petrecute cu adevărat și găsite în atâta tehnologie și hârtie în cazierul judiciar.


primul document deschidere investigații față spate 8/12/09

al doilea document de trei pagini înregistrat GIP 29/11/2010

al treilea document telegramă GIP 11/01/11

act de insultă agravată Anexez plic verde cu ștampila poștală 7.3.2011 sesizat lui Annibale Pretelli (avocat denunțat la 29.8.2012 la gdf) 4 pagini https://2000leo.home.blog/2021/10/31/rgnr5981- 10 it /

document de denunțare a asociațiilor criminale ale Carabinierilor Rimini

Domnule judecător, acestea sunt infracțiunile pe care statul italian intenționează să le secrete în linkul de mai jos https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=111080788018255&id=111059268020407

înțelege: nu este ușor să spui toate minciunile produse, poate o strategie disuasivă și tendențioasă spre încurcare

capital rezidual 2016 eu 6274,80 Salutări https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.fedrigucci.94/

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Parchetul de pe lângă Tribunalul din Rimini.

Audierea preliminara RGNR 5981/10 din 12.5.2011 la care procurorul Irene Lilliu nu se prezinta in sala de curs la https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tribunale-Di-Rimini/355829454504839/


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#A LUA LEGATURA- → https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/100026090100897

Realtà_Italiane_wordpress_com_ITALIA_2000_2021 #Leonardo_Fedrigucci

#INTERNAUTA_AUTOR_REPRESENT_VITTIMA https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.fedrigucci.94


http://www.gdf.gov.it/ - https://www.carabinieri.it/- https://www.tribunale.rimini.giustizia.it/ - https: //www.procura.rimini.giustizia .it / - http://www.prefettura.it/rimini/multidip/ - https://www.mit.gov.it/ - https://www.difesa.it/ - https: //www.giustizia .it / - https://www.interno.gov.it/ - https://www.mef.gov.it/ - https://www.poliziadistato.it/ - https://www.polizialocalerimini.it / - https://www.quirinale.it/ - https://www.governo.it/ - http://www.camera.it/ -http://www.senato.it/ - http://www.procuragenerale.ancona.it/ - http://www.giustizia.marche.it/ - http://www.tribunaleurbino.it/ - https: //www.tribunale.laquila.giustizia.it/ - https://www.cortecostituzionale.it/ - https://www.echr.coe.int/ - https://eur-lex.europa.eu/ - https://ec.europa.eu/ - https://www.europarl.europa.eu/ - https://europa.eu/european-union/ - https://www.consilium.europa.eu/ - https://www.icc-cpi.int/ - https://www.aci.it/ -

#Italia #minister #justiţie #tribunal #constituţional #recurs #conturi #Sfat #superior #din #judiciar #Asociere #naţional #magistrați #Emilia #Romagna #Rimini #provincie #uzual #proloco #Miramare #Rivazzurra #Marebello #Dans #Riccione #frontieră #râu #Marecchia #actual #Ause #Fogliano_Marina #birouri #judiciar # Avenue #Charles #Albert #De la #Biserică #Planetă #oameni #migrație #green_deal #Verde #Energie verde #Regenerabile #Energie regenerabila #Climat #Schimbarea climei #CrizăClimatică #Încălzire globală #Capitalism #Economie #Industrie #Biocarburanți #Solar #Despăduriri #Sânge #Împunge #Combustibili fosili #Cărbune #Ulei #Soluții #Iluzii #Natură #Energie #Conștientizare #criteriu #Digital #penal #plângere #internaţional #European #încălcări,#Atenţie #Președinți,#comisari #europarlamentari #Ursula_von_der_Leyen #Ursula #von #der #Leyen #Charles_Michel #Charles #Michel #Didier_Reynders #Didier #Reynders # Dubravka_Šuica #Dubravka # Šuica #Margrethe_Vestager #Margrethe #Vestager #Stella_Kyriakides #Stea #Kyriakides #Kadri_Simson #Kadri #Simson #Paolo_Gentiloni #Paul #Gentiloni # Virginijus_Sinkevičius #Virginijus # Sinkevičius #Jutta_Urpilainen #Jutta #Urpilainen # LászlóTrócsányi # László # Trócsányi #Margaritis_Schinas #Margarită #Schinas #Phil_Hogan #Phil #Hogan #Valdis_Dombrovskis #Valdis #Dombrovskis #Sylvie_Goulard #Sylvie #Goulard #Nicolas_Schmit #Nicolas #Schmit #Helena_Dalli #Helena #Le da #Janusz_Wojciechowski #Janusz #Wojciechowski #Frans_Timmermans #Frans #Timmermans #Elisa_Ferreira #Elisa #Ferreira #Rovana_Plumb #Rovana #Plumb # MarošŠefčovič # Maroš # Šefčovič #Mariya_Gabriel #Mariya #Gabriel # Janez_Lenarčič #Janez # Lenarčič # Věra_Jourová # Věra # Jourová #Josep_Borrell #Josep #Borrell #Ylva_Johansson #Ylva #Johansson #Johannes_Hahn #Johannes #Hahn-#Tribunalul #Justiţie #Uniune #European #ICC #CIJ #Comision #Parlament #Recomanda #Tribunalul #Drept al omului #Internaţional #Penal #Quirinale #Republica Italiană #Președinte #Ministru_Ministerul #Împuternicire #Rimini #Euconsiliu #Police_State #Europol #INTERPOL_HQ #NĂSCUT #ECTHR #omisiuni#Cetățeni #condamnat #ilegal #Stat #Italiană,# autoritate #judiciar,#carabinieri #Drumuri #Italiană #European #AMARCORD #Italia #ministero #giustizia #corte #costituzionale #appello #conti #consiglio #superiore #della #magistratura #associazione #nazionale #magistrati #Emilia #Romagna #Rimini #provincia #comune #proloco #Miramare #Rivazzurra #Marebello #Ballariva #Riccione #confine #fiume #Marecchia #torrente #Ausa #Fogliano_Marina #uffici #giudiziari #Viale #Carlo #Alberto #Dalla #Chiesa #Planet #Humans #migration #green_deal #Green #GreenEnergy #Renewables #RenewableEnergy #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming #Capitalism #Economy #Industry #BioFuels #Solar #Deforestation #Blood #Gore #FossilFuels #Coal #Oil #Solutions #Illusions #Nature #Energy #Awareness #criterion #Digital #criminal #complaint #international #European #violations, #attention #Presidents, #commissioners #MEPs #Ursula_von_der_Leyen #Ursula #von #der #Leyen #Charles_Michel #Charles #Michel #Didier_Reynders #Didier #Reynders #Dubravka_Šuica #Dubravka #Šuica #Margrethe_Vestager #Margrethe #Vestager #Stella_Kyriakides #Stella #Kyriakides #Kadri_Simson #Kadri #Simson #Paolo_Gentiloni #Paolo #Gentiloni #Virginijus_Sinkevičius #Virginijus #Sinkevičius #Jutta_Urpilainen #Jutta #Urpilainen #LászlóTrócsányi #László #Trócsányi #Margaritis_Schinas #Margaritis #Schinas #Phil_Hogan #Phil #Hogan #Valdis_Dombrovskis #Valdis #Dombrovskis #Sylvie_Goulard #Sylvie #Goulard #Nicolas_Schmit #Nicolas #Schmit #Helena_Dalli #Helena #Dalli #Janusz_Wojciechowski #Janusz #Wojciechowski #Frans_Timmermans #Frans #Timmermans #Elisa_Ferreira #Elisa #Ferreira #Rovana_Plumb #Rovana #Plumb #MarošŠefčovič #Maroš #Šefčovič #Mariya_Gabriel #Mariya #Gabriel #Janez_Lenarčič #Janez #Lenarčič #Věra_Jourová #Věra #Jourová #Josep_Borrell #Josep #Borrell #Ylva_Johansson #Ylva #Johansson #Johannes_Hahn #Johannes #Hahn#Corte #Giustizia #Unione #Europea #ICC #CIJ #Commissione #Parlamento #Consiglio #Court #Human_Right #International #Criminal #Quirinale #Repubblica_Italiana #Presidente #Ministro_Ministero #Procura_Tribunale #Rimini #Eucouncil #Polizia_Stato #Europol #INTERPOL_HQ #NATO #ECTHR #omissioni#di#telecomunicazioni#emergenza#tecnologia#video#registrazioni#sicurezza#da#parte#dei#Carabinieri#Tribunale#Criminal#Quirinale#Repubblica#Italiana /// #denunce#Corte#Giustizia#Unione#Europea#Commissione#Parlamento#Consiglio#europa#European#Court#Human#Right#International#servizio#posto#blocco#stazione#mobile#viale#Principe#Piemonte#Fogliano#Marina#Riccione#Miramare#piantone#limitrofa#caserma#Oliveti#riviera#generale#dalla#chiesa#Romagnola#Ezio#Bevilacqua#telefoni#cellulari#mobili#privati#servizio#veicolo#dotato#sistema#satellitare#videocamera#infrarossi#telefono#cellulare#servizi#banda#pronti#Taxi#Italiani#Presidente#Ministero#Ministro#Procura#Tribunale#Rimini#Saludecio#Meleto#ECHR#Strasburgo#Bruxelles#Lussemburgo#Aia#CGUE#CJUE#EUCO#Eucouncil#CEDU#ECCHR#MAFIA#CoESPU#UNHRC#CHR#COE#Interpol#HQ#Europol#Polizia#Polizei#Policia#Politie#Politiy#Stato#Stradale#Ferroviaria#Penitenziaria#FFAA#Aeronautica#Militare#Camera#del#lavoro#Giudice#Deputati#Montecitorio#Palazzo#Chigi#Roma#Fiumicino#INCA#CGIL#procedura#falsate#giudiziarie#faide#Istituzionali#IVA#IRAP#IRPEF#TARI#bollo#Assicurazioni#garante#garanzie#garantito#MISE#MEF#agenzia#entrate#frodi#realtà#codice#civile#Ciampino#Raffaello#monopoli#norma#Monopolio#dogane#Costituzionale#valori#patrocinio#servizi#digitale#MIT#SS3#Flaminia#SS16#Adriatica#località#Bellariva#strada#nalinhadefrente#fogoamigável – ي #العدل#الأوروبية#الدولية#لحقوق#الإنسان#الشرطة#الاتصالات#السلكية#واللاسلكية#غير#المشروعة#محكمة ي

#裁判所#助言#ヨーロッパ#人権#男#準則#インターナショナル#法院#正義#議会#警察#県#суд#Европа#правосудие#essercisempre #GDF #serpico #noiconvoi #wearecarabinieri #carabinieri #PossiamoAiutarvi = #Мыможемпомочьтебе #ACI #правачеловека – #TELOIMPONGONO#ERAMEGLIONONSAPERLO#NOPAYPIZCARABINIERI#PARKINGJUDICiALGROSISCLOSED#WEARECARABINIERI#PossiamoAiutarvi#video#registrata#Emilia#Romagna#Aeroporto#Internazionale#Base#NATO#Stato#Repubblica#San#Marino#omission#callemergency#call#emergency#proprietà#Comune#parcheggio#libero#cemento#catena#segnale#utensili#autostradale#Estate#autostrada#fiera#meeting#cancello#deposito#giudiziario#Tribunale#Cittadini#automobili#carro#attrezzi#Legge#sequestro#preventivo#Res#automobili#gazzella#pronto#intervento#fatture#ACI#zona#GROS#via#Macanno#Casalecchio#incrocio#Giovanni#Palmiri#montavano#sottufficiale#maresciallo#maggiore#Ariemma#comando#Norm#nucleo#operativo #radiomobile#legione#quinto#della#Futa#Bologna#Paolo , #Giovagnoli#Franco , #Battaglino#Davide , #Ercolani#Rossella , #Talia#Irene , #Lilliu#Mavia , #Martarelli#Lucio , #Ardigò#Sonia , #Pasini#Alvaro , #Bartolucci#Giorgio , #Brasini#Patrizio , #Berdini#Gabriele , #Valentini#Concetta , #Zurlo#Virginia , #Matranga#Gabriella , #Perinetti#firmato#Leonardo#Fedrigucci-#bing#ebay#allabout#allaboutjapan#excite#watashi#google#wikipedia#duckduckgo#saucenao#tineye#searchpreview#github#fastaddons#joinhoney#getadblock#sovetnikyandex#amazon#ecosia#startpage#qwant#citavi#scholargoogle – – #mywot#wappalyzer#yandex#onenote#yahoo#endnote#agv#unpaywall#helpyahoo#simpleyoutubeconverter#pulsemail#keywordseveryhere#lilo#searchlilo#saladictcrimx#crimx#dakoda#aol#wikiwand#seznam#add0n#myprivatesearch#dnslytics#trackmenot#hsearchescentral#similarweb#mybrowseraddon#nopaypizcarabinieri#judicialdepositgrosclosed#youarecrazyandomissionjudicialtest#Cittadini #condannati #illegalmente #Stato #Italiano, #autorità #giudiziaria, #carabinieri #Strade #Italiane #Europee #AMARCORD

#ITA -La #legge è #uguale per #tutti, la #magistratura ci #vuol #vedere#chiaro, la #giustizia#farà il suo #corso, infine il #giudice#vuole #rendere #ragione, l’ #informazione#pluralistica non #farà#sconti. #Ciao ti #presento la #pubblica#amministrazione

#ENG -The #law is the #same for #everyone, the #judiciary #wants to #see us #clearly, #justice will take its #course, #finally the #judge wants to #account, #pluralistic#information#will#not#make#discounts. #Hello I #present #you the #public #administration

#FRA -La #loi est #égale pour #tous, la #magistrature#veut#nous#voir#clairement, la #justice#va #faire#son#cours, #enfin le #juge#veut#donner#raison, l’ – #information#pluraliste ne #fera#pas de #remises. #Bonjour, #voici l’ #administration

#DE#Das#Gesetz#ist#für#alle#gleich, #die#Justiz#will#uns#klar#sehen, #die #Justiz #wird #ihren #Lauf #nehmen, #schließlich #will #der #Richter #Recht #geben, #pluralistische #Informationen #werden #keine #Rabatte #machen. #Hallo, #ich #stelle #Ihnen #die #öffentliche #Verwaltung #vor #publique

#SPA#La #ley #es #igual #para #todos, #el #poder #judicial #quiere #vernos #con #claridad, #la #justicia #seguirá #su #curso, #finalmente #el #juez #quiere #rendir #cuentas, #la #información #pluralista #no #hará #descuentos. #Hola #te #presento #la #administración #pública

#PTG#A #lei é a #mesma #para #todos, o #poder #judicial #quer #ver-nos #claramente, a #justiça #seguirá o #seu #rumo, #finalmente o #juiz #quer #prestar #contas, a #informação #pluralista #não #fará #descontos. #Olá #apresento-lhe a #administração #pública

#NDL – De #wet is #voor #iedereen #hetzelfde, de #magistraten #rechterlijke #macht #wil #ons #duidelijk #zien, #gerechtigheid #zal #zijn #weg #vinden, #eindelijk #wil #de #rechter #verantwoording #afleggen, #pluralistische #informatie #zal #geen #kortingen #geven. #Hallo, #ik #presenteer u #het #openbaar #bestuur

#POL#Prawo #jest #takie #samo #dla #wszystkich, #sądownictwo #chce #nas #widzieć #wyraźnie, #sprawiedliwość #będzie #się #toczyć, w #końcu #sędzia #chce #się #rozliczyć, #pluralistyczne #informacje #nie #będą #dyskontować. #Witam #Przedstawiam #administracji #publicznej

#GRK#νόμος #είναι ο #ίδιος #για #όλους, η #δικαιοσύνη #θέλει να #δει #καθαρά, η #δικαιοσύνη θα #ακολουθήσει την #πορεία της, #τελικά ο #δικαστής #θέλει να #αιτιολογήσει, οι #πλουραλιστικές #πληροφορίες #δεν #θα #κάνουν #εκπτώσεις. #Γεια #σας, #αυτή #είναι η #δημόσια #διοίκηση

#RUS#Закон #одинаков #для #всех, #судебная #власть #хочет #видеть #нас #ясно, #правосудие #пойдет #своим #чередом, #наконец #судья #хочет #отчитываться, #плюралистическая #информация #не #будет #делать #скидок. #Здравствуйте, я #представляю #государственного #управления

#AFR#Die #wet is #dieselfde #vir #almal, #die #regbank #wil #ons #duidelik #sien, #geregtigheid #sal #sy #gang #gaan, #uiteindelik #wil #die #regter #rede #gee, #pluralistiese #inligting #sal #dit #openbaar. #Hallo #ek #bied #die #openbare #administrasie

#ARB القانون #هو #نفسه #بالنسبة #للجميع، #والقضاء #يريد #أن #نرى #لنا بوضوح، و#العدالة #سوف #تأخذ مجر#اها، #وأخير#القاضي يريد أن #يحاسب، و#المعلومات #التعددية لن #تجعل #الخصومات. #مر#حبا #أقدم #الإدارة #العامة

#ITA-Acolo#legeeste#la felpentru#toate, cel#judiciarAcolo#vuol #vedea-#clar, cel#justiţie-#va facea lui#curs, în cele din urmă#judecător-#dorește #da #motiv, L'#informație-#pluralistNu#va face-#reduceri.#Buna ziuatu#PrezintAcolo#publica-#administrare-

#ENG-The#legeeste#la felpentru#toata lumea, cel#judiciar #doreștela#daca estene#clar,#justiţieîi va lua#curs,#in cele din urmacel#judecătorvrea sa#cont,#pluralist-#informație-#voi-#nu-#face-#reduceri.#Buna ziuaTHE#prezent #tucel#public #administrare-

#ÎNTRE-Acolo#loiEst# egalese toarnă#pentru noi, cel#magistratură-#veut-#nous-#voir-#clairement, cel#justiţie-#se duce #faire-#fiul-#curs,#in sfarsitcel#judecător-#veut-#donner-#motiv, L' -#informație-#pluralistnici#feră-#pasde#remise.#Bonjour,#vociL'#administrare-

#DE-#Das-#Gesetz-#ist-# für-#toate-#gleich,#a muri-#Justiz-#voi-#uns-#klar-#sehen,#a muri #Justiz #wird #ihren #Lauf #nehmen,# schließlich #voi #der #Richter #Recht #geben,#pluralistische #Informații #werden #keine #Rabatte #machen.#Salut,#ich #stele #Ihnen #a muri # öffentliche #Verwaltung #vor #publique-

#SPA-#Acolo #ley #es #igual #para #todos,#el #poder #judiciar #Liniște #vernos #cu #claritate,#Acolo #justiție #va urma #pe #blestem,#în sfârșit #el #juez #Liniște #rendir #cuentas,#Acolo # informație #pluralist #Nu # hará #descuentos.#Buna #tu #Prezint #Acolo # administrația # publică-

#PTG-#LA #eaeste la#mesma #para #todos, sau#poder #judiciar #quer # ver-nos #clar, la# justiça #va urmasau#seu #rumo,#în sfârșitsau#juiz #quer #prestar #contas, la# informații #pluralist # não #va face #descontos.# Olá # apresento-lhela# administrare # publică-

#NDL- De#umedeste#voor #iedereen #hetzelfde, de#magistrat #rechterlijke #macht #wil #ons #duidelijk #zien,#gerechtighid #zal #zijn #weg #vinden,#eindelijk #wil #de #rechter #verantwording #afleggen,#pluralistische #informații #zal #geen #kortingen #geven.#Salut,#ik #prezentatoru#het #openbaar #bestuur-

#POL-#Prawo #glumă #takie #samo #dla #wszystkich,# sądownictwo #chce #nas # widzieć # wyraźnie,# sprawiedliwość # będzie #Da este # toczyć, w# końcu # Suedia #chce #Da este # rozliczyć,#pluralistyczne #informacje #nie # będą # dyskontować.#Witam #Przedstawiam #administracji #publicznej-

#GRK-Ο# νόμος # είναιο# ίδιος # για # όλους, η# δικαιοσύνη # θέλεινα# δει # καθαρά, η# δικαιοσύνηθα# ακολουθήσειτην# πορείατης,# τελικάο# δικαστής # θέλεινα# αιτιολογήσει, οι# πλουραλιστικές # πληροφορίες # δεν # θα # κάνουν # εκπτώσεις.# Γεια # σας,# αυτή # είναιη# δημόσια # διοίκηση-

#RUS-# Закон # одинаков # для # всех,# судебная # власть # хочет # видеть # нас # ясно,# правосудие # пойдет # своим # чередом,# наконец # судья # хочет # отчитываться,# плюралистическая # информация # не # будет # делать # скидок.# Здравствуйте, я# представляю # государственного # управления-

#AFR-#A muri #umedeste#dieselfde #vir #almal,#a muri #regbank #wil #ons #duidelik #sien,#geregtigheid #sal #sy #bandă #gaan,#uiteindelik #wil #a muri #regter #crede #gee,#pluralistiese #inligting #sal #dit #openbaar.#Salut #ek #bied #a muri #deschis #administrasie-

#ARBالقانون# هو # نفسه # بالنسبة # للجميع,# والقضاء # يريد # أن # نرى # لنابوضوح ، و # العدالة# سوف # تأخذمجر # اها ،# وأخير# ا# القاضييريد أن# يحاسب، و # الم# التعدديةلن# تجعل # الخصرات.# مر# حبا# أقدم # الإدارة # العامة

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#QUIRINALE- https://goo.gl/maps/KUQvhvbG2Z68g89L8 -

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< https://www.facebook.com/FUORILEPROVE/photos/a.264966765476997/268560888450918 > -


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< https://www.facebook.com/FUORILEPROVE/photos/a.264966765476997/268559788451028 > –


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#A LUA LEGATURA- → https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/100026090100897 + https://vk.com/im?sel=694255885

Italian_Realities_wordpress_com_ITALY_2000_2022 #Leonardo_Fedrigucci

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Internationaler Betrug des Gerichts von Rimini und Carabinieri - Italien

Illegale Prozesse des Rimini-Gerichts und Verstöße gegen die Carabinieri - Italienische Republik der Europäischen Union


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Die illegalen Handlungen finden nach der Justizmesse im August 2008 statt, auf der das Ministerium für Gnade und Justiz durch Minister Angelino Alfano vertreten ist.
Die Interviews, die im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung von den nationalen Fernsehsendern mit dem Minister geführt wurden, sind nicht auffindbar, obwohl der Informationspluralismus vollständig aneinandergereiht war.
Die Unterlagen sollen nur die gestellten Anfragen im Laufe der Zeit garantieren, die Geschichte ändert sich im geschriebenen Text nicht, es erscheint von Anfang an verbal klar, wo ich die Notrufnummer 112 anrufe, etwa ein Dutzend Telekommunikationen durchgeführt am 8. Dezember, 2009 religiöses Fest der Unbefleckten Empfängnis.


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Das Foto zeigt in der Gemeinde Rimini, Bellariva, Marebello, Rivazzurra und Miramare (RN ITALIEN)
die roten Punkte: es handelt sich um die Kontrollpunkte - die gelbe Linie: die Abschleppwagen- und Unterstandsroute - die blauen Punkte an der Carabinieri-Station und amtlicher Hinterlegung - wo sie kamen, um mich zu fangen. -
Dies ist der gesamte Bereich der gemeldeten Unregelmäßigkeiten. Ich habe nur diese Informationen und schließe andere Punkte nicht aus, an denen dasselbe illegale Verfahren stattgefunden hat. Ich glaube, dass sich der Weg zur Hinterlegung nicht wesentlich ändert, der in hervorgehobene Weg Gelb ist die SS3 Flaminia, die auch die SS16 Adriatica ist, die in der Ortschaft Bellariva abzweigt, es ist die Staatsstraße mit den meisten aufgezeichneten Videos in der Emilia Romagna, da sich dort der Internationale Militärflughafen NATO Aeronautical Base und die Abzweigung für die Republik San befinden Marino.
Willkommen: Es ist nicht einfach, zusammenzufassen und zu erklären, was der italienische Staat mir hätte sagen sollen. Staat, der immer noch unbestreitbare Beweise für Menschenrechtsverletzungen verbirgt.
NB: Mein Verfahren wird nicht erklärt, aber ihr wiederholtes illegales Laster wird gepostet.
Das Scheitern der 5. Carabinieri-Legion der Futa Emilia Romagna durch das Provinzkommando der Carabinieri der NORM von Rimini beginnt vom Herbst 2008 bis zum 12.08.2009 (wo ich dann vor Gericht gezerrt werde), die Tatsachen haben sich für 14 fortgesetzt Monate hintereinander. noch heute im Jahr 2022 verbergen sie Beweise dafür#Satelliten #Militär,#telekommunikationaus#Notfall112 und#Videoüberwachung #Anti-Terrorismusaus#veröffentlichen #Sicherheit #Polizei #Straße, dieses Roadtrips im Link unten ⬇️ https://www.google.it/maps/dir/44.0216133,12.6227958/44.0438147,12.5604973/@44.0411974,12.5571318,12.66z

Die 6 Carabinieri (während der Kontrolltätigkeiten) nahmen zusammen mit dem Besitzer des Pannendienstes die Autos von den Leuten weg, die nach den Schlüsseln verlangten, ohne irgendwelche Dokumente auszustellen, ohne einen Abschleppwagen, und benutzten den Lastwagen, als wäre es ein Taxi für private Zwecke , versuchen, am nächsten Tag eine Zahlung für einen Abschleppwagentransport zu bewirken, um das Fahrzeug zurückzunehmen, andernfalls würden sie sich decken, indem sie den Straftatbestand der Verweigerung ihrer psychophysischen Tests § 186 der StVO § 2-7 formulieren, der eine strafrechtliche Verfolgung vorsieht , dann Eröffnung gerichtlicher Verfahren vor dem Gericht von Rimini, einem konformen Gericht, das von der Zunahme der gerichtlichen Riten, Parkgebühren, gerichtlichen Versteigerungen, Gerichten mit mehr Anwälten und vielen anderen Verfahren zum europäischen Führerschein profitierte,Die Geschichte spielt nach der Messe der Gerechtigkeit, die im August 2008 in Rimini stattfand. Kurz zuvor fordert Europa die Änderung der Angleichung der Gemeinschaftsgesetzgebung an die Straßenverkehrsordnung – DEKRET – GESETZGEBUNG 4. August 2008, Nr. 144 - Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2006/22 / EG, über Mindeststandards für die Anwendung der Verordnungen Nr. 3820/85/EWG und Nr. 3821/85/EWG über Sozialvorschriften im Straßenverkehr und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 88/599/EWG.


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dann stiegen die Fahrer in das Auto namens Notgazelle, bereit für die neue Fahrt die ganze Nacht, dann legten sie dem Gericht ACI-Rechnungen vor (FALSCH). Das Gebiet befindet sich bei GROS di Rimini in der Via - Macanno Nr. 121, aber ich glaube, dass es damals die Via Casalecchio war.
Ich glaube, dass sie etwa 800 Personen in 14 Monaten krimineller Vereinigung verwickelt haben, wobei 500 Personen gewaltsam vor Gericht gezerrt und zu Unrecht verurteilt wurden, indem sie sie im Strafregister eingetragen haben, die anderen 300 Personen (von denen ich glaube, dass sie die wahren Straftäter sind) nahmen den Diebstahl wieder auf Ware am nächsten Tag bezahlen ohne Rechnung und ohne viel Aufhebens eine fiktive Rückforderung der Pannenhilfe, als Dienstleistung ausgegeben -#ACI.

Satellitenposition - < https://goo.gl/maps/iyS5YjBR5cra5FF77 Südseite, Südwesten


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Hier, an der Kreuzung zwischen Via Giovanni Palmiri und Via Macanno, begannen die 3 Carabinieri von Rimini (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini), sobald sie gegen 23.00 Uhr ihren Dienst antraten, den Kontrollpunkt mit der Mobilstation zu machen , Die den Bürgern gestohlenen Autos wurden gefahren und ohne den Einsatz des Abschleppwagens in das 50 Meter entfernte Gerichtsdepot gebracht (Satellitenpositionsangabe - < https://goo.gl/maps/iHX7JYfz34Aks2Nn9> - Ostseite), muss berücksichtigt werden, dass es in diesem Bereich Transsexuelle gibt und diejenigen, die gefürchtet wurden, angehalten wurden und Angst hatten, ihre Homosexualität oder Bisexualität zu erklären (Angst, die Freundin oder sogar die Frau zu verlieren). Sie wurden für Nr mehr als 1 stunde warum transex arbeiten musste. Sind die Carabinieri schlau, sich hinter Transsexuellen zu verstecken?#wearecarabinieri #Wir können dir helfen #carabinieri.

Satellitenposition - < https://goo.gl/maps/c7i375xvEkKjaF798 > -
Kreuzung Via Giovanni Palmiri Via Macanno (zu der Zeit war Macanno Casalecchio) -


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Hier ist Viale Principe di Piemonte in der Gegend von Fogliano Marina zwischen Riccione und Miramare, die 3 Carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) kamen gegen 01:00 Uhr an und hier waren sie mehr als 2 Stunden lang auf der Suche nach denen aus dem Süden, die ging, um Spaß an der Romagna Riviera zu haben, sogar von hier wurden die gestohlenen Autos ohne den Einsatz des Abschleppwagens weggebracht, sie teilten dem Streifenwagen und dem Rettungsdienst mit, dass sie gehen und den Besitzer der Pannenhilfe und auch die Wache holen sollten die Kaserne in der Via Oliveti: Der Carabiniere Gabriele Valentini, der untreulich bereit war, den Wachposten zu verlassen, stieg mit den anderen drei hinauf und ging zum Ort des Diebstahls, fuhr dann die Fahrzeuge sogar zu zweit zur Gerichtsverwahrung,Autofahren unter Missachtung des Verfahrensordnungsrechts und Verletzung eines Rechtsschutz- und Gewährleistungsraums.

- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0261934,12.6282649,3a,75y,359.53h,90.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snzld2it5hmuBeBRG83_QVA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 > -
Viale Principe di Piemonte - Gemeindegebiet Nr. 67 / nr. 71 Nordseite
Das Gebiet erfährt im Frühjahr Juli 2019 eine Veränderung (wird es mit unterirdischen Zisternen gut urbar gemacht? WAREN SIE LOCH?).


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Hier ist die Viale dei Principi in der Gegend von Miramare, die 3 Carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) kamen gegen 03:00 Uhr an, hier fischten sie mehr als 2 Stunden lang für diejenigen, die aus dem Norden zurückkehrten, um sich in der Romagna zu vergnügen Riviera, auch von hier wurden die gestohlenen Autos ohne Hilfe des Abschleppwagens abtransportiert, sie teilten dem Rettungsdienstauto (mit bisher zwei Carabinieri ohne offizielle Namen des italienischen Staates) mit, den Besitzer der Pannenhilfe abzuholen und auch das Steuerrad der angrenzenden Kaserne in via Oliveti (Gabriele Valentini).

- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0285748,12.625221,3a,75y,168.65h,92.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0Cb9QRrTMcGvMW2Jd0uI1A!2e0!7i16384 >! 8i8192

Viale dei Principi - Rastplatz Südseite

Das Gebiet erfährt zwischen Juli 2019 - Dezember 2020 mehrere Änderungen
(ich habe kein Recht, die täglichen Satellitenbilder beider Verteiler zu sehen). (#serpico #noconvoi)


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Hier ist via Ezio Bevilacqua in Miramare, die 3 Carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) haben die mobile Station innerhalb der Straße geparkt, um den Schichtdienst für die Verkehrssicherheit zu vervollständigen, sogar von hier aus wurden die gestohlenen Autos ohne die Hilfe des weggebracht Abschleppwagen, sie teilten der Notfallgazelle mit, den Besitzer der Pannenhilfe und auch die Station der Kaserne in der Via Oliveti (Gabriele Valentini) abzuholen.

- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0314912,12.6215523,3a,75y,204.03h,72.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJwItgg720h7fL-icjZNEmg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 > -

Viale dei Principi - Via Bevilacqua, Südseite - Süd, West -


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Dies ist die Carabinieri-Kaserne, die sich in der Via Oliveti in Miramare di Rimini befindet, hier verließ der Carabinieri Gabriele Valentini, der für den Begleitdienst verantwortlich war, den Wachposten, um zusammen mit zwei anderen Carabinieri und dem Abschleppwagenmann im Rettungswagen an Bord zu gehen und die von Kollegen gestohlenen Fahrzeuge zu den in den anderen Posten angegebenen Kontrollpunkten fahren. Alle Carabinieri, die mit Privat- und Diensthandys ausgestattet sind, an Bord eines Fahrzeugs, das mit einem Satellitensystem und einer Infrarotkamera des Verteidigungsministeriums des Staates ausgestattet ist.
NB, das Gericht hat mir keine grundlegenden Informationen zur Verfügung gestellt, um den Namen mit dem Gesicht der Carabinieri in Verbindung zu bringen, und dies könnte die Zuschreibung im geringsten ändern (ich persönlich schließe es aus, aber ich möchte es aus Gründen der Desinformation melden), behalte es bei Beachten Sie, dass ich bis heute die Details der anderen drei 3 Personen nicht angegeben habe. Sie können sicher sein, dass andere Carabinieri in der Bande bereit waren, als Shuttle zu fungieren, wenn die Schichten nicht übereinstimmten#Taxi.
Ich glaube, Unteroffizier-Major Marshal Ariemma vom Norm-Kommando hat die Schichten organisiert, vielleicht weiß er es ja!

Telefon N. +#tel00390541372777


< https://www.google.com/maps/place/44°01'46.4″N+12°37'02.9″E/@44.029557,12.6169308,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0 :0x0!7e2!8m2!3d44.029557!4d12.617478?hl=it-IT > –

Meine Bewertung der Miramare-Carabinieri-Kaserne https://goo.gl/maps/tvAf23nYzEgHLWt39


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Dies ist eine der drei Beschwerden (mit einer weiteren Beschwerde), die am 26.08.2013 bei der Guardia di Finanza eingereicht wurden, mit dem vierten Foto des Einschreibens der italienischen Post, das am 28.07.2012 gesendet wurde. Mehr Geld, Zeit und Gefahren, um zu melden, was nicht hätte passieren dürfen, und wenn nicht, war und ist es die Aufgabe oder Pflicht der anderen Strafverfolgungsbehörden, dagegen vorzugehen.



doch reicht es aus, den satellitenpfad des fahrzeugs gazelle notfallintervention des verteidigungsministeriums der carabinieri zu definieren, ein von mir als shuttle-taxi definiertes fahrzeug zu fahren und die subjekte abzuholen, die die fahrzeuge ohne abschleppwagen fuhren, ist das Fahrzeug, das für Sicherheitsinterventionen und Patrouillen im Notfall verwendet wird, ist mit dem zugelassenen Satelliten des Verteidigungsministeriums ausgestattet, wo alle Daten in Verbindung mit diesen von mir angegebenen Positionen erhalten werden, einschließlich der Route oder des Standorts des Wohnsitzes des Bergungsunternehmens, dessen Daten ich weiß nicht,





https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0285748,12.625221,3a,75y,168.65h,92.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0Cb9QRrTMcGvMW2Jd0uI1A!2e0!7i819384 !


https://www.google.com/maps/place/@44.029557,12.6169308,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2 ! 3d44.029557! 4d12.617478?hl = it-IT




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Dies ist meine Anfrage an den sehr berühmten Richter für vorläufige Ermittlungen, Doktor Lucio Ardigò, wo ich um die Prozessbeweise von Notrufen und die Videoaufzeichnung der öffentlichen Verkehrssicherheit gebeten habe, die bereits die gesamte Version ihres Vergehens enthalten, durchgeführt und am 29 / 11/2010 am Gericht von Rimini.

Ich habe hier nachgesehen - < https://goo.gl/maps/B8ae58ef4hVhmNBC9 > -


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Dies ist das Telegramm, das am 01.11.2011 über Poste Italiane gesendet wurde und immer an den sehr berühmten Arzt Richter Voruntersuchungen Lucio Ardigò des Gerichts von
Rimini gerichtet war. Es gibt einen kleinen letzten Fehler auf Anraten des Betreibers, der die Unrichtigkeit des bestätigte Begriff Unparteilichkeit mich beraten und typisieren Unparteilichkeit mich unwissender machen als ich bin, die Zahlung von 10 Euro und 30 Cent verlangen, noch heute stört mich diese Geste, auch wenn es ein kleiner Fehler ist.


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Dieses Dokument wurde am 13.06.2012 erstellt und an das Ministerium für Gnade und Justiz an Ministerin Paola Severino unter der Nr. von + = 00#fax00390668897951,#telefax00390668897951
Rechtlich relevant ist die Schwere der Tatsache, dass die Rolle in Interessenkonflikten sowohl von Anfang an als auch in der Folge bis heute SCHADE !!!

Meine Bewertung an das Ministerium - < https://goo.gl/maps/XGS5iqLg9bW93jebA > -

Ich habe hier Ministerium überprüft - < https://goo.gl/maps/uRcQW4CpDDpkcWjU9 > -


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Dieses Dokument wurde am 13.06.2012 erstellt und an den Generalstaatsanwalt Paolo Giovagnoli unter der Nr. von + = 00#fax00390541763484,#telefax00390541763484, hier gibt es einen Fehler bei der Formulierung mit Kugelschreiber (ich weiß, dass sie zum Zeitpunkt des Sachverhalts nicht zuständig war) stattdessen war er es, mir wurde von den
Carabinieri (TELEFONISCH REGISTRIERT) mitgeteilt, dass der Staatsanwalt a war bestimmte Sansosti, auch ob sich dieser Fehler wenig ändert oder nicht.
Rechtlich relevant ist die Schwere der Tatsache, dass die Rolle in Interessenkonflikten sowohl von Anfang an als auch in der Folge bis heute SCHADE !!!

Meine Rezension Gericht Rimini - < https://goo.gl/maps/B8ae58ef4hVhmNBC9 >

und hier Staatsanwaltschaft – < https://goo.gl/maps/TZBSkw6ct7GUxq73A > –


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Dies ist meine 5. Version über meine vollständige Person (ebenfalls aufgrund eines Arbeitsunfalls behindert und nicht entschädigt, obwohl das Gesetz dies vorsieht, mit der Beschwerde über einen Zusammenhang zwischen den Ereignissen), durchgeführt für den
Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte der Europäischen Union in Straßburg#EMRK-#CEDUBERUFUNGEN 1. DEL 29.03.2014 REF. N.29868 / 14 - 2 ° VOM 04/05/2015 REF. N.23057 / 15 - 3 ° VOM 01.03.2016 REF. N.13607 / 16 - 4 ° VOM 20.02.2017 REF. N.16097 / 17 - PLUS ONE WEGEN FORMÄNDERUNG VOM 04.02.2015 ABGELEHNT REF. N.17446 / 15, der die Verletzung des Völkerrechts anprangert, die die Grundlagen unserer Rechtszivilisation untergräbt.

Ich habe hier nachgesehen - < https://goo.gl/maps/L9qWhjeU3Pto4PMQ9 > -


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Korrespondenz Europa

Dies ist eine der beiden bei der Europäischen Kommission eingereichten Beschwerden, die meinem Antrag keine Zulässigkeit verliehen, obwohl Europa in den Zeiträumen vor den Straftaten eine Änderung der Angleichung der EU-Gesetzgebung an die Straßenverkehrsordnung verlangt . 144 Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2006/22/EG über Mindeststandards für die Anwendung der Verordnungen Nr. 3820/85/EWG und Nr. 3821/85/EWG über Bestimmungen zu sozialen Fragen im Straßenverkehr und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 88/599/EWG zugunsten einer Unterlassung unter dem Zähler.
Die nachstehenden Links führen nicht zu den Petitionen, die dem Europäischen Parlament nach der Unzulässigkeit der Petition Nr. 0014/2020, die kein Bürger sehen und unterstützen konnte, Anti-Transparenz-Verhalten, so undurchsichtig wie die neuen Links unten, die nicht zu kollektiven Informationen im Europäischen Parlament, dem Ort der Gemeinschaftsdemokratie, führen.
Es ist sinnlos, auf den unten stehenden Link zu klicken, er bringt Sie nicht zum angeprangerten Thema, so dass Sie mich nicht unterstützen können und das Problem nicht wahrnehmen.

Petizione n. 0014/2020 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/content/15429 -

Petition verbunden mit n. wie oben -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/content/16226 -

Nuove - Petitionen -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/18883 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/18937 -
https: //www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/19062 -


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Mitteilung der Beschwerde an die Europäische Union im Jahr 2015


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Digitales Zeugnis Web Internet GROS Bereich Rimini Emilia Romagna Italien
Korrespondenz mit dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof AIA ICC über die Verletzungen der Carabinieri und gefälschte Gerichtsverfahren des Gerichts Rimini des Staates der Italienischen Republik EU


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neueste Anfragen per Fax an das Justizministerium Rom via Arenulla
https://www.facebook.com/ministerodellagiustizia -#telefax00390668897528-#fax00390668897528

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FAX-DOKUMENT AN DEN URBINO-KOMMISSAR #fax00390722351829 #Übungsempre


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VOM RICHTER GENEHMIGTER ZUGANG, UM DAS KNALLEN DER TÜR AM 10.08.2021 ZU VERMEIDEN, wobei die Szene auch mit mit Videokameras ausgestatteten Telefonen gedreht wurde. Bis heute haben sie mir keine Dokumentation mit den fiktiven Beweggründen der Magistratur des Gerichts von Urbino zur Verfügung gestellt Angesichts der Anwesenheit, die ich persönlich glaube, eine weitere dumme und illegale Inszenierung des Krankenwagens des italienischen Roten Kreuzes, um eine Reaktion zu haben und den Beschwerdeführer ins Krankenhaus einliefern zu können, stelle ich fest, dass sich die Polizei im Laufe der Zeit leider sehr verschlechtert hat, was darauf zurückzuführen ist die Unterdrückung der Militärgefängnisorganisation, die für die Kontrolle beider verantwortlich war und derzeit in den Händen der Finanzpolizei ist, die, anstatt sie zu kontrollieren, gemeinsam plant


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Traktat im Dokument für die Webübersetzung geschrieben

Gericht von Urbino,
Richterin Francesca D'orazio und andere ...

Ich interveniere in meiner Erinnerung und verteidige mich bereits des Rechts beraubt

Ich bitte Sie, die ungerechtfertigten Zinsen für den Euribor, die in den Jahren 2007 2008 2009 auf die Bankschulden der Immobilie manipuliert wurden, fair zu prüfen und abzuzinsen, ich kann es mir nicht leisten, die ungerechtfertigten Zinsen zu zahlen.

Was den Beginn des mutmaßlichen Verbrechens vom 12.08.2009 betrifft, bei dem ich nicht angehalten wurde, ohne Anzeige, ohne Aci-Quittung, die Schlüssel mit wiederholtem und ungerechtfertigtem Beharren abzuziehen, was zu dem RGNR 10606/09 RGGIP 6332 führt / 09, die Beteiligung des Rimini-Gerichts sofort moniert, ich persönlich glaube, ein Gericht, das 14 Monate Doppelspiel gespielt hat, also ein Gericht in Interessenkonflikt und Zurechnung, ein Gericht, das in den Eröffnungsuntersuchungen Daniela als Verteidigerin Grossi erwähnt, also Pretelli Annibale kommt an, gegen mich wird auch ein Verfahren wegen schwerer Beleidigung eröffnet, ein Verbrechen, das ich am 4.2.2010 begangen hätte, kommt am 3.7.2011, genau 13 Monate später, bei der Post in Urbino an, obwohl der Arzt zeigt, dass sie meine Daten seit dem 13.12.2010 verarbeitet,Eröffnung eines Verfahrens RGNR 5981/10 RGGIP 6974/10, um ein Dokument meines Verteidigers von zehn Monaten und zehn Tagen zuvor anzufechten, das im April 2011 mit Urkunden in meine Hände gelangte, das Gericht von Rimini ist sich teilweise meiner brennenden Version und Inquisitoria bewusst zu ihrer Verwaltung per Einschreiben an die GIP Lucio Ardigò vom 29.11.2010 und ein nachfolgendes Telegramm.
Richter Ich glaube, dass 13 Monatsgehälter etwas übertrieben sind, um mir das Verbrechen der schweren Körperverletzung zu liefern, bedenke, dass es in diesem Jahr der Anwalt war, der mir die Urkunde zu Ostern brachte, um dann die Ankunft in weniger als 60 Tagen zu berücksichtigen Von der Anhörung vom 5.12.2011, wo ich zuerst den Einschreibebrief und das Telegramm an die GIP geschickt habe, in dem 7 Personen erklärt wurden, und ich nur 4 Angeklagte mit den Namen gefunden habe, nimmt die Staatsanwältin Irene Lilliu nicht am Gerichtssaal teil, die vorläufige Anhörung findet statt am Vormittag, an dem die Richterin Sonia Pasini erklärt, das erste Verfahren sei bereits abgeschlossen, und fragt den Anwalt. Wenn Pretelli angekommen war, der Anwalt. bestätigt nein, im zweiten Verfahren gibt es eine Delegitimierung durch den Anwalt der Gegenpartei, die mich im Gespräch mit dem Richter Gabriele Fedrigucci nennt,

Sehr geehrter Herr Richter, mit den Unterlagen, die ich Ihnen übersende, zeige ich, dass ich immer Beweise per Einschreiben und Telegramm angefordert habe, dann in der Beschwerde an die gdf, ich bin auch bereit, heute zu bestätigen, was dem Notruf 112 in etwa erklärt wurde ein dutzend telefonate schon aufklärend für ein kind, immer ausgelassen.
Ich glaube, dass bei solchen illegalen und kompromittierten Verfahren jeder, der zum Verlierer wird und die unfairen Rechtskosten tragen muss, die Möglichkeit verbirgt, die Tatsachen festzustellen, die wirklich passiert sind und in so viel Technologie und Papier im Strafregister gefunden wurden.


erstes Dokument Eröffnungsuntersuchungen Vorderseite Rückseite 8/12/09

zweites Dokument von drei Seiten registriert GIP 29.11.2010

drittes Dokument Telegramm GIP 01.11.11

schwere Beleidigung Dokument Ich füge grünen Umschlag mit Poststempel 7/3/2011 bei Annibale Pretelli (Anwältin angezeigt am 29.8.2012 bei der gdf) 4 Seiten https://2000leo.home.blog/2021/10/31/rgnr5981- 10 es /

Dokument, das kriminelle Vereinigungen der Carabinieri Rimini anprangert

Herr Richter, das sind die Straftaten, die der italienische Staat unter dem folgenden Link https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=111080788018255&id=111059268020407 geheim halten will

verstehen: Es ist nicht einfach, alle produzierten Unwahrheiten zu erzählen, vielleicht eine abschreckende und tendenziöse Strategie zur Verstrickung

restkapital 2016 eu 6274,80 mit freundlichen grüssen https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.fedrigucci.94/

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Staatsanwaltschaft des Gerichts Rimini.

Vorläufige Anhörung RGNR 5981/10 vom 5.12.2011, bei der die Staatsanwältin Irene Lilliu nicht im Klassenzimmer erscheint unter https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tribunale-Di-Rimini/355829454504839/


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#Italien #Ministerium #Gerechtigkeit #Gericht #verfassungsmäßig #appellieren #Konten #Rat #Vorgesetzter #des #Justiz #Verband #National #magistrati #Emilia #Romagna #Rimini #Provinz #gemeinsames #proloko #Miramare #Rivazzurra #Marebello #Tanzen #Riccione #Grenze #Fluss #Marecchia #aktuell #Dampf #Fogliano_Marina #Büros #gerichtlich # Allee #Karl #Albert #Von dem #Kirche #Planet #Menschen #Migration #green_deal #Grün #Grüne Energie #Erneuerbare #Erneuerbare Energie #Klima #Klimawandel #Klimakrise #Erderwärmung #Kapitalismus #Wirtschaft #Industrie #Biokraftstoffe #Solar #Abholzung #Blut #Blut #Fossile Brennstoffe #Kohle #Öl #Lösungen #Illusionen #Natur #Energie #Bewusstsein #Kriterium #Digital #kriminell #Beschwerde #International #Europäisch #Verstöße,#Aufmerksamkeit #Präsidenten,#kommissare #Abgeordnete #Ursula_von_der_Leyen #Ursula #von #der #Leyen #Charles_Michel #Karl #Michel #Didier_Reynders #Didier #Reynders #Dubravka_Suica #Dubravka #Suika #Margrethe_Vestager #Margrethe #Western #Stella_Kyriakides #Stern #Kyriakides #Kadri_Simson #Kadri #Simon #Paolo_Gentiloni #Paul #Gentiloni #Virginijus_Sinkevičius #Virginia #Sinkevičius #Jutta Urpilainen #Jutta #Urpilainen #LászlóTrócsányi #László #Trócsányi #Margaritis_Schinas #Margaritis #Schinas #Phil_Hogan #Phil #Hogan #Valdis_Dombrovskis #Valdis #Dombrowski #Sylvie_Goulard #Sylvie #Goulard #Nicolas_Schmit #Nicolas # Schmied #Helena_Dalli #Helena #Geben Sie ihnen #Janusz_Wojciechowski #Janusz #Wojciechowski #Frans_Timmermans #Französisch #Schreiner #Elisa_Ferreira #Elisa #Ferreira #Rovana_Plumb #Zerstört #Lot #MarošŠefčovič #Maros #Shefčovic #Maria_Gabriel #Maria #Gabriel #Janez_Lenarčič #John #Lanarcic #Věra_Jourová #Glaube #Jourova #Josep_Borrell #Joseph #Borell #Ylva_Johansson #Ylva #Johanson #Johannes_Hahn #Johannes #Hahn-#Gericht #Gerechtigkeit #Union #Europäisch #ICC #CIJ #Kommission #Parlament #Beraten #Gericht #Menschenrecht #International #kriminell #Quirinale #Italienische #Republik #Präsident #Minister_Ministerium #Vollmacht #Rimini #Eurat #Polizeistaat #Europol #INTERPOL_HQ #GEBOREN #ECTHR #Auslassungen #aus telekommunikation #Notfall-#Technologie #Video #Anmeldungen #Sicherheit #aus #Teil #des #Carabinieri #Gericht #kriminell #Quirinale-#Republik-#Italienisch #denunzieren #Gericht #Gerechtigkeit #Union #Europäisch #Kommission #Parlament #Beraten #Europa #Europäisch #Gericht #Menschlich #Recht #International #Service #Platz #Block #Bahnhof #Handy Mobiltelefon #Allee #Prinz #Piemont #Blatt #Yachthafen #Riccione #Miramare #Pflanze #limittroph #Kaserne #Oliven #Haine #riviera #Allgemeines #von #dem #Kirche #Romagnola #Ezio #Wasser #trinken #Telefon #Mobiltelefone #Möbel #Privatgelände #Service #Fahrzeug #begabtes #System #Satellit #Camcorder #infrarot #Telefon #Mobiltelefon #Dienstleistungen #Band #Bereit #Taxi #Italiener #Präsident #Ministerium #Minister #Vollmacht #Gericht #Rimini #Saludecio #Meleto #EMRK #Straßburg #Brüssel #Luxemburg #Es gibt #CGUE #EuGH #EUCO #Eurat #CEDU #ECCHR #MAFIA #CoESPU #UNHRC #CHR #COE #Interpol #HQ #Europol #Polizei #Polizei #Polizei #Strafverfolgung #Politik #Bundesland #Straße #Eisenbahn #Zuchthaus #FFAA #Luftfahrt #Militär #Kamera #des #Arbeit #Richter #Stellvertreter #Montecitorio #Gebäude #Chigi #Rom #Fiumicino #NOCH #CGIL #Verfahren #geschmiedet #gerichtlich #lang #Institutionell #MwSt #IRAP #IRPEF #WAGEN #Stempel #Versicherung #Garant #garantien #garantiert #WETTE #MEF #Agentur #Eintreten #der #Betrug #Wirklichkeit #Code #bürgerlich #Ciampino #Raffaello #Monopol #normal #Monopol #Zoll #Verfassung #Werte #Schirmherrschaft #Dienstleistungen #Digital #MIT #SS3 #Flaminia #SS16 #Adriatica #Lokalität #Bellariva #Straße #Frontlinie #Teambeschuss #Gerechtigkeit #europäisch #International #Rechte #Der #Mensch #die #Polizei #Telekommunikation #verdrahtet #kabellos #nicht #legal #GerichtY

#裁判所#助言#ヨーロッパ#人権#男#準則#インターナショナル#法院#正義#議会#警察#県#суд#Европа#правосудие#essercisempre #GDF #serpico #noiconvoi #wearecarabinieri #carabinieri #PossiamoAiutarvi = #Мыможемпомочьтебе #ACI #правачеловека – #TELOIMPONGONO#ERAMEGLIONONSAPERLO#NOPAYPIZCARABINIERI#PARKINGJUDICiALGROSISCLOSED#WEARECARABINIERI#PossiamoAiutarvi#video#registrata#Emilia#Romagna#Aeroporto#Internazionale#Base#NATO#Stato#Repubblica#San#Marino#omission#callemergency#call#emergency#proprietà#Comune#parcheggio#libero#cemento#catena#segnale#utensili#autostradale#Estate#autostrada#fiera#meeting#cancello#deposito#giudiziario#Tribunale#Cittadini#automobili#carro#attrezzi#Legge#sequestro#preventivo#Res#automobili#gazzella#pronto#intervento#fatture#ACI#zona#GROS#via#Macanno#Casalecchio#incrocio#Giovanni#Palmiri#montavano#sottufficiale#maresciallo#maggiore#Ariemma#comando#Norm#nucleo#operativo #radiomobile#legione#quinto#della#Futa#Bologna#Paolo , #Giovagnoli#Franco , #Battaglino#Davide , #Ercolani#Rossella , #Talia#Irene , #Lilliu#Mavia , #Martarelli#Lucio , #Ardigò#Sonia , #Pasini#Alvaro , #Bartolucci#Giorgio , #Brasini#Patrizio , #Berdini#Gabriele , #Valentini#Concetta , #Zurlo#Virginia , #Matranga#Gabriella , #Perinetti#firmato#Leonardo#Fedrigucci-#bing#ebay#allabout#allaboutjapan#excite#watashi#google#wikipedia#duckduckgo#saucenao#tineye#searchpreview#github#fastaddons#joinhoney#getadblock#sovetnikyandex#amazon#ecosia#startpage#qwant#citavi#scholargoogle – – #mywot#wappalyzer#yandex#onenote#yahoo#endnote#agv#unpaywall#helpyahoo#simpleyoutubeconverter#pulsemail#keywordseveryhere#lilo#searchlilo#saladictcrimx#crimx#dakoda#aol#wikiwand#seznam#add0n#myprivatesearch#dnslytics#trackmenot#hsearchescentral#similarweb#mybrowseraddon#nopaypizcarabinieri#judicialdepositgrosclosed#youarecrazyandomissionjudicialtest#Cittadini #condannati #illegalmente #Stato #Italiano, #autorità #giudiziaria, #carabinieri #Strade #Italiane #Europee #AMARCORD

#ITA -La #legge è #uguale per #tutti, la #magistratura ci #vuol #vedere#chiaro, la #giustizia#farà il suo #corso, infine il #giudice#vuole #rendere #ragione, l’ #informazione#pluralistica non #farà#sconti. #Ciao ti #presento la #pubblica#amministrazione

#ENG -The #law is the #same for #everyone, the #judiciary #wants to #see us #clearly, #justice will take its #course, #finally the #judge wants to #account, #pluralistic#information#will#not#make#discounts. #Hello I #present #you the #public #administration

#FRA -La #loi est #égale pour #tous, la #magistrature#veut#nous#voir#clairement, la #justice#va #faire#son#cours, #enfin le #juge#veut#donner#raison, l’ – #information#pluraliste ne #fera#pas de #remises. #Bonjour, #voici l’ #administration

#DE#Das#Gesetz#ist#für#alle#gleich, #die#Justiz#will#uns#klar#sehen, #die #Justiz #wird #ihren #Lauf #nehmen, #schließlich #will #der #Richter #Recht #geben, #pluralistische #Informationen #werden #keine #Rabatte #machen. #Hallo, #ich #stelle #Ihnen #die #öffentliche #Verwaltung #vor #publique

#SPA#La #ley #es #igual #para #todos, #el #poder #judicial #quiere #vernos #con #claridad, #la #justicia #seguirá #su #curso, #finalmente #el #juez #quiere #rendir #cuentas, #la #información #pluralista #no #hará #descuentos. #Hola #te #presento #la #administración #pública

#PTG#A #lei é a #mesma #para #todos, o #poder #judicial #quer #ver-nos #claramente, a #justiça #seguirá o #seu #rumo, #finalmente o #juiz #quer #prestar #contas, a #informação #pluralista #não #fará #descontos. #Olá #apresento-lhe a #administração #pública

#NDL – De #wet is #voor #iedereen #hetzelfde, de #magistraten #rechterlijke #macht #wil #ons #duidelijk #zien, #gerechtigheid #zal #zijn #weg #vinden, #eindelijk #wil #de #rechter #verantwoording #afleggen, #pluralistische #informatie #zal #geen #kortingen #geven. #Hallo, #ik #presenteer u #het #openbaar #bestuur

#POL#Prawo #jest #takie #samo #dla #wszystkich, #sądownictwo #chce #nas #widzieć #wyraźnie, #sprawiedliwość #będzie #się #toczyć, w #końcu #sędzia #chce #się #rozliczyć, #pluralistyczne #informacje #nie #będą #dyskontować. #Witam #Przedstawiam #administracji #publicznej

#GRK#νόμος #είναι ο #ίδιος #για #όλους, η #δικαιοσύνη #θέλει να #δει #καθαρά, η #δικαιοσύνη θα #ακολουθήσει την #πορεία της, #τελικά ο #δικαστής #θέλει να #αιτιολογήσει, οι #πλουραλιστικές #πληροφορίες #δεν #θα #κάνουν #εκπτώσεις. #Γεια #σας, #αυτή #είναι η #δημόσια #διοίκηση

#RUS#Закон #одинаков #для #всех, #судебная #власть #хочет #видеть #нас #ясно, #правосудие #пойдет #своим #чередом, #наконец #судья #хочет #отчитываться, #плюралистическая #информация #не #будет #делать #скидок. #Здравствуйте, я #представляю #государственного #управления

#AFR#Die #wet is #dieselfde #vir #almal, #die #regbank #wil #ons #duidelik #sien, #geregtigheid #sal #sy #gang #gaan, #uiteindelik #wil #die #regter #rede #gee, #pluralistiese #inligting #sal #dit #openbaar. #Hallo #ek #bied #die #openbare #administrasie

#ARB القانون #هو #نفسه #بالنسبة #للجميع، #والقضاء #يريد #أن #نرى #لنا بوضوح، و#العدالة #سوف #تأخذ مجر#اها، #وأخير#القاضي يريد أن #يحاسب، و#المعلومات #التعددية لن #تجعل #الخصومات. #مر#حبا #أقدم #الإدارة #العامة

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Fraude internacional do tribunal de Rimini e carabinieri - Itália

Julgamentos ilegais do tribunal de Rimini e violações dos carabinieri - República Italiana da União Europeia


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Os fatos ilegais ocorrem após a feira de justiça realizada em agosto de 2008, onde o Ministério da Graça e Justiça é representado pelo Ministro Angelino Alfano.
Não foi possível localizar as entrevistas na sequência do evento realizado com o Ministro pelas televisões nacionais, embora o pluralismo de informações estivesse todo alinhado.
Os documentos têm apenas o propósito de garantir os pedidos feitos ao longo do tempo, a história não se altera no texto escrito, surge de imediato verbalmente claro desde o início onde ligo para o número de emergência 112 por telefone, cerca de uma dezena de telecomunicações efectuadas no dia 8 de Dezembro , Feriado religioso de 2009 da Imaculada Conceição.


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A foto está no Município de Rimini, Bellariva, Marebello, Rivazzurra e Miramare (RN ITÁLIA)
os pontos vermelhos: são os postos de controle - a linha amarela: o guincho e a rota do abrigo - os pontos azuis na estação dos carabinieri e depósito judicial - onde eles vieram para me capturar. -
Essa é toda a área de irregularidades relatadas, só tenho essa informação e não excluo outros pontos onde ocorreu o mesmo procedimento ilegal, creio que o caminho para o depósito judicial não muda muito, o caminho destacado em amarela é a SS3 Flaminia que é também a SS16 Adriatica ramificando-se na localidade de Bellariva, é a rodovia estadual com mais vídeos registrados na Emilia Romagna porque ali está a Base Aeronáutica da OTAN Aeroporto Militar Internacional mais a ramificação para a República de San Marino.
Bem-vindo: não é fácil resumir e explicar o que o Estado italiano deveria ter me dito. Estado que ainda esconde provas incontestáveis ​​de violação dos direitos humanos.
NB: meu procedimento não é explicado, mas seu vício ilegal repetido é postado.
O insucesso da 5ª legião de carabinieri da Futa Emilia Romagna através do comando provincial dos carabinieri da NORM de Rimini começa no Outono de 2008 a 12/08/2009 (onde sou então arrastado para o Tribunal), os factos continuam há 14 meses consecutivos. ainda hoje no ano de 2022 escondem evidências de #satelites #militares, #telecomunicação de #emergenza 112 e #videovigilância #antiterrorismo de #segurança pública #policial #stradale, desta road trip no link abaixo ⬇️

Os 6 carabinieri (durante as atividades de controle) juntamente com o dono da assistência rodoviária levaram os carros para longe de pessoas que pediam insistentemente as chaves, sem emissão de nenhum documento, sem guincho, usando o caminhão como se fosse um táxi para fins pessoais , tentando induzir no dia seguinte o pagamento de um guincho de transporte para levar o veículo de volta, caso contrário eles se cobririam formulando o crime de recusa aos seus testes psicofísicos artigo 186 do código da estrada parágrafos 2-7 que prevê a persecução criminal , posteriormente abrindo processos judiciais no tribunal de Rimini, um tribunal complacente que beneficiou do aumento de ritos judiciais, estacionamentos, leilões judiciais, tribunais com mais advogados e muitos outros procedimentos sobre a carta de condução europeia,
a história se passa após a feira de justiça realizada em Rimini em agosto de 2008. Pouco antes, a Europa pede a modificação do alinhamento da legislação comunitária com o código da estrada - DECRETO - LEGISLATIVO 4 de agosto de 2008, n. 144 - Aplicação da Diretiva 2006/22 / CE, relativa às normas mínimas de aplicação dos regulamentos n. 3820/85 / EEC e no. 3821/85 / CEE relativa às disposições sociais no sector dos transportes rodoviários e que revoga a Directiva 88/599 / CEE.


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Este é propriedade da Câmara Municipal de Rimini antes de 2008 era um parque de estacionamento - gratuito mas fechado com dois grandes blocos de betão e uma corrente com um pedaço de sinalização rodoviária, no verão de 2008 após a feira de justiça ou encontro de um portão é montado retangular a cor verde com diagonal para suportar as portas centrais é montada com a malha verde plastificada em forma de losango, foi fechada com cadeado, logo após torna-se depósito judicial do Tribunal de Rimini cerca de 2 anos e fechá-la em seguida e mudar o portão atual (os cidadãos pagam tanto), aqui os carabinieri traziam os carros sem o auxílio do guincho ao contrário da lei em caso de apreensão preventiva - Res, mesmo dois carros chegavam de cada vez,
em seguida, os motoristas subiam no carro chamavam a gazela de emergência, prontos para a nova carona durante toda a noite, depois entregavam ao Tribunal as faturas do ACI (FALSO). A área fica em GROS di Rimini na via - Macanno n.121, mas acredito que na época era via Casalecchio.
Acredito que eles envolveram cerca de 800 pessoas em 14 meses de conspiração, com 500 pessoas arrastadas para o tribunal à força e injustamente condenando-os ao registrá-los no registro criminal, as outras 300 pessoas (que eu acredito serem os verdadeiros infratores) retomaram os bens roubados no dia seguinte, pagando sem fatura e sem fazer barulho uma recuperação fictícia da assistência rodoviária, passada como um serviço - #ACI.

posição do satélite - < https://goo.gl/maps/iyS5YjBR5cra5FF77 lado sul, sudoeste


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Aqui, no cruzamento entre a via Giovanni Palmiri e a via Macanno, os 3 carabinieri de Rimini (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) mal entraram em serviço por volta das 23h00 começaram a fazer o checkpoint com a estação móvel, os carros roubados dos cidadãos eram dirigidos e colocados no depósito judicial sem o uso do guincho, depósito que fica a 50 metros de distância (especificação da posição do satélite - < https://goo.gl/maps/iHX7JYfz34Aks2Nn9> - lado leste), deve-se levar em conta que nesta área há transexuais e os parados temiam e tinham medo de declarar homossexualidade ou bissexualidade (medo de perder a namorada ou mesmo a esposa), estavam lotados para não mais de 1 hora porque o transex teve que trabalhar. Os carabinieri são espertos para se esconder atrás de transexuais? #wearecarabinieri #PossiamoAiutarvi #carabinieri.

posição de satélite - < https://goo.gl/maps/c7i375xvEkKjaF798 > -
Via Giovanni Palmiri cruzando a Via Macanno (na época Macanno era Casalecchio) -


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Aqui é o Viale Principe di Piemonte em Fogliano Marina entre Riccione e Miramare, os 3 carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) chegaram por volta da 01:00 e aqui estiveram por mais de 2 horas pescando para quem foi para o sul. diversão na Riviera Romagna, mesmo daqui os carros roubados eram levados sem o uso do guincho, eles se comunicavam com o carro patrulha e emergencial para ir buscar o dono da assistência rodoviária e também o posto de guarda do quartel na via Oliveti: o carabiniere Gabriele Valentini, infielmente disposto a deixar o posto de guarda, subiu com os outros três e dirigiu-se ao local do sequestro, a seguir conduziu os veículos dois de cada vez ao depósito judicial,dirigir automóveis sem respeitar a lei do código de processo e violar um espaço de proteção e garantia judiciária.

posição do satélite
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0261934,12.6282649,3a,75y,359.53h,90.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snzld2it5hmuBeBRG83_QVA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 > –

Viale Principe di Piemonte - área cívica n. 67 / no. 71 lado norte
A área passa por uma mudança na primavera de julho de 2019 (terá sido bem recuperada com as cisternas subterrâneas? FORAM FURADA?).


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Aqui é a viale dei Principi na área de Miramare, os 3 carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) chegaram por volta das 03h00 aqui estavam eles por mais de 2 horas pescando para aqueles que voltavam do norte para se divertirem na Romagna costa, também daqui os carros roubados foram levados embora sem o auxílio do guincho, eles comunicaram ao carro de serviço de emergência (com dois carabinieri até agora sem nomes oficiais do Estado italiano) para ir buscar o dono da assistência rodoviária e também o volante do quartel adjacente na via Oliveti (Gabriele Valentini).

posição do satélite
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0285748,12.625221,3a,75y,168.65h,92.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0Cb9QRrTMcGvMW2Jd0uI1A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 > –

Viale dei Principi - área de descanso do lado sul

A área sofre várias alterações entre julho de 2019 - dezembro de 2020
(não tenho direito a ver as imagens diárias de satélite de ambas as distribuidoras). ( #serpico #noiconvoi )


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Aqui é pela Ezio Bevilacqua em Miramare, os 3 carabinieri (Giorgio Brasini - Alvaro Bartolucci - Patrizio Berdini) estacionaram a estação móvel dentro da estrada para completar o serviço de mudança de segurança rodoviária, mesmo daqui os carros roubados foram levados embora sem o auxílio do guincho, comunicaram à gazela de emergência para ir buscar o dono do socorro rodoviário e também o mordomo do quartel da via Oliveti (Gabriele Valentini).

posição do satélite
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0314912,12.6215523,3a,75y,204.03h,72.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJwItgg720h7fL-icjZNEmg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 > –

Viale dei Principi - Via Bevilacqua, lado sul - sul, oeste -


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Esta é a empresa de quartéis de carabinieri localizada na via Oliveti em Miramare di Rimini, aqui o carabiniere Gabriele Valentini que estava encarregado do serviço de atendimento deixou o posto de guarda para embarcar junto com outros dois carabinieri e o guincho do carro de emergência e conduzir os veículos furtados por colegas até os postos de controle indicados nos demais postos. Todos os carabinieri equipados com telefones celulares particulares e de serviço, a bordo de veículo equipado com sistema de satélite e câmera infravermelha do Ministério da Defesa do Estado.
NB, o Tribunal não me forneceu informações básicas para associar o nome ao rosto dos carabinieri e isso poderia alterar a atribuição no mínimo (pessoalmente eu excluo, mas quero denunciá-lo por uma questão de desinformação), mantenha em lembre-se de que ainda não me foram fornecidos os dados dos outros três indivíduos, você pode ter certeza de que, quando os turnos não correspondiam, havia outros carabinieri na gangue prontos para atuar como lançadores #Táxi.
Acho que o suboficial Ariemma do Comando Normativo estava organizando os turnos, talvez ele saiba!

telefone n. + #tel00390541372777

posição do satélite

< https://www.google.com/maps/place/44°01’46.4″N+12°37’02.9″E/@44.029557,12.6169308,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d44.029557!4d12.617478?hl=it-IT > –

Minha avaliação do quartel de carabinieri Miramare https://goo.gl/maps/tvAf23nYzEgHLWt39


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Esta é uma das três reclamações feitas (com mais uma reclamação) à Guardia di Finanza em 26/08/2013 com a quarta foto da carta registrada dos Correios italianos enviada em 28/07/2012. Mais dinheiro, tempo e perigos para relatar o que não deveria ter acontecido e, caso não tenha acontecido, era e é tarefa ou dever de outras agências de aplicação da lei combater.



porém, basta definir o trajeto do satélite do veículo gazela intervenção emergencial do ministério da defesa dos carabinieri, veículo definido por mim como um táxi-ônibus para ir buscar os sujeitos que dirigiam os veículos sem guincho, o veículo é usado para segurança de emergência e patrulhamento, está equipado com o satélite aprovado do Ministério da Defesa onde todos os dados são obtidos em conjunto com essas posições que declaro, incluindo a rota ou localização do domicílio do operador de recuperação cujos dados eu não conhecer,











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Este é o meu pedido ao ilustre Juiz de Inquéritos Preliminares Doutor Lúcio Ardigo onde solicitei a prova do julgamento das chamadas telefónicas de urgência e da gravação em vídeo da segurança rodoviária, já dando a versão completa da sua infracção, efectuada e enviada no dia 29 / 11/2010 no Tribunal de Rimini.

Eu revi aqui - < https://goo.gl/maps/B8ae58ef4hVhmNBC9 > -


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Este é o telegrama enviado pela Poste Italiane em 11/01/2011 sempre dirigido ao ilustre Dr. Juiz de Instrução Preliminar Lucio Ardigò do Tribunal de
Rimini, há um pequeno erro final no conselho da operadora que afirmou a inexatidão do termo imparcialidade aconselhando-me e escrevendo imparcialidade fazendo-me ser mais ignorante do que sou, exigindo o pagamento de 10 euros e 30 cêntimos, ainda hoje este gesto incomoda-me mesmo que seja um pequeno erro.


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Este documento foi elaborado em 13/06/2012 e encaminhado ao Ministério da Graça e Justiça para a Ministra Paola Severino no nº. de + = 00 #fax00390668897951, #telefax00390668897951
Legalmente relevante é a seriedade do fato de quem está envolvido no papel em conflito de interesses desde o início e posteriormente até hoje VERGONHA !!!

Minha avaliação para o Ministério - < https://goo.gl/maps/XGS5iqLg9bW93jebA > -

Eu revi aqui Ministério - < https://goo.gl/maps/uRcQW4CpDDpkcWjU9 > -


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Este documento foi elaborado em 13/06/2012 e é encaminhado ao Procurador-Geral da República Paolo Giovagnoli no nº. de + = 00 #fax00390541763484, #telefax00390541763484, aqui há um erro com a redação a pena com escrita (sei que na época dos fatos ela não estava no comando), em vez disso era ele, fui informado pelos
carabinieri (TELEFONICAMENTE REGISTADO) que o Procurador era um certos Sansosti, também se este erro muda pouco ou não.
Legalmente relevante é a seriedade do fato de quem está envolvido no papel em conflito de interesses desde o início e posteriormente até hoje VERGONHA !!!

Minha análise do tribunal de Rimini - < https://goo.gl/maps/B8ae58ef4hVhmNBC9 >

e aqui procuração - < https://goo.gl/maps/TZBSkw6ct7GUxq73A > -


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Esta é a minha 5ª versão sobre a minha pessoa integral (também incapacitada por acidente de trabalho e não indemnizada embora a lei o preveja, reclamando da correlação entre os acontecimentos) realizada para o
Tribunal dos Direitos do Homem da União Europeia em Estrasburgo #ECHR - #CEDU RECURSOS 1ª DEL 29/03/2014 REF. N.29868 / 14 - 2 ° DE 05/04/2015 REF. N.23057 / 15 - 3 ° DE 01/03/2016 REF. N.13607 / 16 - 4 ° DE 20/02/2017 REF. N.16097 / 17 - MAIS UM REJEITADO PARA ALTERAÇÃO DE FORMULÁRIO DE 04/02/2015 REF. N.17446 / 15, denunciando a violação do direito internacional que mina os alicerces da nossa civilização jurídica.

Eu revi aqui - < https://goo.gl/maps/L9qWhjeU3Pto4PMQ9 > -


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Correspondência Europa

Esta é uma das duas queixas apresentadas à Comissão Europeia que não deu admissibilidade ao meu pedido, embora nos períodos anteriores às infracções a Europa solicite a alteração do alinhamento da legislação comunitária com o código da estrada. DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 4 de Agosto de 2008, n . 144 Implementação da Diretiva 2006/22 / CE, relativa às normas mínimas de aplicação dos regulamentos n. 3820/85 / EEC e no. 3821/85 / CEE relativa às disposições em matéria social no sector dos transportes rodoviários e que revoga a Directiva 88/599 / CEE.
Os links abaixo não conduzem às petições apresentadas ao Parlamento Europeu após a inadmissibilidade da petição nº. 0014/2020 que nenhum cidadão conseguiu ver e apoiar, um comportamento anti-transparência, turvo como os novos links abaixo que não conduzem à informação coletiva no parlamento europeu, lugar da democracia comunitária.
Não adianta clicar no link abaixo, ele não leva você ao assunto denunciado, então você não pode me dar seu apoio e continua alheio ao problema.

Petizione n. 0014/2020 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/content/15429 -

Petição associada ao n. como acima -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/content/16226 -

Nuove - petizioni -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/18883 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/18937 -
https: //www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/19062 -


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Comunicação de reclamação à União Europeia em 2015


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Testemunha digital web internet GROS área de Rimini Emilia Romagna Itália
Correspondência com o Tribunal Penal Internacional AIA ICC das violações dos carabinieri e falsificações de julgamentos do tribunal Rimini Estado da República Italiana UE


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últimos pedidos por fax para o ministério da justiça de Roma via Arenulla
https://www.facebook.com/ministerodellagiustizia -#telefax00390668897528 - #fax00390668897528


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ACESSO AUTORIZADO PELO JUIZ PARA EVITAR QUEBRA A PORTA EM 10/08/2021, também filmando a cena com telefones equipados com câmeras de vídeo, ainda hoje não me forneceram documentação com as motivações fictícias da magistratura do tribunal de Urbino, dada a presença da ambulância da cruz vermelha italiana Eu pessoalmente acredito outro estúpido e encenação ilegal para ter uma reação e poder internar o denunciante, observo que até os policiais pioraram muito ao longo do tempo infelizmente, isso acontece devido à supressão da Organização Penitenciária Militar que se encarregava de controlar ambos, atualmente no mãos da polícia financeira que mais do que fiscalizar tramam juntas


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trato escrito no documento para tradução da web

Juízo de Urbino
Juíza Francesca D'orazio e outros ...

Eu intervenho na minha memória e defesa já privado do direito

Peço-vos com justiça que verifiquem e descontem os juros não devidos pela Euribor fraudada nos anos 2007 2008 2009 sobre a dívida bancária do imóvel, não posso me dar ao luxo de pagar o indevido.

Quanto ao início do suposto crime de 12/08/2009 em que não parei de dirigir, sem laudo, sem recibo da Aci, subtraindo as chaves com insistência reiterada e injustificada, o que dá origem ao RGNR 10606/09 RGGIP 6332 / 09, o envolvimento do tribunal de Rimini reclama de imediato, pessoalmente considero um tribunal que traiu durante 14 meses, portanto um tribunal em conflito de interesses e atribuição, um tribunal que nas primeiras investigações cita Daniela como defensora oficial Grossi , então chega Pretelli Annibale, um procedimento de injúria agravada é aberto também contra mim, um crime que eu teria cometido em 2/4/2010, chega aos correios de Urbino em 7/3/2011, precisamente 13 meses depois, embora a médica mostra que está processando meus dados desde 13/12/2010,abrindo processo RGNR 5981/10 RGGIP 6974/10 para impugnar um documento do meu defensor de dez meses e dez dias antes, que chegou em minhas mãos com documentos em abril de 2011, o tribunal de Rimini está parcialmente ciente da minha versão queima e inquisitoria para a sua administração por carta registada ao GIP Lucio Ardigo de 29/11/2010 e subsequente telegrama.
Juiz, creio que 13 meses são um pouco exagerados para me entregar o crime de lesão agravada, considerar que naquele ano foi o advogado que me trouxe a escritura para a Páscoa, então para levar em consideração a chegada em menos de 60 dias a partir de 'audiência de 12/5/2011 onde enviei pela primeira vez a carta registrada e telegrama ao GIP declarando 7 pessoas e encontrei apenas 4 réus com os nomes, a promotora Irene Lilliu não participa do tribunal, a audiência preliminar ocorre em pela manhã em que a juíza Sonia Pasini declara que o primeiro processo já havia sido encerrado, perguntando ao advogado Se Pretelli tivesse chegado, o advogado. confirmado não, no segundo processo há deslegitimação por parte da advogada da contraparte que enquanto falava com a juíza me chama de Gabriele Fedrigucci,

Prezado Sr. Juiz, com os documentos que lhe envio demonstro que sempre solicitei comprovação por carta registrada e telegrama, então na denúncia ao gdf, também estou pronto hoje para confirmar o que foi declarado a emergência 112 em cerca de uma dúzia telefonemas já elucidativos para uma criança, sempre omitidos.
Acredito que com tais procedimentos ilegais e comprometidos, quem se torna um perdedor e tem que arcar com as injustas custas judiciais, escondendo a possibilidade de apurar os fatos que realmente aconteceram e encontrados em tanta tecnologia e papel no registro criminal.


primeiro documento abrindo investigações frente verso 12/08/09

segundo documento de três páginas registrado GIP 29/11/2010

terceiro documento telegrama GIP 01/11/11

documento de lesão agravada anexo envelope verde com carimbo postal 03/07/2011 notificado a Annibale Pretelli (advogado denunciado em 29/8/2012 ao gdf) 4 páginas https://2000leo.home.blog/2021/10/31/rgnr5981- 10it /

documento denunciando associações criminosas dos Carabinieri Rimini

Sr. Juiz, essas são as ofensas que o Estado italiano pretende esconder no link abaixo https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=111080788018255&id=111059268020407

entenda: não é fácil contar todas as falsidades produzidas, talvez uma estratégia dissuasiva e tendenciosa para o enredamento

capital residual 2016 eu 6274.80 Atenciosamente https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.fedrigucci.94/

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Ministério Público do Tribunal de Justiça de Rimini.

Audiência preliminar RGNR 5981/10 de 05/12/2011 onde a promotora Irene Lilliu não comparece em sala de aula em https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tribunale-Di-Rimini/355829454504839/


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Realtà_Italiane_wordpress_com_ITALIA_2000_2021 #Leonardo_Fedrigucci

#INTERNAUTA_AUTOR_REPRESENT_VITTIMA https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.fedrigucci.94



http://www.gdf.gov.it/https://www.carabinieri.it/- https://www.tribunale.rimini.giustizia.it/https://www.procura.rimini.giustizia.it/http://www.prefettura.it/rimini/multidip/https://www.mit.gov.it/https://www.difesa.it/https://www.giustizia.it/https://www.interno.gov.it/https://www.mef.gov.it/https://www.poliziadistato.it/https://www.polizialocalerimini.it/https://www.quirinale.it/https://www.governo.it/http://www.camera.it/http://www.senato.it/http://www.procuragenerale.ancona.it/http://www.giustizia.marche.it/http://www.tribunaleurbino.it/https://www.tribunale.laquila.giustizia.it/https://www.cortecostituzionale.it/https://www.echr.coe.int/https://eur-lex.europa.eu/https://ec.europa.eu/https://www.europarl.europa.eu/https://europa.eu/european-union/https://www.consilium.europa.eu/https://www.icc-cpi.int/https://www.aci.it/

#Italia #ministero #giustizia #corte #costituzionale #appello #conti #consiglio #superiore #della #magistratura #associazione #nazionale #magistrati #Emilia #Romagna #Rimini #provincia #comune #proloco #Miramare #Rivazzurra #Marebello #Ballariva #Riccione #confine #fiume #Marecchia #torrente #Ausa #Fogliano_Marina #uffici #giudiziari #Viale #Carlo #Alberto #Dalla #Chiesa #Planet #Humans #migration #green_deal #Green #GreenEnergy #Renewables #RenewableEnergy #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming #Capitalism #Economy #Industry #BioFuels #Solar #Deforestation #Blood #Gore #FossilFuels #Coal #Oil #Solutions #Illusions #Nature #Energy #Awareness #criterion #Digital #criminal #complaint #international #European #violations, #attention #Presidents, #commissioners #MEPs #Ursula_von_der_Leyen #Ursula #von #der #Leyen #Charles_Michel #Charles #Michel #Didier_Reynders #Didier #Reynders #Dubravka_Šuica #Dubravka #Šuica #Margrethe_Vestager #Margrethe #Vestager #Stella_Kyriakides #Stella #Kyriakides #Kadri_Simson #Kadri #Simson #Paolo_Gentiloni #Paolo #Gentiloni #Virginijus_Sinkevičius #Virginijus #Sinkevičius #Jutta_Urpilainen #Jutta #Urpilainen #LászlóTrócsányi #László #Trócsányi #Margaritis_Schinas #Margaritis #Schinas #Phil_Hogan #Phil #Hogan #Valdis_Dombrovskis #Valdis #Dombrovskis #Sylvie_Goulard #Sylvie #Goulard #Nicolas_Schmit #Nicolas #Schmit #Helena_Dalli #Helena #Dalli #Janusz_Wojciechowski #Janusz #Wojciechowski #Frans_Timmermans #Frans #Timmermans #Elisa_Ferreira #Elisa #Ferreira #Rovana_Plumb #Rovana #Plumb #MarošŠefčovič #Maroš #Šefčovič #Mariya_Gabriel #Mariya #Gabriel #Janez_Lenarčič #Janez #Lenarčič #Věra_Jourová #Věra #Jourová #Josep_Borrell #Josep #Borrell #Ylva_Johansson #Ylva #Johansson #Johannes_Hahn #Johannes #Hahn#Corte #Giustizia #Unione #Europea #ICC #CIJ #Commissione #Parlamento #Consiglio #Court #Human_Right #International #Criminal #Quirinale #Repubblica_Italiana #Presidente #Ministro_Ministero #Procura_Tribunale #Rimini #Eucouncil #Polizia_Stato #Europol #INTERPOL_HQ #NATO #ECTHR #omissioni#di#telecomunicazioni#emergenza#tecnologia#video#registrazioni#sicurezza#da#parte#dei#Carabinieri#Tribunale#Criminal#Quirinale#Repubblica#Italiana /// #denunce#Corte#Giustizia#Unione#Europea#Commissione#Parlamento#Consiglio#europa#European#Court#Human#Right#International#servizio#posto#blocco#stazione#mobile#viale#Principe#Piemonte#Fogliano#Marina#Riccione#Miramare#piantone#limitrofa#caserma#Oliveti#riviera#generale#dalla#chiesa#Romagnola#Ezio#Bevilacqua#telefoni#cellulari#mobili#privati#servizio#veicolo#dotato#sistema#satellitare#videocamera#infrarossi#telefono#cellulare#servizi#banda#pronti#Taxi#Italiani#Presidente#Ministero#Ministro#Procura#Tribunale#Rimini#Saludecio#Meleto#ECHR#Strasburgo#Bruxelles#Lussemburgo#Aia#CGUE#CJUE#EUCO#Eucouncil#CEDU#ECCHR#MAFIA#CoESPU#UNHRC#CHR#COE#Interpol#HQ#Europol#Polizia#Polizei#Policia#Politie#Politiy#Stato#Stradale#Ferroviaria#Penitenziaria#FFAA#Aeronautica#Militare#Camera#del#lavoro#Giudice#Deputati#Montecitorio#Palazzo#Chigi#Roma#Fiumicino#INCA#CGIL#procedura#falsate#giudiziarie#faide#Istituzionali#IVA#IRAP#IRPEF#TARI#bollo#Assicurazioni#garante#garanzie#garantito#MISE#MEF#agenzia#entrate#frodi#realtà#codice#civile#Ciampino#Raffaello#monopoli#norma#Monopolio#dogane#Costituzionale#valori#patrocinio#servizi#digitale#MIT#SS3#Flaminia#SS16#Adriatica#località#Bellariva#strada#nalinhadefrente#fogoamigável – ي #العدل#الأوروبية#الدولية#لحقوق#الإنسان#الشرطة#الاتصالات#السلكية#واللاسلكية#غير#المشروعة#محكمة ي

#裁判所#助言#ヨーロッパ#人権#男#準則#インターナショナル#法院#正義#議会#警察#県#суд#Европа#правосудие#essercisempre #GDF #serpico #noiconvoi #wearecarabinieri #carabinieri #PossiamoAiutarvi = #Мыможемпомочьтебе #ACI #правачеловека – #TELOIMPONGONO#ERAMEGLIONONSAPERLO#NOPAYPIZCARABINIERI#PARKINGJUDICiALGROSISCLOSED#WEARECARABINIERI#PossiamoAiutarvi#video#registrata#Emilia#Romagna#Aeroporto#Internazionale#Base#NATO#Stato#Repubblica#San#Marino#omission#callemergency#call#emergency#proprietà#Comune#parcheggio#libero#cemento#catena#segnale#utensili#autostradale#Estate#autostrada#fiera#meeting#cancello#deposito#giudiziario#Tribunale#Cittadini#automobili#carro#attrezzi#Legge#sequestro#preventivo#Res#automobili#gazzella#pronto#intervento#fatture#ACI#zona#GROS#via#Macanno#Casalecchio#incrocio#Giovanni#Palmiri#montavano#sottufficiale#maresciallo#maggiore#Ariemma#comando#Norm#nucleo#operativo #radiomobile#legione#quinto#della#Futa#Bologna#Paolo , #Giovagnoli#Franco , #Battaglino#Davide , #Ercolani#Rossella , #Talia#Irene , #Lilliu#Mavia , #Martarelli#Lucio , #Ardigò#Sonia , #Pasini#Alvaro , #Bartolucci#Giorgio , #Brasini#Patrizio , #Berdini#Gabriele , #Valentini#Concetta , #Zurlo#Virginia , #Matranga#Gabriella , #Perinetti#firmato#Leonardo#Fedrigucci-#bing#ebay#allabout#allaboutjapan#excite#watashi#google#wikipedia#duckduckgo#saucenao#tineye#searchpreview#github#fastaddons#joinhoney#getadblock#sovetnikyandex#amazon#ecosia#startpage#qwant#citavi#scholargoogle – – #mywot#wappalyzer#yandex#onenote#yahoo#endnote#agv#unpaywall#helpyahoo#simpleyoutubeconverter#pulsemail#keywordseveryhere#lilo#searchlilo#saladictcrimx#crimx#dakoda#aol#wikiwand#seznam#add0n#myprivatesearch#dnslytics#trackmenot#hsearchescentral#similarweb#mybrowseraddon#nopaypizcarabinieri#judicialdepositgrosclosed#youarecrazyandomissionjudicialtest#Cittadini #condannati #illegalmente #Stato #Italiano, #autorità #giudiziaria, #carabinieri #Strade #Italiane #Europee #AMARCORD

#ITA -La #legge è #uguale per #tutti, la #magistratura ci #vuol #vedere#chiaro, la #giustizia#farà il suo #corso, infine il #giudice#vuole #rendere #ragione, l’ #informazione#pluralistica non #farà#sconti. #Ciao ti #presento la #pubblica#amministrazione

#ENG -The #law is the #same for #everyone, the #judiciary #wants to #see us #clearly, #justice will take its #course, #finally the #judge wants to #account, #pluralistic#information#will#not#make#discounts. #Hello I #present #you the #public #administration

#FRA -La #loi est #égale pour #tous, la #magistrature#veut#nous#voir#clairement, la #justice#va #faire#son#cours, #enfin le #juge#veut#donner#raison, l’ – #information#pluraliste ne #fera#pas de #remises. #Bonjour, #voici l’ #administration

#DE#Das#Gesetz#ist#für#alle#gleich, #die#Justiz#will#uns#klar#sehen, #die #Justiz #wird #ihren #Lauf #nehmen, #schließlich #will #der #Richter #Recht #geben, #pluralistische #Informationen #werden #keine #Rabatte #machen. #Hallo, #ich #stelle #Ihnen #die #öffentliche #Verwaltung #vor #publique

#SPA#La #ley #es #igual #para #todos, #el #poder #judicial #quiere #vernos #con #claridad, #la #justicia #seguirá #su #curso, #finalmente #el #juez #quiere #rendir #cuentas, #la #información #pluralista #no #hará #descuentos. #Hola #te #presento #la #administración #pública

#PTG#A #lei é a #mesma #para #todos, o #poder #judicial #quer #ver-nos #claramente, a #justiça #seguirá o #seu #rumo, #finalmente o #juiz #quer #prestar #contas, a #informação #pluralista #não #fará #descontos. #Olá #apresento-lhe a #administração #pública

#NDL – De #wet is #voor #iedereen #hetzelfde, de #magistraten #rechterlijke #macht #wil #ons #duidelijk #zien, #gerechtigheid #zal #zijn #weg #vinden, #eindelijk #wil #de #rechter #verantwoording #afleggen, #pluralistische #informatie #zal #geen #kortingen #geven. #Hallo, #ik #presenteer u #het #openbaar #bestuur

#POL#Prawo #jest #takie #samo #dla #wszystkich, #sądownictwo #chce #nas #widzieć #wyraźnie, #sprawiedliwość #będzie #się #toczyć, w #końcu #sędzia #chce #się #rozliczyć, #pluralistyczne #informacje #nie #będą #dyskontować. #Witam #Przedstawiam #administracji #publicznej

#GRK#νόμος #είναι ο #ίδιος #για #όλους, η #δικαιοσύνη #θέλει να #δει #καθαρά, η #δικαιοσύνη θα #ακολουθήσει την #πορεία της, #τελικά ο #δικαστής #θέλει να #αιτιολογήσει, οι #πλουραλιστικές #πληροφορίες #δεν #θα #κάνουν #εκπτώσεις. #Γεια #σας, #αυτή #είναι η #δημόσια #διοίκηση

#RUS#Закон #одинаков #для #всех, #судебная #власть #хочет #видеть #нас #ясно, #правосудие #пойдет #своим #чередом, #наконец #судья #хочет #отчитываться, #плюралистическая #информация #не #будет #делать #скидок. #Здравствуйте, я #представляю #государственного #управления

#AFR#Die #wet is #dieselfde #vir #almal, #die #regbank #wil #ons #duidelik #sien, #geregtigheid #sal #sy #gang #gaan, #uiteindelik #wil #die #regter #rede #gee, #pluralistiese #inligting #sal #dit #openbaar. #Hallo #ek #bied #die #openbare #administrasie

#ARB القانون #هو #نفسه #بالنسبة #للجميع، #والقضاء #يريد #أن #نرى #لنا بوضوح، و#العدالة #سوف #تأخذ مجر#اها، #وأخير#القاضي يريد أن #يحاسب، و#المعلومات #التعددية لن #تجعل #الخصومات. #مر#حبا #أقدم #الإدارة #العامة








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