

Nach 7 Tagen #log4shell fang ich dann jetzt auch mal zuhause an:

[root@j8 tmp]# unzip -l /usr/share/openhab2/runtime/system/org/ops4j/pax/logging/pax-logging-log4j2/1.11.2/pax-logging-log4j2-1.11.2.jar | grep 'JndiLookup.class'
     2892  08-06-2019 18:45   org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

[root@j8 tmp]# systemctl disable --now openhab2.service

Zum Glück steht mein #openHAB in einem abgeschotteten Subnetz, wo er nur äusserst restriktiv zugänglich ist.



#OpenHab 3.0 est disponible

C’est une elle occasion de libérer votre installation domotique ou d’essayer le #SmartHome libre pendant vos « temps libres ».


Mes ingrédients :

  • rPi4 + carte SSD 32GB high endurance
  • Radio USB Zigbee / Z-Wave Nortek HUSBZB-1
  • Boîtier Argon One m.2 pour rPi 4 + stockage m.2 64 Go
  • Quelques ampoules, connecteurs, interrupteurs IKEA Trädfri et Philips Hue
  • Plus d’un an de lectures, essais et erreurs… et beaucoup de patience 🙂

#WPtoDiaspora #gafam #openhab #smarthome #selfhosting #zigbee #z-wave

Originally posted at: https://magicfab.ca/2020/12/openhab-3-0-est-disponible/


Kodi random video playback


Kodi has a feature called PartyMode, which instantly starts playback of random music. Currently the same feature is missing for Videos. This guide has a working solution on how to start playback of random videos from a remote client, local shell or kodi itself. Instead of PartyMode this makes use of the smart playlist feature.

The option for music can be invoked by the action PartyMode music action. In Kodi docs the same is listed for videos too, but apparently it doesn’t work as expected (tested on Kodi 17.6 and Kodi 18 Alpha). Kodi just starts the PartyMode sidebar, but doesn’t load any videos in the list or start any playback - nothing happens.

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#kodi #music #video #foss #homeautomation #openhab