

Preparing the public for expansion of the war : #US intel suggests #Syria’s #Assad agreed to send Russian missile system to #Hezbollah with #Wagner group help

👤 By Natasha Bertrand, #CNN's #Pentagon correspondent

🔶️ "The Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group, which operates in Syria, has been tasked with carrying out the delivery of the surface-to-air SA-22 missile system, the people said. It is not clear whether it has already been delivered or how close it is to delivery. The system was originally provided by Russia for use by the Syrian government, the sources said."


#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #Syria #Lebanon #Russia #lies
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


American Commandos Are in Israel Helping to Locate Hostages, #Pentagon Says

A Defense Department official, Christopher P. Maier, declined to say how many U.S. Special Operations forces were currently in Israel. But other U.S. officials say the Defense Department has dispatched several dozen commandos in recent days.



#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


US have moved at least 2 strategic B-1 bombers to their military base in Turkey.

This is the first time since #Iraq invasion that those bombers were sent to a base in the region and the first time in decades that they were sent to the #US base in #Turkey.

What is Biden planning to do? This is a scary escalation by Pentagon to defend it's illegal invasion of Syria and Iraq and a warning to Iran that they may expect US attacking Iran in case the Gaza conflict ignites the explosive keg of the region.

#StopTheWar #StopBiden #PeaceNow #Politics #Iran #Russia #Iraq #Syria #Israel #Palestine #Pentagon


The US intends to send its entire Iron Dome stockpile to Israel including two batteries and more than 300 interceptors, US official says.

I remember I told my friend that I thought #US was buying those to be able to bypass the congress if Israel ever need them by just donating them to IDF, damn I hate to be right.

Double win for Israel, first they sold 100s of millions of dollars worth of ID system and rockets, then they get them back for free when they ran out of them during their first ever real battle with @Hamas.

I'm sure they will be sent to northern Israel to prevent Hezbollah to be able to attack Israeli positions.

PS. Many military sources believe the massacre at the Gaza hospital was caused by an iron dome rocket that creates 1000a of small shrapnel pieces with almost 0 point of impact on the ground.

#IronDomes#Biden #Pentagon

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Wall Street Journal: #Israel Agrees to Delay Invasion of #Gaza So U.S. Can Rush Missile Defenses to Region

— "Israel has agreed, for now, to a request from the U.S. to get its air defenses in place to protect U.S. troops in the region ahead of an expected ground incursion into Gaza, U.S. and Israeli officials said.

The #Pentagon is scrambling to deploy nearly a dozen air-defense systems to the region, including for U.S. troops serving in #Iraq, #Syria, #Kuwait, #Jordan, #SaudiArabia and the United Arab Emirates, to protect them from missiles and rockets. U.S. officials have so far persuaded the Israelis to hold off until those pieces can be placed, as early as later this week.

Israel is also taking into account in its planning the effort to supply humanitarian aid to civilians inside Gaza, as well as diplomatic efforts to free more of the hostages held by #Hamas, officials said."

#UAE #Iran #Politics #WarOnGaza #Palestine #PeaceNow #CeasfireNow #SaveGaza #SropIsrael


The #Biden administration sent a #Marine three-star general to #Israel to advise the Israeli #military leadership ahead of the ground operation in #Gaza.

This was confirmed by #Pentagon Spox Kirby who said today that "There are a few U.S. military officers with relevant experience to the Israeli operation that are over there to share their perspective & ask hard questions – the same hard questions we have been asking our Israeli counterparts since the beginning"

The Marine Corps officers sent include Lt. Gen. James Glynn, according to a senior Israeli official. Glynn previously headed the Marines' special operations and was involved in the operations against ISIS in #Iraq.



The Defense Department said it will hold #Iran responsible for a spate of recent attacks on #American troops in the Middle East.

While the #Pentagon doesn't know if Iran “explicitly ordered” the attacks, the groups responsible are backed by #Tehran, said a DOD spokesperson.

Poor US, they are the victims here. they can't invade Syria without the big bad Iran arms the "Terrorists" against them.
