

"We might not know half of what's in our cells, new AI technique reveals." "Multi-Scale Integrated Cell (MuSIC) revealed approximately 70 components contained within a human kidney cell line, half of which had never been seen before. In one example, the researchers spotted a group of proteins forming an unfamiliar structure. Working with UC San Diego colleague Gene Yeo, PhD, they eventually determined the structure to be a new complex of proteins that binds RNA. The complex is likely involved in splicing, an important cellular event that enables the translation of genes to proteins, and helps determine which genes are activated at which times."

The system works by taking a combination of images of cells from microscope images with florescent tags with biophysical associations that come from pulling specific proteins out of cells and seeing what else is attached to it, and feeding both into an AI system. This was just a "pilot" study and only looked at 661 proteins and one cell type.

We might not know half of what's in our cells, new AI technique reveals

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