

#SãoPaulo: internações de #Crianças e #Adolescentes com #Covid crescem 61% -
https://www.redebrasilatual.com.br/saude-e-ciencia/2022/01/sao-paulo-internacoes-criancas-covid-crescem/ -
RT Rede Brasil Atual -
"...em São Paulo, cresceu 61% nos últimos dois meses. De acordo com o governo paulista, no início de novembro 109 crianças estavam hospitalizadas, enquanto neste mês esse número chegou a 171 jovens de até 17 anos." -


Houve uma brusca reversão de #Tendência no número de #Hospitalizações e #Atendimentos a casos suspeitos de #Co vid19 no município de #SãoPaulo, passando de queda a rápido crescimento. -
https://pic.twitter.com/sSbABwWYGQ -
RT Observatório COVID 19 BR -
https://twitter.com/obscovid19br/status/1473054318563676168 -


Ricardo #Nunes ( #MDB SP),prefeito de #SãoPaulo, quer aumentar #IPTU de #Pobres em 90% em plena crise -
https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/ricardo-nunes-aumentar-iptu-pobres/ -
"...imóveis das famílias mais pobres, geralmente com até 80 metros quadrados e no máximo 2 quartos. Pela proposta, o valor do metro quadrado de casas de apenas 1 pavimento, com acabamento interno simples e SEM acabamento externo na periferia, vai passar de R$ 612 para R$ 1.159..." -


#SP ultrapassa marca de #150mil #Mortos por #Co vid19 desde o início da pandemia -
https://cbn.globoradio.globo.com/media/audio/354716/sp-ultrapassa-marca-de-150-mil-mortos-por-covid-19.htm -
RT Rádio CBN -
"Se fosse um país, o estado de #SãoPaulo seria o oitavo do mundo com mais vítimas da doença e estaria à frente até do Reino Unido e da Itália, que viveram situações dramáticas no início da pandemia, com grande quantidade de infectados e mortos" -


Superlimão converts single-family home for São Paulo couple's multiple uses


Yoga house conversion by Superlimão

Brazilian architecture firm Superlimão has overhauled a large home in São Paulo, relocating the staircase to the facade and painting the front a deep shade of red.

The Yoga House project was completed for an enterprising couple that wanted to convert a portion of their home into a yoga studio, a co-working space and a rental bedroom, all on the same property.

The staircase was painted red and put outsideSuperlimão relocated the staircase during the renovation of the house

The original building was constructed in the 1990s and is located in Vila Madalena, a trendy area of São Paulo.

"[The] project had to accommodate a large room for classes, a reception area on the ground floor, a studio and co-working area on the top floor, and a room for rental in the old smaller house in the back," the team explained. On completion, the project encompasses an area of 310 square metres.

Yoga house conversion by SuperlimãoThe red front of the house contrasts with a more muted palette behind

In order to create more room inside the house, the Superlimão team relocated the staircase to the front of the building, facing the street.

This allows separate access to visitors using the ground floor spaces and those going upstairs.

Yoga house conversion by SuperlimãoThe new yoga studio features sliding screen doors

The steel structure was painted red, along with the rest of the exterior of the house.

By removing walls within the home as well as the staircase, Superlimão was able to bring much more light to the interiors.

The yoga studio and its associated functions occupy the ground floor, while the co-working area is found upstairs.

A formerly tiled area between the main home and the guest house was converted into a garden, giving yogis a view of the outdoors as they practice.

Superlimão overhauled the property to include a yoga studioYogis have a garden view while they practice

"The ceramic tiles of the outdoor area were replaced by a garden with relaxation areas, featuring an architectural style that conveys a calm and soothing environment, with a more neutral and cosy colour palette and natural elements," explained Superlimão.

Neutral colours feature in the home's gardenThe outside area is designed to be relaxing

"The light-colored walls and curved corners helped heighten the warm and welcoming feel of the environment," the team added.

A much more muted palette indoors contrasts the bright red facade, lending the spaces a bright and welcoming feeling.

The building accommodates a co-working space upstairs

Superlimão is based in São Paulo and has completed several other projects in the city, including the conversion of an old warehouse into a minimalist dental studio and a historic apartment in which vivid colors were combined with traditional building elements.

The photography is byIsrael Gollino.

Project credits:

Team: Thiago Rodrigues, Lula Gouveia, Antonio Carlos Figueira de Mello, Inaiá Botura, Viviane Camilli

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#residential #all #architecture #brazil #sãopaulo #houses #staircases #redbuildings #brazilianhouses #coworking #yoga



#pandemia #pandemic #Brasil #Brazil #SãoPaulo #covid-19


💉 #Vacinação 💉 #Co vid19 #SãoPaulo -
Anos -
37-39 - 08/07 a 14/07
35-36 - 15/07 a 18/07
30-34 - 19/07 a 04/08
25-29 - 05/08 a 12/08
18-24 - 13/08 a 20/08
12-17 - com deficiência/comorbidade - 23/08 a 05/09
15-17 - 06/09 a 19/09
12-14 - 20/09 a 30/09
RT Coronavirus COVID-19 -


#Paulista lotada em #SãoPaulo confirma que ato de #3J conseguiu superar expectativa e põe pressão sobre Arthur #Lira ( #PP AL) -
https://www.viomundo.com.br/politica/paulista-lotada-confirma-que-ato-de-3j-conseguiu-superar-expectativa-e-poe-pressao-sobre-arthur-lira.html -
Via Viomundo - #3J #ForaBolsonaro #3JPovoNasRuas #3JForaBolsonaro -
"Em todo o Brasil, os manifestavam expuseram cartazes muito mais indignados contra Jair #B0ls0naro (sem partido) do que no ato anterior: desta vez, o presidente foi escrachado não apenas como #Genocida, mas como #Corrupto e #Diabólico." -